quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020








O valor máximo por ganho de aposta é de R$ 1.000.000,00.(Hum milhão de reais)
Só pagaremos prêmios mediante a apresentação do bilhete.

ESPORTES DA SORTE é um site on-line registrado em Malta.
As apostas realizadas na ESPORTES DA SORTE serão regidas e interpretadas de acordo com as leis de Malta.
Participantes terão que ser maiores de 18 anos de idade.


90 Minutos de Jogo:

Todos os jogos são baseados no resultado ao final dos 90 minutos de jogo. Isto inclui qualquer tempo de compensação, mas não inclui: prorrogação, gol de ouro ou marcações de grandes penalidades.

Jogos Adiados, Reagendados ou Abandonados:
Quaisquer jogos não jogados ou adiados serão considerados "Não Participantes" para efeitos de resolução de apostas, a menos que sejam jogados em até 48 horas. Na eventualidade de isto acontecer, as apostas serão mantidas. Se o jogo não acontecer até o prazo final estipulado, todas as apostas serão canceladas e o dinheiro das apostas serão devolvidos (ressalva para casos onde a confederação determinar o jogo como finalizado antes dos 90 minutos, sendo assim o resultado final prevalecerá para resolução de apostas). Se houverem outros jogos em apostas “casadinha” ou “combinada” esses continuarão valendo.
Se uma partida for iniciada e não for completada, só valerão as apostas que forem resolvidas. Apostas indecisas serão devolvidas. Se a partida for remarcada para até 48 horas, as apostas continuarão em abertas, aguardando a finalização da partida.

Resultado ao Intervalo:

As apostas serão anuladas se o jogo for abandonado antes do intervalo. Se o jogo for abandonado só no segundo tempo e sua aposta foi intervalo, a aposta valerá.

Apostas em Handicap de Gol (também conhecido como Handicap Europeu ou Handicap de Resultado):
As apostas ganhadoras deverão prever o vencedor do jogo no final do Tempo Normal depois que a pontuação final tenha sido ajustada pelo handicap.
Apostas em empate handicap sempre se referem ao time da casa independentemente seja para mais ou menos.
No Handicap de Gol, temos acesso a linhas tanto para as vitórias da equipa A e B, como também para o empate, e as linhas oferecidas são sempre em números inteiros, e somente números inteiros. Vejamos um exemplo prático:
Jogo: Alemanha x Portugal
Alemanha -1 : A Alemanha terá que vencer por mais de 1 gol de diferença (Ex.: 3-1).
Empate -1 : A Alemanha só poderá vencer por 1 gol de diferença (Ex.: 2-1 ou 3-2).
Portugal +1 : Portugal terá que vencer ou empatar (Ex.: 3-3).

Nova formatação de Handicap de Gol (também conhecido como Handicap Europeu ou Handicap de Resultado):
Handicap 0:1

Aposta no time da casa (time da casa já começa a partida perdendo de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta é pra equipe da casa virar o jogo, ou seja, ganhar por uma diferença de pelo menos 2 gols, antigo handicap casa-1).

Aposta no time de fora (time de fora já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta só será perdedora se o time da casa ganhar a partida, ou seja, o time de fora precisa empatar ou ganhar pra aposta ser vencedora, antigo handicap fora+1).

Aposta no empate (como o time de fora já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0, pra partida terminar empate pro handicap, o time da casa precisa ganhar a partida por 1 gol de diferença exatamente. Só dessa forma a aposta será vencedora, antigo handicap empate+1).
Handicap 1:0

Aposta no time da casa (time da casa já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta só será perdedora se o time de fora ganhar a partida, ou seja, o time da casa precisa empatar ou ganhar pra aposta ser vencedora, antigo handicap casa+1).

Aposta no time de fora (time e fora já começa a partida perdendo de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta é pra equipe de fora virar o jogo, ou seja, ganhar por uma diferença de pelo menos 2 gols, antigo handicap fora-1).

Aposta no empate (como o time da casa já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0, pra partida terminar empate pro handicap, o time de fora precisa ganhar a partida por 1 gol de diferença exatamente. Só dessa forma a aposta será vencedora, antigo handicap empate-1).
* Outros handicaps seguem a mesma formatação (Handicap 0:1,Handicap 1:0,Handicap 0:2,Handicap 2:0,Handicap 0:3,Handicap 3:0,Handicap 0:4,Handicap 4:0, etc...).
Eventos de Minutos:
Para um evento de 10 minutos, por exemplo, os resultados apostados devem acontecer entre 00:00 e 09:59 (minutos) para serem contados dentro dos primeiros 10 minutos (ex.: um escanteio atribuído neste período, mas cobrado após os 10 minutos não conta. O mesmo vale para laterais, pênaltis, gols, etc...).
Gols Mais/Menos:
Gols - Menos de 2.5: As apostas ganham se houver 0, 1 ou 2 gols marcados no jogo. As apostas perdem se houver 3 ou mais gols marcados no jogo.
Gols - Mais de 2.5: As apostas ganham se houver 3 ou mais gols marcados no jogo. As apostas perdem se houver 0, 1 ou 2 gols no jogo.
As apostas serão invalidadas se o encontro for abandonado, a não ser que o resultado já tenha sido determinado (a regra também vale para o evento: tempo com mais gols).

