domingo, 29 de março de 2020

Tutti vogliono Hakimi, in corsa c'è anche la Juve

La stagione complicata e tormentata dai problemi fisici di De Sciglio e Danilo, il ritorno al ruolo di esterno alto di Cuadrado. Ci sono queste motivazioni dietro le valutazioni che la Juventus farà in estate anche a proposito del ruolo di terzino destro. Una posizione che, dopo la breve parentesi di Dani Alves e il deludente esperimento di Cancelo, non ha più un padrone fisso. E così, persa l'occasione Meunier - accordatosi col Borussia Dortmund - nel casting di Fabio Paratici entra di diritto anche il nome di Achraf Hakimi.

INCOGNITA REAL - Esterno marocchino classe '98, a giugno vedrà concludersi il redditizio prestito biennale dal Real Madrid. Un'operazione che ha fatto la fortuna del prodotto del vivaio merengue, cresciuto a livello esponenziale negli ultimi mesi e impostosi come uno dei dei migliori interpreti in Europa nel suo ruolo, ma anche del suo club di appartenenza. Il Madrid non ha ancora deciso quale sarà il futuro di Hakimi, che ha dalla sua il vantaggio di poter giocare anche a sinistra, e molto dipenderà dalla conferma o meno per un'altra stagione di Marcelo. Zidane non ha mai stravisto per il marocchino - che nei giorni scorsi ha evidenziato l'assenza di rapporti anche negli ultimi due anni tedeschi - e l'idea di cederlo per fare cassa con una bella plusvalenza esiste.
CORSA A TRE - E così, oltre al Chelsea e al Paris Saint Germain orfano di Hakimi, sulle sue tracce c'è anche la Juventus. Che guarda a una possibilità in prospettiva in un ruolo delicato, ma che non ha ancora avviato alcun contatto né col Real Madrid nè con l'entourage del giocatore. Il cui contratto in scadenza a giugno 2022 potrebbe essere anche prolungato per consentire al club spagnolo di valorizzare al meglio una sua eventuale cessione. In Europa tutti impazziscono per lui - convinti anche dai 7 gol e 10 assist forniti in questa stagione - e nella corsa ad Hakimi entra pure la Juve.

Messi anuncia que los futbolistas del Barça se bajan el sueldo

El capitán del Barcelona, Leo Messi, anunció este lunes en un comunicado que los jugadores del Barcelona aceptan bajarse el sueldo un 70% ante la situación creada por la pandemia de coronavirus, y que harán aportaciones para que el resto de empleados cobren el 100% del sueldo.
"Ha llegado el momento de anunciar que, al margen de la rebaja de un 70% de nuestro sueldo durante el Estado de Alarma, vamos a hacer unas aportaciones también para que los empleados del club puedan cobrar el 100% de su sueldo, mientras dure esta situación", afirmó Messi en un comunicado en Instagram.
El capitán azulgrana se mostró molesto por las informaciones que ponían el foco sobre la primera plantilla de fútbol por su demora en aceptar la propuesta del club de rebajas salariales mientras dure la situación creada por el coronavirus.
"Queremos aclarar que nuestra voluntad siempre ha sido aplicar una bajada de sueldo que percibimos, porque entendemos perfectamente que se trata de una situación excepcional y somos los primeros que siempre hemos ayudado al club cuando se nos ha pedido", aseguró Messi.
"Por ello, no deja de sorprendernos que desde dentro club hubiera quien tratara de ponernos bajo la lupa e intentara sumarnos presión para hacer algo que nosotros siempre tuvimos claro que haríamos", añadió la estrella argentina del Barça.
"De hecho, si el acuerdo se ha demorado unos días es simplemente porque estábamos buscando una fórmula para ayudar al club y también a sus trabajadores en estos momentos tan difíciles", sentenció Messi.
El Barcelona confirmó también este lunes el acuerdo con las plantillas de sus deportes profesionales para las rebajas salariales en un comunicado.
En la nota, el Barça destaca que "en el caso del primer equipo la rebaja será superior al 70% planteado inicialmente por el club. Esta aportación adicional de la plantilla, más la aportación que hará el club, permitirán garantizar el 100% de los salarios de todo el personal no deportivo", afectado por el Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE), que va a aplicar el Barça.
El equipo azulgrana anunció la pasada semana la aplicación de este ERTE, consistente en una rebaja de la jornada laboral y sueldo, debido al parón del fútbol causado por el coronavirus en España, donde el gobierno ha decretado el Estado de Alarma al menos hasta el próximo 11 de abril incluido.

