sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2020
FC Bayern stolpert sich zum Sieg gegen Paderborn - Schwache Reservisten und taktische Fragezeichen
Der FC Bayern hat sich am Freitagabend zu einem 3:2-Heimsieg gegen den SC Paderborn gemüht. Neben den schwachen Auftritten der Reservisten fiel beim Rekordmeister vor allem die taktische Umstellung auf eine Dreierkette auf - mit mäßigem Erfolg. Die Bayern-Erkenntisse zur Partie.
Dreierkette funktioniert nicht
Erwartet wurde der FC Bayern am Freitagabend eigentlich in einem 4-3-3-System. Joshua Kimmich fand sich allerdings nicht im defensiven Mittelfeld ein, sondern spielte den rechten Part einer Dreierkette beim FC Bayern. Alvaro Odriozola und Alphonso Davies agierten als vorgezogene Außenverteidiger, während David Alaba und Lucas Hernandez die Dreierkette komplettieren.
Der taktische Kniff von Cheftrainer Hansi Flick ging allerdings nur bedingt auf. Joshua Kimmichs Präsenz fehlte im Mittelfeld, in dem Thiago und Corentin Tolisso kaum Dominanz herstellen konnten. Die offensiven Außen Odriozola und Davies produzierten vor allem heiße Luft und fehlten in Kontersituationen über die Außenbahnen zu häufig hinten.
Auch die Spieleröffnung fruchtete mit der Dreierkette kaum. Durch die fehlende Präsenz im Mittelfeld und die harmlosen Außen, schaffte der FC Bayern selten einen klaren und strukturierten Aufbau. "Wir hatten durch die Umstellung ein bisschen Probleme im Spielaufbau, dadurch dass wir dann zwei Außenverteidiger als Außenstürmer im Spiel und vielleicht nicht die hundertprozentige Zielstrebigkeit Richtung Tor hatten", erklärte Thomas Müller nach dem Spiel (zitiert via Eurosport).
Das Experiment Dreierkette ist nicht aufgegangen. Am Dienstag will Hansi Flick in der Champions League gegen den FC Chelsea wieder zum bewährten 4-3-3-System zurückkehren. "Das war der personellen Situation geschuldet. Ganz einfach", legte Flick die Hintergründe für den Wechsel auf eine Dreierkette dar.
Der FC Bayern lebt von Gnabry und Lewandowski
Insgesamt zeigte der FC Bayern gegen Paderborn eine über 90 Minuten eher schwache Leistung. Den Unterschied machten - wieder einmal - Serge Gnabry und Robert Lewandowski. Gnabry sorgte - im Gegensatz zu seinem Pendant Philippe Coutinho - für mächtig Betrieb, erarbeitete sich die 1:0-Führung und legte anschließend den Doppelpack von Robert Lewandowski mustergültig vor. Seine Tempoläufe und scharfen Flanken brachen den Gästen aus Paderborn letztlich das Genick.
Dass auf Robert Lewandowski Verlass ist, ist ohnehin klar. Doch ist es immer wieder erstaunlich, wie zuverlässig der Pole abliefert, wenn es nötig ist. Lewa erzielte den Treffer zum zwischenzeitlichen 2:1 und zum 3:2-Endstand kurz vor Schluss - und bewahrte den FC Bayern damit vor einem Punktverlust gegen Aufsteiger Paderborn.
Die Reservisten enttäuschen
Der zu dünne Kader ist beim FC Bayern ein Streitthema, das sich durch die ganze Saison zieht. Dass von der Bank genug Qualität kommt, lässt sich in der Regel nur an klangvollen Namen festmachen. Die gezeigten Leistungen auf dem Platz hingegen sind Wasser auf die Mühlen der Kritiker an der Münchner Kaderpolitik.
Am Freitagabend durften Corentin Tolisso, Alvaro Odriozola und Philippe Coutinho sich von Anfang an beweisen. Winter-Neuzugang Odriozola präsentierte sich auf der rechten Seite zwar umtriebig, fiel jedoch mit einem schlechten Stellungsspiel auf, ging in Zweikämpfen zu leicht zu Boden und brachte seine meist auf Hüfthöhe geschlagenen Flanken selten an den Mann.
