domingo, 10 de maio de 2020

Geisterderby: Böhme „sehr optimistisch, dass der S04 gewinnt“

Gleich am ersten Spieltag nach dem Neustart der Bundesliga reist der FC Schalke 04 am Samstag zu Borussia Dortmund. Vor dem ersten Revier-Geisterderby der Bundesliga-Geschichte weiß keiner so recht, wie die Mannschaften einzuordnen sind. Jörg Böhme aber gibt sich siegessicher.
Den Sieg in Dortmund in der Vorsaison habe er als TV-Experte begleitet, erinnert der Ex-Nationalspieler gegenüber Reviersport. „Warum sollte uns das nicht noch einmal gelingen? Ich bin sehr optimistisch, dass der S04 gewinnt.“ Am 31. Spieltag hatten die Königsblauen mit 4:2 gegen den BVB in zeitweise doppelter Unterzahl gewonnen und dem Erzrivalen so kräftig in die Meister-Suppe gespuckt. Heuer habe Schalke einige Verletzte zurück in der Mannschaft, argumentiert Böhme.
Geisterspiel Vorteil für Schalke
Wichtiger noch aber sei der Umstand des Geisterspiels. „Der BVB spielt ohne seine Zuschauer im Rücken.“ Dass das ein bedeutender Faktor gerade in einem Derby sein könnte, liegt auf der Hand. Auch eingedenk der Tatsache, dass Dortmund als einziger Bundesligist die bisherige Spielzeit ohne Heimniederlage absolviert hat. Böhme setzt darauf, dass seine Schalker mit dem „enorm hohen Druck“ besser umgehen als die Schwarzgelben. „Niemand kann jetzt schon wissen, wie er die Pause und die besondere Situation als Einzelner und als Team verkraftet hat“, sagt der 46-jährige, der einst für seine linke Klebe gefürchtet wurde.
„Keine schlechten Erinnerungen“
Der BVB dürfte dabei froh sein, dass Böhme seine Schuhe längst an den Nagel gehängt hat und dem FC Schalke 04 nicht zur Verfügung steht. Schließlich war er ein Spezialist im umkämpften Nachbarschaftsduell. „Schlechte Derby-Erinnerungen habe ich keine. Das darf gerne am kommenden Samstag wieder so sein“, sagt Böhme. Für S04 stand er siebenmal in einem Revierderby auf dem Feld, gewann vier und verlor nicht ein einziges Mal.

Werner would fit well at Liverpool, says Rangnick

RB Leipzig star Timo Werner would fit well at a club like Liverpool, according to former coach Ralf Rangnick.
Werner, 24, has been heavily linked with a move to the Premier League leaders after scoring 27 goals in 36 games for RB Leipzig this season.
Rangnick, the former Leipzig coach and now the head of sport and development at Red Bull, wants Werner to stay, but feels Liverpool would suit the forward.
"The league is less important, but the club, from a purely hypothetical point of view, I would better see him in good hands with a club that is not necessarily defined by ball possession football," he told BILD.
"Since Timo has made progress under Julian Nagelsmann, his most important weapons, however, are the quick switching movement and his powerful finish.
"Therefore, he would rather fit a club like Liverpool, which is similar to our style of play, but I would prefer him to stay here."
Werner has enjoyed four strong seasons at RB Leipzig, netting 88 times in 150 games for the club since joining from Stuttgart in 2016.
Rangnick said the Germany international had a decision to make over his future.
"In the end, it is up to Timo to decide what he wants to do. Here in Leipzig he knows what he has," he said.
"Here he can play Champions League again next year."
Rangnick added: "And Timo is someone who also needs trust. He only gets that if the respective trainer knows him and relies on him."