Reuter wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe aus Berlin

Manager beim FC Augsburg: Stefan Reuter
Manager beim FC Augsburg: Stefan Reuter
Stefan Reuter, Manager des Fußball-Bundesligisten FC Augsburg, hat sich gegen Vorwürfe gewehrt, sich nicht an die Trainings-Empfehlung der Deutschen Fußball Liga zu halten.
Die Clubs waren von der DFL gebeten worden, ihre Profis bis einschließlich 5. April nur individuell trainieren zu lassen. Der bayerische Bundesligist aus Augsburg hatte ebenso wie einige andere Teams den Mannschaftstrainingsbetrieb jedoch eingeschränkt wieder aufgenommen. "Es hat sich niemand bei mir oder uns über Wettbewerbsverzerrung beschwert, ganz und gar nicht", sagte der 53 Jahre alte Reuter der "Bild".
"Wir sind unter den Klubs im Austausch, jeder sucht für sich einen Weg, die Spieler in einer möglichst guten Verfassung zu halten - damit sie für den Tag X, wenn es weitergeht, vorbereitet sind", sagte der ehemalige Fußball-Weltmeister. "Von 0 auf 100 zu gehen, birgt große Gefahren!", warnte Reuter.
"Für uns ist auch klar: Wenn es ein klares Commitment aller Profiklubs gibt, nur individuell zu Hause zu trainieren, würden wir uns dem anschließen", fügte er hinzu.

آسيا تتذكر "الطلياني".. فصل الإمارات المشرق في كرة

بعد ما يقارب 30 عاماً على الظهور التاريخي لمنتخب الإمارات في نهائيات كأس العالم 1990، تظل العديد من

الأسماء اللامعة محفورة في ذاكرة عشاق "الأبيض" وعلى رأسها المهاجم الشهير عدنان الطلياني الذي ساهم بقوة في وصول بلاده إلى المحفل الكروي العالمي عن جدارة واستحقاق.
الطلياني استطاع بقدراته الفنية الكبيرة ومسيرته المميزة أن يُخلد اسمه ضمن قائمة أساطير الكرة الإماراتية، فكان تحت دائرة الضوء في هذا التقرير الذي يأتي ضمن سلسلة التقارير التي يستعرضها الموقع الرسمي للاتحاد الآسيوي عن أبرز اللاعبين المعتزلين في منطقة غرب آسيا.
ولد عدنان الطلياني عام 1964 وبدأ مسيرته في عالم كرة القدم مع نادي الشعب عام 1980 الذي تدرج معه في فرق الفئات السنية وصولاً إلى الفريق الأول بوقت مبكر نظراً لإمكانياته وقدراته العالية.
ولعل المحطة الأبرز في مشوار الطلياني كانت بلوغ منتخب بلاده نهائيات كأس العالم 1990 في إيطاليا بعد منافسة قوية في التصفيات الآسيوية التي تصدر خلال المرحلة الأولية فيها بفارق الأهداف عن الكويت ثم احتلاله المركز الثاني في المرحلة النهائية خلف منتخب كوريا الجنوبية، ليرافقه إلى نهائيات كأس العالم بعد أن أحرز 4 أهداف خلال مشوار التصفيات ليعتبر هداف الأبيض بلا منازع.
في النهائيات، لعب الطلياني أساسياً في المباريات الثلاث التي خاضها الأبيض في المجموعة الرابعة أمام كولومبيا وألمانيا ويوغوسلافيا، لكنه لم ينجح بالتسجيل، وهو الأمر الذي اقتصر على زميليه خالد إسماعيل وعلي جمعة اللذين سجلا في مرمى ألمانيا ويوغوسلافيا على التوالي.
وعاصر الطلياني أسماء لامعة في تلك المشاركة أبرزهم عبدالرحمن محمد وفهد خميس وخليل غانم وعبدالرحمن الحداد وعيسى المير، بالإضافة للحارس الشهير محسن مصبح وغيرهم من اللاعبين.
وفي عام 1996 استضافت دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة نهائيات كأس آسيا، وكان ذلك الجيل من اللاعبين في أوج عطائه الكروي بقيادة الطلياني، لكن الأحلام الوردية لم تتحقق بعد الخسارة أمام السعودية في المباراة النهائية التي أقيمت على استاد الشيخ زايد آنذاك في العاصمة أبوظبي.
بدأ المنتخب الإماراتي مشواره في البطولة بتعادل إيجابي مع كوريا الجنوبية 1-1، وشهد اللقاء الثاني فوزاً صعباً للفريق على الكويت 3-2 حيث وقع الطلياني على أحد الأهداف الثلاثة، ثم عاد وسجل حضوره في اللقاء الثالث أمام إندونيسيا بعد أن وقع على الهدف الثاني الذي أكد فوز الأبيض 2-0.
تجاوز الأبيض عقبة الدور ربع النهائي بالفوز على العراق 1-0، وبذات النتيجة تفوق على منتخب الكويت في دور الأربعة، لكن ركلات الجزاء الترجيحية عصفت بطموحات الطلياني ورفاقه وابتسمت للسعودية في نهاية المطاف.
ويمتلك الطلياني في سجله 10 أهداف ضمن بطولة كأس الخليج سجلها خلال 5 مشاركات، ليقرر اللاعب وضع حد لمسيرته الكروية مع المنتخب عام 1997 في مسيرة ناصعة، لعب للأبيض خلالها 163 مباراة دولية سجل فيها 53 هدفا.
على مستوى الأندية، ارتبط اسم الطلياني مع نادي الشعب فقط طوال مسيرته الكروية التي لعب في صفوفه مدة 19 عاماً منذ العام 1980 ولغاية 1999 حيث ارتدى قميص الفريق في 232 مباراة سجل فيها 129 هدفا.
أحرز فريق الشعب مع الطلياني لقب كأس رئيس الدولة عام 1992-1993 وكأس السوبر الإماراتي عام 1992 بالإضافة لاحتلاله وصيف بطل كأس الكؤوس الآسيوية عام 1995 بعد الخسارة أمام فريق يوكوهاما الياباني 1-2 في البطولة التي أحرز الطلياني لقب أفضل لاعب فيها.
وأعلن عدنان الطلياني اعتزاله اللعب نهائياً عام 1999، لكن مباراته التكريمية أقيمت له في العام 2003 أمام فريق يوفنتوس الإيطالي، لتُسدل الستار على فصل مشرق من فصول كرة القدم الإماراتية.