Corentin Tolisso rutschte indes für den angeschlagenen Leon Goretzka in die Startelf, wusste aber auch nicht nachhaltig zu überzeugen. Der französische Nationalspieler spielte einige gute Bälle - wie vor dem 1:0 durch Serge Gnabry - und bot sich häufig als Element in der Offensive an, ließ jedoch Dominanz und Spielkontrolle vermissen. Insgesamt ein blasser Auftritt.
Philippe Coutinho hingegen steckt weiterhin im Formtief. Der Brasilianer tauchte gegen Paderborn erneut unter, traf in vielversprechenden Situationen die falschen Entscheidungen und spielte oftmals zu eigensinnig. Seine Zeit beim FC Bayern läuft definitiv ab.
Postura, transpiração e cobranças de Daniel: Willian F. avalia chaves para retomada do Sport
Experiente volante falou sobre os primeiros dias sob o novo técnico e o analisou o mau início de temporada rubro-negro
O momento no Sport é de ainda mais trabalho, de superar a má fase no suor. O que requer uma mudança de postura dos jogadores que já deveria ter vindo antes, afinal, os maus resultados do Leão não começaram a vir há poucos dias - são seis partidas sem vencer. Pelo menos foi o que sugeriu o volante Willian Farias ao avaliar o momento do clube, que nesta semana trocou de treinador, com a chegada de Daniel Paulista.
“Primeiros dias de pouca conversa e mais trabalho porque essa fase, situação que estamos passando a gente tem que eliminar no no suor, na transpiração. Falar pouco e trabalhar bastante”, afirmou o jogador sobre os primeiros contatos com o técnico.
No dia a dia rubro-negro o que tem se visto é um Daniel Paulista muito intenso durante os treinamentos, acompanhando não só de perto as atividades, mas participando delas com a bola e cobrando bastante, a todo instante. O volante de 30 anos também falou disso.
“Daniel cobra, assim como Guto. Mas eu não falo mais de Guto que ficou para trás. Prefiro que ele (Daniel) cobre (a gente) do que vocês (imprensa), a torcida ou a diretoria cobrem mais tarde”, disse, acrescentando. “O que a gente tinha para errar já errou. Agora é levantar a cabeça, sacodir a poeira e juntar os cacos. Trabalhar bastante e falar menos para que a gente consiga o melhor resultado”.
Na temporada, o Leão, aliás, tem apenas duas vitórias em dez e jogos e está em 5º lugar tanto na tabela do Estadual como no Regional. Por fim, ainda Willian crê que a troca de comando vai ocasionar numa competitividade ainda maior entre os jogadores que, deixa claro, nunca deixou de existir, mas vai ficar mais acentuada.
“A gente já tinha que mudar a postura desde os resultados passados. E quando chega um novo treinador, fato novo, temos que continuar trabalhando para quem vinha jogando dar sequência e quem não vinha ter chances. Isso faz com que torne competitivo entre nós, não que antes não tivesse sendo. Mas acredito que aumenta a intensidade, concentração nos treinamentos”.
Santa Cruz está a uma vitória para garantir-se na semi do PE e feito pode vir em clássico
Se vencer o Náutico, no Arruda, pela sétima rodada e o Sport empatar ou vencer o Salgueiro na rodada anterior, Tricolor carimba vaga antecipada
Depois de vencer, com autoridade, o Afogados da Ingazeira por 2 a 0, no Sertão do Pajeú, na última quarta-feira, o líder Santa Cruz - com atuais 16 pontos - está muito perto de alcançar um feito: classificar-se à semifinal do Campeonato Pernambucano. Como prevê o regulamento deste ano, os dois primeiros colocados, ao final da primeira fase, avançam diretamente às semifinais com o mando de campo garantido e em partida única.
Caso vença um dos próximos três duelos, a equipe do técnico Itamar Schülle somaria 19 pontos e seis vitórias. Feito pouco provável de ser batido por três rivais - Salgueiro, Sport e Afogados. Se quiser carimbar a vaga às quartas de final já na próxima rodada, o jogo que definirá este cenário será o de Sport e Salgueiro, na próxima quarta-feira (26).