Arsenal brengt ode aan Bergkamp: 'Alle criticasters de mond gesnoerd'

Dennis Bergkamp blaast zondag 51 kaarsjes uit en dat gaat bij zijn oude club Arsenal niet onopgemerkt voorbij. De club die hij tussen 1995 en 2006 diende blikt terug op enkele memorabele momenten uit zijn tijd bij The Gunners.
Arsenal nam Bergkamp in de zomer van 1995 over van Internazionale. In Milaan had hij moeite met de defensieve speelstijl en in zijn tweede seizoen viel ook zijn rendement wat tegen. Ook in Engeland werden er wat vraagtekens gezet bij de komst van Bergkamp en dat gevoel werd versterkt door de moeizame start die de aanvaller kende in Londen. 'Er waren criticasters en twijfelaars, maar die heb je allemaal de mond gesnoerd. In stijl', schreef Arsenal zondag op het Twitter-account van de club.
In elf seizoenen speelde Bergkamp uiteindelijk ruim vierhonderd duels voor Arsenal, waarin hij meer dan honderd keer scoorde. Zo zijn er op zijn verjaardag nogal wat doelpunten, acties en passes te benoemen door de club, die daar een poging toe deed op social media. Met bijvoorbeeld de fameuze draai voorafgaand aan een goal tegen Newcastle United en de hattrick in 1997 tegen Leicester City. Daarbij kwamen zijn goals op één, twee en drie terecht in de 'Doelpunt van de Maand'-verkiezing van BBC-programma Match of the Day. 'Bedankt voor alles, Dennis', tweette Arsenal.
En als we het over Bergkamp hebben, mogen we deze goal niet vergeten

«Поделись историей»: Мусаев — о том, как подавал мячи Александру Анюкову и вышел на поле в матче ЛЧ в 9 лет

О «Зените» я узнал так — когда стал заниматься в «Смене» в шесть лет, отец начал брать меня с собой на стадион, рассказывать про игроков. Прекрасно помню свои первые впечатления от «Петровского»: больше всего поразило то, как все вокруг болели за свою родную команду в любом эпизоде, как ей это помогало и как тяжело приходилось сопернику. Особенно выделял Андрея Аршавина — он реально очень хорошо смотрелся!

А вскоре я и вовсе вышел на поле «Петровского» вместе с «Зенитом». Сохранилось фото — я там еще совсем маленький, лет девять было, вывожу команды в матче Лиги чемпионов УЕФА. Играли против БАТЭ, всех ребят из Академии расставили, и мне достался судья. Было обидно, что кто-то в этот момент шел рядом с Аршавиным, а я с арбитром, но ничего не поделать. Поменяться нельзя было, хотя очень хотелось.

После таких мероприятий нам выдавали клубные шарфы и значки. Постоянно носил их, когда ходил на игры, а позже их стали брать с собой родители, когда приходили болеть за меня. Мы ведь вместе с ними всегда следили за «Зенитом», переживали — и я никогда бы не поверил, что окажусь в команде. Это было что-то нереальное для меня. Смотрел матчи, старался запоминать какие-то приемы, учился. Когда был в Академии, часто ходил на «Петровский», подавал там мячи, например, Александру Анюкову. И представьте — проходит несколько лет, и я оказываюсь вместе с ним на сборах. Так что теперь, когда выхожу на «Газпром Арену», иной раз думаю: «Это вообще со мной происходит?».

Кстати, те бутсы, в которых я играл на нашем стадионе в товарищеском матче с «Шальке», хранятся у родителей дома, на видном месте.

Присылайте свои истории, фотографии и футбольные реликвии на и публикуйте в социальных сетях с описанием и хештегом #Зенит95.

Об интересных историях и экспонатах «Зенит» расскажет в клубных медиа. Лучшие войдут в финальный проект — выставку, посвященную болельщикам сине-бело-голубых.

Luis Díaz e o regresso ao trabalho: «Custou muito fisicamente»

Luis Díaz, avançado do FC Porto, assumiu que o regresso aos treinos no Olival, após a paragem, custou fisicamente aos jogadores. O internacional colombiano explica que os treinos em casa não permitem manter determinados índices físicos.
«Foi um pouco complicado porque trabalhar em casa não é o mesmo que estar no centro de treinos. Custou muito fisicamente e um pouco também a readaptar a estar com a bola porque quase não a víamos em casa», disse à imprensa da Colômbia.
O jogador explicou ainda como estão a ser os trabalhos, garantindo que estão a ser cumpridas as medidas de segurança.
«Estamos a trabalhar com oito jogadores, mantendo todas as normas que o clube estabeleceu, com máscaras, a desinfeção, evitando os contactos, e respeitando as distâncias. Os treinos, mais do que tudo, têm sido de finalização e nos primeiros dias quase não nos aproximámos uns dos outros. É normal», acrescentou.