عدنان الطلياني - أسطورة الإمارات في كرة القدم

Premier League stars launch Football United campaign to help local communities

England striker Callum Wilson and Arsenal defender Hector Bellerin are among a group of Premier League players to launch the #FootballUnited initiative, which aims to raise money for local communities impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Manchester United full-back Aaron Wan-Bissaka, Chelsea defender Reece James and Crystal Palace winger Andros Townsend have also signed up to the campaign, which has a target of at least £100,000.

The proceeds will be collected by the UK's National Emergencies Trust, with the money used to support elderly and vulnerable people affected by Covid-19, which has brought football on the pitch to a halt.

The campaign is being coordinated by Unique Sports Management, and a joint statement on behalf of the players involved read: “Football has such a big role to play in communities and our clubs are a huge part of people’s lives.
“Without football, we want to put our rivalries aside and show togetherness at such a critical moment for the country.
“These are uncertain times for communities, but as players we want to show some recognition for the incredible work that is being done for the most vulnerable.
In a time of a crisis it's more important than ever for us as society to pull together. One small thing we as football could do was to create a campaign to raise money and awareness for the @NatEmergTrust through our campaign.
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“There are so many people at home who are afraid, alone and without full-time care.
“With the nation’s help, we can show our support to the many volunteers and organisations who need funds to make sure vital food and medicine supplies will continue to be delivered during the crisis.
“As players we would love nothing more than to be out there playing in front of packed stadiums again, but that can wait – the most important thing right now is the future of the country and #FootballUnited is our way of showing some community spirit.”
Chelsea manager Frank Lampard, meanwhile, has donated £10,000 to the Help Them Help Us appeal fund, which is looking into coronavirus research, setting up a 24/7 national psychological support service as well as ways to boost personal protective equipment for National Health Service workers during the pandemic.
TFW you realize there are comics you haven’t read yet 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Check out the Neymar Jr. Comics library and don’t let this happen to you 😒
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The Coronavirus pandemic continues to impact cities all over the world, with millions of sports fans, old and young, advised to stay at home.
Neymar Jr. Comics, backed by the Paris St Germain and Brazil forward, announced the entire library of more than 200 individual episodes across all titles of the comic and graphic novels, which are produced in different languages, will be made available free to view for the duration of the crisis.
Former world light-welterweight champion Amir Khan has offered his newly-refurbished wedding venue to the NHS as medics battle to deal with the pandemic across the United Kingdom.
Khan has spent a reported £5million on redeveloping the 60,000 square foot venue in his home town of Bolton ahead of its scheduled opening this summer, but is now ready to hand over the keys.
I am aware of how difficult it is for the public to get a hospital bed in this tragic time. I am prepared to give my 60,000 square foot 4 story building which is due to be a wedding hall and retail outlet to the @NHSuk to help people affected by the coronavirus. Pls keep safe.
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Premier League club Brighton have decided to donate 1,000 tickets for future matches to frontline NHS workers and their families, with Bournemouth also investigating an initiative to pledge match tickets to key workers during the 2020/21 season.
West Ham have launched #HammersAtHome, a new online community initiative offering “support, assistance and regular interaction with the club’s fans” during the current crisis.
Norwich goalkeeper Tim Krul would have been expecting to face Manchester United in the FA Cup quarter-finals last weekend and be helping the Canaries’ on-going battle for Premier League survival.