Para realizar o levantamento, a reportagem do Superesportes não analisou a situação Náutico, uma vez que o Timbu, vice líder com atualmente 11 pontos , cinco atrás do Tricolor, mas sem ter jogado ainda - jogará contra o Central, nos Aflitos, nesta sexta-feira -, pode ultrapassar o Santa Cruz. O recorte foi feito para a classificação do Tricolor entre as duas primeiras posições do Estadual - situação que garante passagem direta à semifinal do Campeonato Pernambucano.
Na ocasião, os resultados que somente garantem a classificação antecipada do Santa Cruz na sétima rodada, são: o Leão vencendo ou empatando com o Carcará na rodada anterior, e o Tricolor vencendo o clássico diante do Náutico, no Arruda, no dia um de março. Desta forma, sem sustos, a vaga estaria carimbada à semifinal do Pernambucano.
Atualmente na terceira colocação, com nove pontos e duas vitórias no Pernambucano, o Afogados, no máximo, caso vença todos os três confrontos, poderia chegar a 18 pontos. O Santa Cruz se vencer o Náutico, somaria 19.
Em quarto lugar com cinco pontos e duas vitórias, mas com um jogo a menos, a ser disputado com o Sport, o Salgueiro, mesmo vencendo o Leão e as três partidas restantes, chegaria aos 19 pontos e seis vitórias. Desta forma, o Carcará, empatado em número de triunfos com o Tricolor - seis - e em número de pontos - 19 -, teria que tirar a diferença de seu saldo de gols. Hoje, o Santa Cruz tem um saldo positivo de oito, enquanto o time sertanejo, um.
Se alcançar o feito, este cenário seria o único a tirar a classificação do Santa Cruz entre os dois primeiros colocados do Estadual.
O Sport
Já o Sport, figurando na quinta colocação, com sete pontos e apenas uma vitória conquistada, se vencer o Salgueiro e os outros três duelos, chegaria aos 19 pontos, mas teria uma vitória a menos que o Santa Cruz, com seis. Com isso, também não poderá alcançar o time coral.
Com time alternativo, Náutico lambe as feridas da queda na Copa do Brasil e encara Central
Menos de 48 horas após ser eliminado nos pênaltis para o Botafogo, Timbu volta aos Aflitos pelo Estadual, em plena sexta de Carnaval
Hora de lamber as feridas e seguir em frente. Menos de 48 horas após a doída eliminação da Copa do Brasil, nos pênaltis, para o Botafogo, o Náutico volta aos Aflitos para encarar o Central, pela 6ª rodada do Campeonato Pernambucano. O cenário, no entanto, será bem diferente do visto na quarta-feira. A começar pela baixa perspectiva de público. Isso porque a partida ocorre ao mesmo tempo da abertura inicial do Carnaval.
Além disso, o Timbu utilizará uma equipe completamente alternativa, sem a presença de nenhum jogador que foi titular contra o Botafogo. Ainda assim, o jogo tem sua importância, já que uma vitória servirá para os alvirrubros se manterem em busca da primeira colocação do Estadual, permanecendo a dois pontos do líder Santa Cruz.
“Essa equipe que iniciou contra o Botafogo é humanamente impossível jogar. Talvez Josa e Jorge Henrique (que entraram durante a partida). Mas a gente vai forte, nossa pretensão também é entrar forte”, destacou o técnico Gilmar Dal Pozzo.
Portanto, chance mais uma vez para alguns jogadores mostrarem serviço, como o goleiro Marcão, o lateral esquerdo Erick Daltro, atacante Salatiel e o volante Djavan, que após fazer a sua estreia entrando no segundo tempo do clássico contra o Sport, sábado passado, pela Copa do Nordeste, deve ter a oportunidade de fazer a sua primeira partida como titular.
“Estou na expectativa, me sentindo bem fisicamente. Procuro trabalhar sempre em alta intensidade e creio que a oportunidade vai aparecer. E quando ela aparecer, quero agarrar da melhor forma possível”, afirmou o cabeça de área, de 24 anos, contratado junto ao Botafogo-PB.
Além de se manter na briga pela liderança, uma vitória diante do Central também deixará o Náutico mais perto de uma vaga direta nas semifinais do Estadual, uma vez que poderá abrir, na pior das hipóteses, quatro pontos de vantagem para o terceiro colocado ao final da rodada, restando apenas mais três jogos a serem cumpridos na primeira fase.