Jovic quiere una segunda oportunidad en el Madrid

Han sido estas últimas horas muy difíciles para Luka Jovic (22 años). Cuando se disponía a regresar a los entrenamientos, este lunes, con el Madrid, el jueves, un día después de pasar el test del coronavirus, tenía que regresar a Valdebebas por un fuerte dolor en el pie derecho. Las pruebas mostraron una fractura extraarticular en el hueso calcáneo, un diagnóstico que apunta a alrededor de dos meses de baja.

La noticia fue un directo al ánimo del delantero, que estará unos cuatro meses, desde el parón por el COVID-19 hasta su recuperación, sin competir. Su rehabilitación requerirá paciencia, cuidado y una exigente minipretemporada en pleno julio, requisitos de los que Jovic ya está concienciado. Es consciente de que ha tocado fondo, de que su primer curso en el Madrid ha estado salpicado por escasez de confianza de Zidane, que suele ir despacio con los jóvenes, rendimiento discreto, errores y mala suerte.
En base a eso inicia un reseteo que este último percance va a retrasar. Estaba con la moral alta, después de este tiempo sin fútbol, para demostrar por qué se hizo un nombre en el Eintracht (27 dianas y 7 asistencias en 50 apariciones) y el Madrid había pagado 60 millones de euros por él. Su objetivo ahora es reponerse bien y lo más pronto posible, apurar sus opciones de llegar al tramo final y más decisivo de la Liga y, sobre todo, a la Champions, que está prevista para agosto.

Pretendientes en Italia

Jovic quiere otra oportunidad no sólo en lo que resta de 2019-20, sino también en la 2020-21. Siente que, por la falta de minutos, no ha podido acoplarse como le hubiera gustado. Sólo ha disputado 770 muy espaciados, lo que le coloca como el jugador 19 de la plantilla en participación. En ellos ha aportado 2 tantos y 2 asistencias, con un promedio de intervención en un gol cada 192,5 minutos.
Por eso cree que no ha tenido una oportunidad real, que es lo que persigue. Pretende, al menos, darse una temporada más para contar con más tiempo; si no es así, buscaría una salida; si juega más y no alcanza su nivel, también. Le han llamado en los últimos meses clubes como Nápoles y Milán.

En las recientes conversaciones con San Siro se informó del interés pero se explicó que la crisis económica tiene al club italiano atado de manos: hoy es más un deseo que algo factible. El plan de Jovic, no obstante, es triunfar de blanco y que el Bernabéu coree su nombre, como desveló su preparador físico personal en AS. El Madrid le trasladó un mensaje de confianza cuando se encontraba en Belgrado, pero el margen de error se va reduciendo...

Presidente do Septemvri Sofia: «Benfica não pode roubar e esconder-se atrás dos regulamentos»

O presidente do Septemvri Sofia não se conforma com a atuação do Benfica na contratação do jovem central Kaloyan Kostov.  Rumen Chandarov, presidente do clube da segunda divisão da Bulgária, afirmou ao jornal OJogo que está a estudar uma queixa na FIFA contra os encarnados, por ter falado com o jovem antes deste ter atingido os 16 anos.
«O Septemvri Sofia vai fazer tudo o que for possível para defender os seus interesses junto das mais altas autoridades. As evidências provam que o Benfica negociou com o jogador Kaloyan Kostov muito antes de ele completar 16 anos. Ele fez duas viagens a Portugal, uma com o pai, outra com toda a sua família, e também soubemos que, meses antes, a Federação Portuguesa de Futebol pediu à Federação da Bulgária o seu passaporte internacional, sendo isso revelador que estavam a planear uma ação insidiosa. Recebemos duas propostas superiores ao que o Benfica vai pagar», disse.
«Um clube com o nome do Benfica não pode roubar de forma impune e esconder-se atrás dos regulamentos da FIFA. É inacreditável que o Benfica tente compensar financeiramente intermediários e pais mas não se sente à mesa com o Septemvri», acrescentou.