The Dutchman has joined many players who are supporting club efforts to keep in touch with older fans and check on their wellbeing.
“I spoke to a lovely lady yesterday, she has her 94th birthday today. She didn’t have any milk, any bread and she was scared to leave the house,” Krul said on BBC Radio Norfolk.
“(It turned out) she was living six houses down the road from me, so it ended up being an amazing call… I was able to get some stuff to her.”

Mercato - ASSE : L'aveu de Beric sur sa relation avec Puel !

Officiellement transféré au Chicago Fire cet hiver, Robert Beric explique s’être entretenu qu’à deux reprises avec Claude Puel avant de rejoindre les États-Unis.
Robert Beric était dans une impasse à l’ASSE. L’international slovène devait donc quitter les Verts, lui qui n’entrait plus dans les plans de Claude Puel, arrivé en octobre dernier. Le mercato hivernal a donc été l’occasion pour l’attaquant stéphanois de plier bagage avec son départ officiel vers le Chicago Fire, franchise de Major League Soccer (MLS). Interrogé par But Football ClubBeric en dit plus sur sa relation avec l'entraîneur des Verts.

« Avec Puel, on a parlé deux fois : quand il est arrivé et quand je suis parti. Il a été honnête avec moi »

« Avec Puel, on a parlé deux fois : quand il est arrivé et quand je suis parti. Il a été honnête avec moi. Il m’a dit qu’il aimait les attaquants rapides. A partir de là, c’était compliqué pour moi. On connait mon jeu, mes points forts. Je suis un joueur de surface, un finisseur, sur qui on peut s’appuyer dos au but. Je ne suis pas un joueur qui va sprinter comme Mbappé ! Depuis que Puel est là, l’équipe joue souvent avec huit joueurs à vocation défensive. C’est plus un jeu de contre-attaque. Et dans ce contexte là, c’est difficile pour moi », avoue Robert Beric.

OL : Lucas Tousart et cette période « délicate » du confinement

Depuis le 13 mars dernier et la décision du Conseil d’administration de la Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP), la Ligue 1 est suspendue. Aucune date de reprise n’a pour le moment été donnée alors que la France est frappée de plein fouet par le coronavirus comme toute la planète. Toutes les équipes sont donc à l’arrêt et les joueurs du championnat de France doivent s’entraîner chez eux en plein confinement. Interrogé par son club, l’Olympique Lyonnais, Lucas Tousart est revenu sur ses derniers jours et donc ses entraînement à domicile.
« C’est une période un peu délicate pour moi, les Français et les personnes du monde entier. C’est vraiment compliqué pour moi de rester confiné, ça nous empêche de faire notre travail et ce qu’on aime faire mais bon c’est important car c’est un problème général de santé qu’il faut que l’on résolve au plus vite. On était au repos jusqu’au 24, on faisait les activités que l’on désirait. Désormais on a un programme que l’on doit faire avec des footings, des exercices de vélo, de gainage ainsi que des pompes et tout ça », a déclaré l’international Espoirs français, qui doit partir en Allemagne cet été après s’être engagé en faveur du Hertha Berlin lors du dernier mercato hivernal.

OM : Valentin Rongier attiré par la Liga et la Premier League

Lors du dernier mercato estival, Valentin Rongier a signé en faveur de l’Olympique de Marseille après plusieurs rebondissements, alors qu’il évoluait au FC Nantes, sons club formateur. Le milieu de terrain français vit donc sa première saison sous le maillot olympien. Sous contrat avec le club phocéen jusqu’en 2024, le natif de Macon s’est livré au cours d’un live Instagram organisé avec Abdoulaye Touré, toujours chez les Canaris. Et le principal concerné a dévoilé les championnats qui l’attirent.
« Les championnats que j’aimerais bien tester dans ma carrière ? Le championnat espagnol parce que c’est un style de jeu qui peut me correspondre et aussi la Premier League. C’est vraiment autre chose, et c’est bien de découvrir un autre style de championnat », a lâché le joueur de 25 ans, qui n’a évolué qu’en France pour le moment. Dans le même temps, le milieu de terrain du FCN a parlé du championnat d’Angleterre et de la Bundesliga.