Como vem o Central
Na 7ª colocação, com apenas cinco pontos conquistados, o Central quer aproveitar o fato de enfrentar a formação alternativa do Náutico para entrar pela primeira vez na zona de classificação à próxima fase do Estadual. Para isso, a Patativa deposita as esperanças na chegada do técnico Sílvio Criciúma, substituto do demitido Evandro Guimarães e que faz a sua estreia contra o Timbu.
E apesar da situação difícil do time, o novo comandante alvinegro chegou com um discurso otimista. “Eu penso em título, penso grande, ainda tem 12 pontos em disputa. O Central é a quarta força do Estado e precisa mostrar a força. Jogo é jogo, uma vitória leva a outra”, disse.
Ficha do jogo
Marcão; Bahia, Fernando Lombardi, Rafael Ribeiro e Erick Daltro; Josa, Djavan (Wagninho) e Lucas Paraíba (Juninho Carpina); Jefferson Nem, Júlio e Salatiel Júnior. Técnico: Gilmar Dal Pozzo.
Léo, Polegar, Allan Miguel, Janelson e Wendel; Esdras, Janderson e Fábio Neves; Danilinho, Leandro Costa e Bambam. Técnico: Sílvio Criciúma.
Local: Aflitos
Horário: 19h15
Árbitro: Diego Fernando Silva
Assistentes: Clóvis Amaral e John Andson Alves.
Ingressos R$ 20 e R$ 10
Le match à rebondissements de ces 16es de finale aller de Ligue Europa a eu lieu à Glasgow, avec la renversante victoire des Rangers contre le Sporting Braga (3-2). Un scénario fou, dans une ambiance dingue.
C'est dans un Ibrox Stadium en fusion que le miracle s'est produit. Ce jeudi, en 16es de finale aller de Ligue Europa, les Rangers ont battu le Sporting Braga (3-2) après un match complètement fou et une remontada incroyable. Car à l'heure de jeu, les Portugais menaient 2-0 après les but de Fransergio (11e) et Ruiz (60).
Aribo, le slalom
Mais tout a basculé à la 67e minute. Parti sur le côté droit, Ianis Hagi signe une feinte de centre pour repiquer dans l'axe et placer une frappe angle fermé. Joli. Mais le but de l'égalisation, signé Joe Aribo à la 75e minute, n'est pas mal non plus, façon slalom entre défenseurs trop statiques ou trop timides. Plutôt pas mal compte tenu de l'état calamiteux de la pelouse écossaise.
Le stade a chaviré à la 82e, sur un coup franc d'Hagi dévié par le mur et venu tromper le gardien de Braga. Le but lui est accordé, pour un doublé marqué sous les yeux de son père, l'ancien international roumain Gheorghe Hagi (qui a notamment évolué au Barça). Vivement le retour, prévu mercredi prochain (à suivre sur RMC Sport à 18h55 sur RMC Sport).
Le stade a chaviré à la 82e, sur un coup franc d'Hagi dévié par le mur et venu tromper le gardien de Braga. Le but lui est accordé, pour un doublé marqué sous les yeux de son père, l'ancien international roumain Gheorghe Hagi (qui a notamment évolué au Barça). Vivement le retour, prévu mercredi prochain (à suivre sur RMC Sport à 18h55 sur RMC Sport).
Le Bayer Leverkusen s'est imposé ce jeudi face à Porto (2-1), en 16e de finale aller de Ligue Europa. Mais le deuxième but, un penalty de Kai Havertz que l'arbitre a fait retirer, fait polémique.
Marchesin avait tout lu et pensait avoir laissé ses coéquipiers dans le match pour tenter d'aller égaliser, en stoppant le penalty de Kai Havertz à la 55e minute. Mais l'arbitre de la rencontre entre le Bayer Leverkusen et Porto ce jeudi (2-1), en 16es de finale aller de Ligue Europa, a fait retirer le penalty. La raison? Le gardien de Porto n'avait pas les deux pieds sur la ligne de but au moment de la frappe.