Oguchi Onyewu: Current USMNT pool most talented individually, but lack collective spirit

Oguchi Onyewu collected 69 senior US men's national team caps over the course of a decade from 2004-2014 during his long and winding 15-year playing career that ended in 2018. So, when he was asked by host Herculez Gomez in an interview on ESPN FC on Thursday about his thoughts on the current player pool at the disposal of USMNT head coach Gregg Berhalter, Onyewu's analysis is worth considering. 
To hear Onyewu tell it, in terms of raw talent, the current USMNT pool has just as much, if not more, than in any previous eras under Bruce Arena, Jurgen Klinsmann and Bob Bradley. The difference, he said, is that the current crop is largely a youthful bunch, still in search of a clear and cohesive identity that previous iterations of the team possessed.
"Very promising," Onyewu said of the current pool. "I would say that because of the progression and the growth of the modern player, I think individually all these players are potentially better than all of the other individual players from previous years. I would say what they lack is the collective ability that former national teams had. They don't have that identity, they don't have that cohesiveness as a team. But if you take each each individual player you'd be like, 'Oh wow, this player is playing here, this guy is playing here.' They're there. They have the technical ability. So now how do you take individuals and make it a unit? That's going to be their main challenge."
Check out a full segment from Gomez's interview with Onyewu that includes more of his thoughts on the past and future of the USMNT below.

Milan, Bennacer nel mirino di una big d'Europa

La prima stagione al Milan di Ismael Bennacer è stata condizionata dalla sosta forzata per il Coronavirus.
L'ex centrocampista dell'Empoli ha però convinto in quanto a rendimento al punto da attirare l'attenzione di una big d'Europa come il Paris Saint-Germain.
I francesi hanno presentato un’offerta da 30 milioni di euro, ma la società rossonera ha detto no.
Secondo quanto riferisce '' il direttore dell'area tecnica del club francese, Leonardo segue da tempo l'algerino e potrebbe formulare a breve un rilancio in grado di far vacillare il Milan e il giocatore, allettato dalla possibilità di vestire la maglia del Psg.

Liverpool And Benfica Are Leading The Chase For Talented Young Forward: One For The Future?

According to a recent print edition of AS (translated by Sport Witness), Liverpool and Benfica are leading the chase for Talles Magno this summer. The same source has also claimed that the Vasco Da Gama teenage striker is on the radar of several top European clubs with the Reds now joining the bidding ‘aggressively’ ahead of the summer transfer window (via Sport Witness). It is believed that the Brazilian striker’s current contract at the São Januário Stadium contains a €50m exit clause, but he could be signed for ‘around €25m’ in this off-season (via AS).

Magno’s Impressive Start To Life In The Brazilian Top-Flight

The Rio de Janeiro-born youngster came through the youth ranks of Vasco Da Gama before breaking into the club’s first-team last year. At the tender age of 17, Magno has already managed to get some valuable game time with the senior team under his belt.
The promising starlet has made 17 appearances for the Brazilian outfit so far, finding the back of the net on two occasions while providing one assist across all competitions. As evidenced by his stellar start to life in the Brazilian Serie A, Magno has the ceiling to become a world-class forward someday as long as he can keep improving himself with each year.

The 17-year-old has also represented Brazil at the Under-17 level and has garnered a lot of praise for his performances at the international stage. He has registered three goals in six matches for the Brazilian U-17 side thus far and has the potential to play a crucial role for his country in the years to come.

Liverpool and Benfica are leading the chase for Magno (Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp shown in the photo)
Jurgen Klopp, manager of Liverpool looks on before the Premier League match between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Liverpool FC at Molineux on January 23, 2020, in Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. (Photo by Catherine Ivill/Getty Images)

What Are The Brazilian Whizkid’s Best Attributes?