To Void or to Play? Premier League's Coronavirus Conundrum–and How to Navigate It

Nobody knows how leagues and sports organizations will act as the coronavirus pandemic continues, but as it relates to the Premier League, there are plenty of reasons to do everything possible to complete the current season, whenever the time is right.

What happens next? Nobody knows, and that includes the sporting authorities in England, and beyond. How the coronavirus will progress, how long the lockdown will last, what might happen were the virus outbreak to flare up again when lockdowns are relaxed…all of it is unknowable. And all of it makes the Football Association’s decision on Thursday to void this season for all clubs below the National League North and South (the sixth tier of English men’s football) and below the Women’s Championship (the second tier) utterly baffling.
What is gained by such a radical act? Nobody knows when football will be able to restart. Perhaps the 2020-21 season will be able to restart as scheduled in August, but perhaps not. And if not, what then? Next season would have to be truncated anyway, meaning that, in effect, two seasons would have been ruined by the virus.
There should be three strands to any decision-making process: logistical, legal and moral. Let’s begin with the moral case for finishing 2019-20: That football has happened; It cannot be unhappened. Liverpool deserves to win the title, just as Norwich, Aston Villa, Bournemouth, Watford and West Ham deserve to be in a relegation fight.
Nobody deserves what has happened to South Shields. A former league club based a few miles east of Newcastle and north of Sunderland, it has been progressing well over the past few years. It’s invested significantly but sensibly. When the break came, it was 12 points clear of FC United of Manchester at the top of the Northern Premier League and almost certain to be promoted to the National League North. And suddenly, through no fault of its own, all the results that got it there have been scrubbed, even though the league it is looking to get into still hasn’t been voided. It’s no less unfair, no less damaging, just because South Shields is in the seventh tier and not the Premier League. Little wonder the club is contemplating legal action.

This brings us to that second issue. It’s not just about Liverpool winning the title or Leeds and West Brom being promoted, or even about clubs hoping to qualify for the Champions League. It’s also about prize money. Sheffield United, for instance, is on course for the biggest payday in the club’s history. There are a lot of clubs that might end up feeling cheated, and a lot who may consider going to court to rectify that. Then there are television contracts to be fulfilled and fans who have bought season tickets; in every instance, it seems easier, neater and fairer for the league to pick up where it left off.
Despite the public comments of Karren Brady, vice chair of West Ham, and of one other unnamed Premier League chairman, that does seem to be the majority view among clubs. There seems also to be a growing acceptance that it may be that the season is finished behind closed doors in the summer as a way of getting it done. And while playing games behind closed doors represents something of risk, it is clearly far easier to test everybody involved and ensure nobody is carrying the virus if you’re dealing with the two teams and managerial staff plus medics, television companies and logistical staff than with 40,000 fans plus security, stewards, barmen, chefs and sales assistants.

If the season can’t be finished until well after the scheduled start of next season then, frankly, so what? Next season can be amended, a new schedule drawn up with knowledge of how long there is to play the games. If 2020-21 can’t start until January, then perhaps everybody plays everybody else only once.

Liverpool is hoping to finish off its first domestic championship in 30 years.
If it’s later, then a group system could be deployed. The Premier League, for instance, could become four groups of five: everybody plays everybody home and away, with the top two going through to quarterfinals and the bottom sides sent to a playoff for relegation. Winning the league would then consist of 13 games (assuming quarters and semis are two-legged and the final a single game played at Wembley). Below that, the same structure could be used with four groups of six, with the finalists taking two promotion slots. That would require two additional games, but even then a season could be comfortably completed within three months. If there’s a little more time, then the FA Cup can be played. All manner of adjustments are possible when there is an idea of time frames.
Without that, though, decisions simply seem arbitrary. Why void some leagues and not others? It may be, given the different spread of the disease, that different solutions have to be found in different countries, but within the same country, it makes no sense. The best solution now, other than resolving what happens for those whose contracts expire at the end of June, is surely to sit tight, wait and see what happens and then find the least disruptive solution for the time available.