Un cas similaire avait par exemple bénéficié à Wendy Renard contre le Nigéria, lors d'un match de l'équipe de France féminine en Coupe du monde en juin dernier. Mais cela reste rare, comme le rappelle l'ancien arbitre Bruno Derrien.
Un cas similaire avait par exemple bénéficié à Wendy Renard contre le Nigéria, lors d'un match de l'équipe de France féminine en Coupe du monde en juin dernier. Mais cela reste rare, comme le rappelle l'ancien arbitre Bruno Derrien.
La règle de la feinte sur la course d'élan
"A mon avis, c'est parce que le gardien de but a quitté sa ligne de but avant l'exécution du penalty. Ceci étant, c'est très rare. Je pense aussi que le gardien a été gêné par la feinte de l'attaquant, ajoute l'arbitre-consultant sur RMC Sport. Il faut aussi rappeler que la règle a changé pour la feinte." Car Kai Havertz a largement ralenti sa course d'élan pour faire une sorte de feinte et tenter de pousser le gardien adverse à plonger trop vite.
Bruno Derrien rappelle alors la règle de la course d'élan: "Il est permis au joueur de réaliser une feinte sur l'exécution d'un penalty. On parle de feinte illégale à partir du moment où, tout juste avant de botter le ballon, le tireur fait semblant de botter, s'arrête pour attendre le plongeon du gardien et botte ensuite. Lorsque le tireur est lancé, la dernière foulée et le tir doivent constituer un ensemble fluide et un même mouvement." L'ancien arbitre ajoute: "C'était le cas ce soir. Pour moi, l'attaquant n'a pas feinté."
Alors que l'Ajax s'est incliné sur la pelouse de Getafe ce jeudi, en 16e de finale aller de Ligue Europa, Ryan Babel a signé l'image gag de la soirée... en se roulant par terre, dans un numéro d'acteur, pour se moquer d'un adversaire se plaignant d'un tacle.
On reverrait presque Louis van Gaal s'écroulant dans sa zone technique à côté de l'arbitre, pour imiter Alexis Sanchez, qui se plaignait d'une faute lors d'un match entre Manchester United et Arsenal en 2016... Ryan Babel pourrait rivaliser avec l'ancien technicien néerlandais côté jeu d'acteur.
Car l'attaquant de 33 ans s'est lui aussi roulé par terre ce jeudi soir, lors de la défaite de son équipe l'Ajax sur le terrain de Getafe (2-0), en 16e de finale aller de Ligue Europa. A la 55e minute, le Néerlandais aux cheveux colorés a voulu protester contre Allan Nyom, qui se tordait de douleur au sol en se plaignant d'un coup à la jambe.
Carton jaune pour Babel
L'ancien joueur de Fulham s'est alors approché de l'action et, sous le regard de l'arbitre, s'est mis à se rouler par terre à deux mètres de son adversaire. Mais il ne s'est pas arrêté là puisque dans la foulée, Ryan Babel s'est relevé et a continué à imiter Nyom, en se tenant la jambe et en faisant semblant de boiter juste à côté de lui.
Et tandis qu'Hakim Ziyech est venu le calmer, Dusan Tadic s'est chargé d'adresser quelques mots à son adversaire, avec le sourire. Savoureux... mais pas sûr que cela suffise à atteindre les huitièmes de finale. En attendant, Babel a écopé d'un carton jaune. Dommage, Hollywood n'était pas si loin.
Задел в Харькове
В первом матче 1/16 финала Лиги Европы «Шахтер» принимал «Бенфику» в Харькове
Обе команды стали участниками турнира после того, как заняли третьи места в своих группах Лиги чемпионов. Для «горняков» это первый официальный поединок в 2020 году, в то время как «орлы» играют в очень плотном графике. В стартовых составах обошлось без неожиданностей: у «оранжево-черных» отметим выход справа в обороне Сергея Болбата и Виктора Коваленко на позиции под нападающим. У гостей на лавке остался лучший бомбардир команды Винисиус, а роль форварда досталась Сеферовичу.