Magno has averaged 1.9 shots, 0.8 key passes and 2.2 dribbles per game in the Brazilian first division this season which is an incredible feat for a player of his age (stats via whoscored). He is primarily a centre-forward but is also versatile enough to fill in as a winger if required. The Brazilian attacker can use his quickness and agility to make some darting runs in the final third. He is full of tricks and possesses outstanding ball-control that allow him to complete a few dangerous dribbles in the opposition half. He is also not shy of working his socks off for the benefit of his side.

Is Magno A Prospect For The Future?

There is no denying that Magno is still quite raw and would require time to develop into a world-class forward. Therefore, Jurgen Klopp will need to be patient with him before handing him a chance to taste Premier League football in the coming seasons. If Liverpool can win the race for his signature, then the South American sensation will significantly bolster the quality of the Merseyside club’s academy.
The Reds have already got some outstanding young players like Curtis Jones and Harvey Elliott in their squad. Magno could be another gem in the making, so the 2019 UEFA Champions League champions will benefit a lot from bringing him to the north-west of England. He is undoubtedly a prospect to look out for in the future as he has all the attributes required to become a top goal-getter someday. Klopp could potentially use Magno in the cup competitions before gradually incorporating him in his first-team in the coming years.

West Ham and Chelsea wanted Gabriel Barbosa in January, claims agent

When speaking to Brazilian journalist Jorge Nicola, Junior Pedroso – the agent of Gabriel Barbosa, explained how his client was a target for both West Ham and Chelsea in January, and opened up on why he ended up joining Flamengo instead.

The Sun claimed back in January that Hammers manager David Moyes wanted to sign the Brazilian hitman for around £20 million.
It was also claimed by the Sun that Chelsea boss Frank Lampard was keen to bring the 23-year-old to Stamford Bridge.

Prolific striker chose Brazil instead of England

Gabigol eventually joined Flamengo in a deal believed to be worth just €20 million (£17.5 million) – an absolute bargain. (ESPN).
And Barbosa’s agent Junior Pedroso has opened up on why his client chose to join the Brazilian giants, rather than move to either the Hammers or the Blues, when speaking exclusively to Jorge Nicola:
“We had the possibility of several clubs who wanted to understand his situation. And each club… it was a complicated window in January in Europe. Gabriel is in great form, obviously he drew the attention of many big clubs. But who really advanced were two teams in Germany and a team in England that made a proposal, which was West Ham. We had flirted with Chelsea and some other clubs. But for the project that was presented in January, Flamengo were the best project for him to take off in his career.”

Both West Ham and Chelsea would have been disappointed to miss out on the prolific front-man.


Barbosa scored 43 goals in 56 games whilst on loan with Flamengo from Inter Milan last season (The Sun).
The 23-year-old’s playing style is similar to that of Manchester City star Gabriel Jesus. And he could have been a huge success in the Premier League.
For just £17.5 million, Gabigol would have been a massive bargain for both London clubs.
And West Ham and Chelsea will be left wondering if they could have done more to win the race for his signature five months ago.

U.S. soccer star Alex Morgan gives birth to daughter

U.S. soccer star Alex Morgan is a mother.
The Diamond Bar native and U.S. national team member gave birth to a daughter on May 7. Charlie Elena Carrasco, the first child of Morgan and her husband, Major League soccer midfielder Servando Carrasco,  arrived at 11:30 a.m., and weighed in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces.

Morgan announced the birth in social media posts on Saturday.
“She made us wait longer than expected, but I should have known she would do it her way and here way only,” Morgan wrote.
Carrasco also shared the news in an Instagram post on Saturday, writing: “Charlie Elena Carrasco, we love you so much baby girl. Alex you’re such a warrior. 5/7/20 – best day of my life.”
Morgan, 30, helped lead the U.S. team to FIFA World Cup championships in 2015 and 2019, tying the tournament high with six goals in the 2019 World Cup in France. She was a member of the U.S. gold-medal-winning team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, and currently plays for the Orlando Pride of the National Women’s Soccer League.

At 1130am on May 7 weighing 8lbs5oz, Charlie Elena Carrasco made her grand entrance into the world. She made us wait longer than expected, but I should have known she would do it her way and her way only. My super moon baby.