Решение VAR
Хозяева начали заметно активнее, не только задав высокий темп, но и прессингуя лиссабонцев на их половине. Правда, до точных ударов дело не доходило: попытку Коваленко заблокировали, а добивание Тайсона оказалось неточным. Ключевой момент первого тайма случился на 20-й минуте: выстрел Мораеса голкипер португальцев парировал точно на Марлоса, который вколотил мяч в девятку. Однако радость трибун и самих «горняков» прервал арбитр, по рекомендации VAR отменивший гол из-за офсайда. Тут же Коваленко сильным ударом вновь заставил потрудиться Влаходимоса, а Жуниор после углового пробил в защитника гостей. «Бенфика» активизировалась в конце, но смогла выжать лишь дальний удар Пицци – рядом со штангой.
Игра на одном дыхании
В дебюте второго тайма «Шахтер» выдал мощнейший отрезок, создав несколько голевых моментов. Мораес в ближнем бою не смог переиграть кипера, следом Исмаили ворвался слева в штрафную и пробил в штангу, попытку Марлоса с угла вратарской потянул тот же Влаходимос. И все же на 56-й минуте «оранжево-черные» распечатали ворота соперника: после красивой комбинации Марлос выкатил мяч под удар Алану Патрику, который с линии штрафной ювелирно уложил мяч под штангу – 1:0! Но радость хозяев вновь оказалась недолгой, и уже спустя десять минут счет сравнялся. Португальцы забили с игры, рефери благодаря VAR взятие ворот отменил, но поставил пенальти, уверенно реализованный Пицци. Подопечные Луиша Каштру быстро вернули преимущество: на 72-й минуте Мораес почти от лицевой выкатил мяч точно на Виктора Коваленко, который в касание пробил голкипера – 2:1. В концовке привычно выручил Андрей Пятов, потащив пушку от Гримальдо, а других шансов изменить результат у команд не было.
2:1 – «Шахтер» в первом матче победил «Бенфику». Через неделю, 27 февраля, состоится ответная игра в Лиссабоне и определится участник 1/8 финала Лиги Европы.
«Шахтер» (Донецк) – «Бенфика» (Лиссабон) – 2:1 (0:0)
Харьков, ОСК «Металлист», 24 429 зрителей
Голы: 1:0 Алан Патрик (56), 1:1 Пицци (67, пен.), 2:1 Коваленко (72)
«Шахтер»: Пятов (к), Исмаили, Матвиенко, Кривцов, Болбат, Степаненко, Алан Патрик (Маркос Антонио, 80), Тайсон (Тете, 90+4), Марлос (Коноплянка, 83), Коваленко, Мораес
Takumi Minamino needn't worry about Erling Haaland - it's all part of Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool plan
As Erling Haaland continues to tear it up with Borussia Dortmund, Takumi Minamino must be wondering when his chance with Liverpool will come.
The Norwegian teen was of course team-mates with Minamino at RB Salzburg. And after a stellar half-campaign - as well as both somewhat outgrowing the Austrian champions - the duo set sail for horizons new.
Minamino docked at Melwood in January for £7.25m and has featured just four times so far for Liverpool.
While Minamino is finding his feet, Haaland on the other hand has made a splash by jumping right into the Dortmund first-team. Taking with him the ruthless goalscoring nous which was on full display in Austria's top flight.
Since making the move to Germany the Norway starlet has played seven games and scored 11 times.
Haaland has scored on his Bundesliga debut, his German cup debut and his midweek brace against Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League made it a clean sweep of debutant strikes. His net-crashing winner was his 39th goal across all competitions which is even more staggering when you consider he's appeared 29 times.
Haaland has scored on his Bundesliga debut, his German cup debut and his midweek brace against Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League made it a clean sweep of debutant strikes. His net-crashing winner was his 39th goal across all competitions which is even more staggering when you consider he's appeared 29 times.
So, as Haaland continues to incinerate the record books, it has been a quiet start to life on Merseyside for Minamino.
On Tuesday, the 25-year-old watched on from the sidelines as Atletico Madrid defeated Liverpool 1-0 at the Wanda Metropolitano.
This may leave fans wondering when Minamino will be given his own chance to tear it up.
But rest-assured it will come.
Jurgen Klopp was never going to throw Minamino in at the deep end because for one he didn't need to. And secondly Klopp has shown in the past how he likes to get new signings up to speed on how Liverpool go about their world-beating business.