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Former Zamalek manager Christian Gross announces his retirement

Former Zamalek, Tottenham, and Stuttgart manager, , has announced his retirement from management, bringing his 32-year career to an end.
Gross was reappointed by Saudi Professional League, , back in October after parting ways with Zamalek.
However, the 65-year-old had his contract terminated by Al Ahli in February as the club sit fourth in the league table.
After almost three months as a free agent, Gross has now decided to end his career in football, announcing his retirement on Swiss television.

“I decided to stop coaching,” Gross told Swiss TV channel SRF. “I don’t think I’ll be back anytime soon.”

Despite his announcement, Gross did not rule out a return to management in the future, saying: “If I receive a good offer, then why not? You never know.”

Gross was appointed by Zamalek in 2018 and rejuvenated the White Knights’ squad, helping them win the Saudi-Egyptian Super Cup and the first CAF Confederation Cup title in the club’s history.
The Swiss manager also had fruitful a spell with Al Ahli, guiding them to the Crown Prince Cup in 2015 and the domestic double a year later.

Alle Infizierten beim 1. FC Köln wohl wieder negativ getestet

Fußball-Bundesligist 1. FC Köln kann in wenigen Tagen wohl wieder auf seinen gesamten Spielerkader zurückgreifen.

Köln (SID) - Fußball-Bundesligist 1. FC Köln kann in wenigen Tagen wohl wieder auf seinen gesamten Spielerkader zurückgreifen. Wie der Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger berichtet, seien die beiden infizierten Spieler sowie der infizierte Physiotherapeut bereits am vergangenen Mittwoch negativ auf das Coronavirus getestet worden. Somit können die drei Betroffenen nach Ablauf der vorgeschriebenen zweiwöchigen Quarantäne wohl am Donnerstag wieder zur Mannschaft stoßen. 
Das Team befindet sich vor dem Bundesliga-Restart bereits in der im Hygienekonzept vorgesehenen Hotel-Quarantäne. Die Kölner starten am Sonntag (15.30 Uhr/Sky) mit einem Heimspiel gegen den FSV Mainz 05 in die Restrunde.

Liga, club avvisati: ripartenza fissata per il 12 giugno

LaLiga insiste per poter riprendere il campionato il 12 giugno. La maggior parte dei club ha già iniziato ad allenarsi con la mentalità di essere pronta a giocare di nuovo in quella data (il Real Madrid lo farà lunedì) e per questo sta rispettando attentamente tutti i protocolli stabiliti dalla Lega stessa e dal Consiglio Superiore dello sport. Il campionato è stato interrotto alla 27esima giornata, ne restano da giocare ancora 11.
Spagna, giallo Betis: tre giocatori positivi al coronavirus, ma club smentisce

Coppe ad agosto

I mesi di giugno e luglio, nei piani dei club, saranno dedicato al campionato, agosto sarà il mese delle coppe. L'idea è di iniziare il 12 quando ci sarà già stato più di un mese di allenamento, tempistica raccomandata dalle autorità sanitarie. La data è ancora soggetta all'approvazione del Ministero della Salute, ma i club sono già stati allertati, mentre il 19 giugno sarebbe considerata un'alternativa.

Timore nuovi casi

La preoccupazione principale in questo momento tra tutti i club è la prevenzione da possibili infezioni, una volta che gli allenamenti sono già iniziati. L'idea della Liga è che le partite si giochino venerdì, sabato e domenica, come era accaduto prima dell'interruzione della competizione. Durante la settimana gli incontri si terranno martedì, mercoledì e giovedì. La cosa principale è salvare i diritti televisivi, che rappresentano gran parte dei budget delle squadre di calcio professionistiche spagnole.

Calcio: Dybala non si ferma, allenamento anche di domenica

La guarigione dal coronavirus, i test, le prime corse. Non perde tempo Paulo Dybala, che anche oggi si è allenato alla Continassa. Da solo. L'argentino, che soltanto mercoledì ha annunciato al mondo di avere sconfitto il virus, ha approfittato della domenica per recuperare il tempo perso e mettersi alla pari dei compagni, di nuovo in campo domani per delle sedute individuali.
In attesa di conoscere se e quando si tornerà a giocare, il numero dieci corre verso il pieno recupero. L'allenamento solitario è durato all'incirca tre ore, poi il campione della Juventus si è spostato nel vicino Jhotel per farsi la doccia e cambiarsi.