There are three recent examples of when the German coach has taken this amount of time to let a player bed in. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Fabinho and Naby Keita all had to bide their time and get up to speed and reconditioned before they were called into selection.
Minamino's opportunity will come. There is no rush with Liverpool in such a commanding position in the Premier League.
Klopp also possesses an almost fully fit squad and this means Minamino will have to fight his way up the pecking order.
But as the season winds down, there will be more and more minutes for the winger to lap up especially if Liverpool are to be crowned champions of England as early as next month.
It is also important to remember the same Minamino was not long ago playing provider for Haaland and co.
So when he is called upon in a creative capacity he is already well-versed in the role.
Oliver Norwood: "I can't see myself leaving Sheffield United"
© Reuters
Oliver Norwood wants to finish his career at Sheffield United after admitting the club are targeting a place in Europe next season.
The 28-year-old is one of a handful of players Blades boss Chris Wilder wants to sign a new contract, with the likes of John Lundstram, Enda Stevens and John Fleck already in talks over new deals.
Wilder has said he is "100 per cent certain" that Norwood will reach an agreement with the club – a belief the former Northern Ireland international was happy to confirm.
"It's nice that the club want me to stay here," he said. "I've spoken to the manager and the powers that be. We'll get there. It's as simple as that.
"Why, from a personal point of view, would I want to go anywhere else? It's a special place to be and arguably I want to be here for the rest of my career. I can't see myself leaving and why would I want to?"
Norwood joined the Blades from Brighton, Saturday's opponents in the Premier League at Bramall Lane, at the beginning of last season, helping the club win promotion to the top flight.
He has made 26 Premier League appearances this campaign as Wilder's side have taken the division by storm, putting themselves firmly in contention for a Champions League spot with 12 matches remaining.
Asked if qualifying for that competition, or the Europa League, is now a realistic target for a team written off as relegation favourites at the beginning of the season, Norwood said: "We've put ourselves in a good position.
"It would be silly to say we don't dream or that we haven't spoken about it among ourselves. But we know it's going to be tough and we know there's a long way to go and that we're still not there yet.
"But I do think we've earned everybody's respect. We have put ourselves in a wonderful position but nobody is settling – the manager wouldn't let us settle."
The Blades have returned from their winter break in Dubai with a fully fit squad. David McGoldrick was an unused substitute in the win against Bournemouth on February 9 after a foot injury but the striker has now fully recovered from the problem.
January signings Richairo Zivkovic and Panos Retsos played in a behind-closed doors friendly this week and will hope to be involved against Brighton.
Neil Lennon: 'Celtic must be cautious of Kilmarnock'
© Reuters
Neil Lennon will be cautious of Kilmarnock when Celtic return to Ladbrokes Premiership duty at Parkhead on Sunday.
Killie were knocked out of the William Hill Scottish Cup by Aberdeen on Wednesday night in a dramatic replay in Ayrshire which ended in a 4-3 win for the Dons.
The following evening Celtic battled to a 1-1 draw with FC Copenhagen in the first-leg of their Europa League last-32 tie at the Parken stadium in Denmark, leaving the Scottish champions favourites to finish the job off next week in Glasgow.
Before that, however, the Hoops will hope to end the weekend with at least their 10-point lead over Rangers at the top of the table intact but Lennon believes Alex Dyer's Killie, who beat the Light Blues 2-1 at Rugby Park recently, will not make it easy.
He said: "It's against difficult opponents who probably had a bitterly disappointing night in midweek but Alex has them playing pretty well.
"They scored goals in midweek and they obviously beat Rangers the week before.
"They are tough opposition and we will have to be very wary of them.
"We will have to see how our players are and we'll get a good look at them on Saturday."
One key Celtic player set to miss out is skipper Scott Brown who came off in the second half in Denmark with a calf injury.
Lennon said: "He might struggle but that's just an initial reaction.
"He felt something in his calf when he stretched. It's not like him to come off. He will be assessed and we'll know more."
Lennon was glad to see 19-year-old right-back Jeremie Frimpong make his European debut against FC Copenhagen.
The Northern Irishman said: "It was a good experience for him, very good experience.
"For one so young he handled the occasion very well."
Indeed, it was quite an evening in Denmark.