Nie mehr FC Bayern? Coutinho droht Ausfall bis zum Saisonende

Ist die Zeit von Philippe Coutinho beim FC Bayern abgelaufen? Einem Medienbericht aus Spanien zufolge, wird der Brasilianer wohl kein Spiel mehr für die Münchner bestreiten können.

München - Ende April unterzog sich Philippe Coutinho einer Operation am Sprunggelenk, bei welcher ein freier Gelenkkörper entfernt wurde. Damals hieß es von Seiten des Vereins, dass der Ausnahmekünstler rund 14 Tage ausfallen würde. 
Wie die spanische Sportzeitung "Mundo Deportivo" erfahren haben will, verzögert sich der Heilungsprozess nun allerdings enorm. Coutinho könnte bis zu sechs Wochen ausfallen. Demnach würde der 27-Jährige den Bayern erst wieder Ende Juni zur Verfügung stehen.

Coutinho ohne Abschiedsspiel?

Sollte der von der DFL vorgestellte Spielplan für den Neustart eingehalten werden, steht der 27. Juni im Moment als letzter Spieltag fest. Das könnte für Philippe Coutinho sehr knapp werden. Ein Abschied aus München, ohne noch einmal das rote Trikot getragen zu haben, droht.
Einzige Möglichkeit wäre, dass die UEFA und FIFA die Vertragsfristen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie anpassen und nach hinten verschieben, schließlich sollen im Juli und August die internationalen Klub-Wettbewerbe zu Ende gespielt werden.
Da das Coutinho-Leihgeschäft zwischen dem FC Bayern und dem FC Barcelona bis zum 30. Juni läuft, müsste auch hier eine Ausnahmeregel gefunden werden. Eine vorzeitige Rückkehr zu den Katalanen soll aufgrund der Verletzung zumindest kein Thema sein.

What if MLS/Liga MX merged to create a North American SuperLeague?

Mike Thomas plays commissioner and outlines a plan

Editor’s Note: Talk has intensified lately about the potential for some kind of merger between MLS and Liga MX to create a North American super league of sorts. Philadelphia Union fan Mike Thomas came up with a plan he shared recently on his Twitter account that we are re-posting below.
54 Teams - 18 Mexican, 36 USA/Canada
18 Mexican, 36 USA/Canada

Eastern League

Montreal Impact
Toronto FC
New England Revolution
New York City FC
Red Bull New York
Philadelphia Union
DC United
Charlotte MLS
North Carolina FC

Southern League

Nashville SC
Atlanta United
Orlando City SC
Inter Miami
Houston Dynamo
FC Dallas
Austin FC
San Antonio FC
Tampa Bay Rowdies

Central League

Western League

Vancouver Whitecaps
Seattle Sounders
Portland Timbers
San Jose Earthquakes
Los Angeles FC
Los Angeles Galaxy
Sacramento Republic
San Diego Expansion
Phoenix Expansion

Liga Norte

Club Tijuana
FC Juarez
Tigres UANL
CF Monterrey
Santos Laguna
Club Necaxa
Atletico San Luis
Club Leon
Queretaro FC

Liga Sur

CD Guadalajara
Atlas FC
Monarcas Morella
Pumas UNAM
Club America
Cruz Azul
Deportivo Toluca
Club Puebla
CF Pachuca

34-Game Regular Season

League Play - home/away against each opponent = 16 games
Inter-League Play - games against opponents of two other leagues = 18 games
All teams in the same league play the same schedule. The only variation is on home/away fixtures in inter-league play.

Inter-League Schedule

Leagues Cup Playoffs

Top two teams from each league qualify plus four wild cards. Next four teams based on overall points.
No. 1 and No. 2 seeds from each league are placed on opposite ends of the bracket. Wild cards are assigned to the No. 1 seeds with the most points. Remaining No. 1 seeds are assigned the No. 2 seeds with the lowest amount of points.