French striker Odsonne Edouard missed two great chances before he opened the scoring in the 14th minute but Senegal striker Dame N'Doye levelled for the home side in the 52nd minute.
Fraser Forster saved a VAR-awarded penalty from Jens Stage in the 78th minute after Ryan Christie was judged to have handled.
Christie will be suspended for the second leg after being booked for deliberate hand ball but he believes the Hoops can finish the tie off in front of their own fans.
He said: "We looked to get on the scoresheet so we are happy to do that.
"The good thing is going back to Celtic Park now and having that away goal, hopefully we take the game to them."
Southampton vs Aston Villa -Match Preview
Southampton's on-loan defender Kyle Walker-Peters will miss Saturday's game because of a calf problem.
Sofiane Boufal is out with the ankle complaint he sustained against Burnley, while Nathan Redmond remains sidelined by a hamstring injury.
Tyrone Mings will return in defence for Aston Villa after recovering from tonsillitis.
Forward Keinan Davis is due to start training on Monday following his hamstring issue.
@Wilsonfooty: Ralph Hasenhuttl's side are probably a maximum of three victories away from being sure of a ninth consecutive top-flight campaign. Thirteen points from five games in December and January lifted them away from the worst of the relegation battle.
That's just the kind of run Villa have never been able to produce. Dean Smith's side are usually good to watch, and Jack Grealish is a delight, but they don't defend well enough to ever be comfortable.
Villa would be hard pushed to defend any worse than they did when these two met back in 2015. A hat-trick in two minutes and 56 seconds from Sadio Mane rewrote the Premier League record books as Southampton won 6-1. Villa at least left St Mary's that day knowing they had avoided relegation - thanks to Hull's defeat at Spurs.
Southampton manager Ralph Hasenhuttl: "It's our goal to make St Mary's a fortress again. It's important we create an atmosphere that's not so easy to stand for opponents coming to St Mary's.
"We need every supporter to give us his voice and help us take this home win. We must show every opponent that it's very, very nasty to play against Southampton on our home ground."
Aston Villa head coach Dean Smith: "Their head coach has said that it's tough to play at home because there is pressure on them.
"We have to concentrate on ourselves and put that pressure onto Southampton and their supporters.
"If we play to the capabilities that have got, we are a match for anyone."
I am going to go with Aston Villa here, even if the amount of goals they are conceding is a concern because it is the most in the division.
That has to change, but Villa have the Carabao Cup final against Manchester City next week and head coach Dean Smith can motivate his players by telling them they are playing for a place at Wembley.
Prediction: 1-2
- Southampton can equal their longest Premier League winning streak versus Aston Villa: three matches from 1993 to 1994, and again between 1999 and 2000.
- Villa are winless in seven matches against Southampton in all competitions since a 3-2 triumph at St Mary's in December 2013 (D3, L4).
- Southampton's home record is the worst in the division. They have earned three wins and 11 points from 13 games at St Mary's.
- It's their lowest points tally after 13 top-flight home fixtures since 1991-92.
- Saints are the first side to concede 30 top-flight goals after 13 home games of a season since Ipswich in 1963-64.
- They have suffered three defeats in four league matches and could lose three in a row for the first time since November.
- Danny Ings is one short of 100 Premier League appearances. He has scored 18 goals in all competitions this season - the only English top-flight players to have been more prolific so far are Raheem Sterling, with 20, and 19-goal Marcus Rashford.
- Shane Long has been directly involved in 10 goals in his past seven Premier League starts against Aston Villa, scoring six and providing four assists.
Aston Villa
- It's just one league win in five games for Villa, who have lost eight of the past 12.
- Their only away league victory in nine attempts came at Burnley on New Year's Day. They conceded at least two goals in seven of the other eight away matches during that time.
- Aston Villa are the only side yet to keep a clean sheet away from home in the Premier League this season.
- They could go 21 successive top-flight away matches without a clean sheet for the first time since a run of 38 between October 1986 and September 1989.
- Dean Smith's side have the division's worst defensive record ahead of the weekend, conceding 50 goals.
- Jack Grealish has created 68 chances in the Premier League this season, more than any other English player. He has scored seven league goals and set up six.
- Matt Targett scored one goal in 43 Premier League appearances for Southampton between 2014 and 2019.
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