Para Ganhar Ambas as Partes:
O time escolhido tem que marcar mais gols que o adversário em ambas as partes do jogo.

Para Marcar Ambas as Partes:
O time escolhido tem que marcar pelo menos 1 gol em cada tempo de jogo.

Apostas especiais:
Fora devolve a aposta:
Time da casa (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor o time da casa ganhar. Se for empate perde e se o visitante ganhar a aposta será devolvida).
Empate (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor se o jogo for empate. Se o time da casa ganhar perde e se o visitante ganhar a aposta será devolvida).
Casa devolve a aposta:
Time de fora (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor o time de fora ganhar. Se for empate perde e se o da casa ganhar a aposta será devolvida).
Empate (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor se o jogo for empate. Se o time de fora ganhar perde e se o da casa ganhar a aposta será devolvida).

Apostas Ao Vivo:
Pode-se apostar em partidas em andamento. Essas apostas estarão disponíveis na aba AO VIVO. Para efeito de segurança, toda aposta AO VIVO terá um delay de 30 segundos, depois da aposta colocada. A ESPORTES DA SORTE não pagará prêmios de jogos que por erro de sistema ficaram abertas. Neste caso, a aposta será cancelada e o apostador terá o dinheiro devolvido.
Erro de Sistema:
A ESPORTES DA SORTE não pagará prêmios de jogos que já tenham começados e por erro de sistema continuaram disponíveis para apostas (isso inclui apostas antecipadas e apostas ao vivo). Neste caso, as apostas serão canceladas e o apostador terá o dinheiro devolvido.

Erro de Cotação:
A ESPORTES DA SORTE não pagará prêmios de jogos que por erro de sistema tiveram as cotações inseridas incorretamente, onde visivelmente são demasiadamente altas (isso inclui apostas antecipadas e apostas ao vivo). Neste caso, as apostas serão canceladas e o apostador terá o dinheiro devolvido.


O Nosso Compromisso
A ESPORTES DA SORTE está empenhada em promover o Jogo Responsável. Promovemos o jogo como uma atividade de lazer e acreditamos que o jogo apenas poderá ser desfrutado desta forma de se mantiver o controle e jogar de forma responsável. No entanto, sabemos que para algumas pessoas, o jogo pode deixar de ser uma atividade de lazer inofensiva e tornar-se um problema.
1. O jogo deve ser visto como uma forma de entretenimento e não como uma forma de fazer dinheiro.
2. Aposte com sensatez e nunca persiga perdas.
3. Aposte apenas aquilo que se pode dar ao luxo de perder.
4. Monitorize o tempo que passa a jogar.
5. Faça pausas do jogo regularmente. Jogar de forma contínua pode fazer com que perca noção de tempo e perspectiva.
6. Não jogue sob influência de álcool ou quando se sente aborrecido (a) ou deprimido (a).
Se possuir preocupações com o seu jogo, favor nos contatar para o cancelamento da conta.


pe- Santa Cruz marca para esta sexta-feira sua segunda bateria de testes para Covid-19


Após reunião com o departamento médico e dirigentes para amarrar detalhes operacionais na última semana, o Santa Cruz definiu para esta sexta-feira a realização da segunda bateria de testes para o novo coronavírus.

No total, entre funcionários, comissão técnica, atletas e dirigentes, serão realizados 68 novos exames, já aí descontados as nove pessoas que testaram positivo para a doença na primeira operação feita há duas semanas no período que precedeu a reapresentação do elenco.  O Tricolor conta com a parceria do laboratório Marcelo Magalhães para coletas de amostras. 

Consultado pela reportagem, o vice-presidente médico do Santa Cruz, Antônio Mário Valente também reforçou que todos os custos da operação serão bancados integralmente pelo clube que, desta vez, não terá mais a ajuda da Federação Pernambucana de Futebol (FPF). No início da volta aos treinamentos, a entidade disponibilizou 30 testes para cada um dos 10 clubes que disputam a Série A1 do Campeonato Pernambucano.

“Nós é quem vamos bancar todos os custos da operação. Fechamos parceria com o laboratório Marcelo Magalhães, que também fez as primeiras testagens. A demora para definirmos o dia se deu porque a gente estava finalizando os detalhes junto com a diretoria e a comissão médica”, declarou. 

De volta aos trabalhos há duas semanas, o Santa Cruz mantém-se atento aos protocolos de higiene e segurança elaborados pelo clube. Após nove dias de trabalhos físicos, o Tricolor uniu o grupo pelo primeira vez na última quinta-feira e vem realizando trabalhos com bola desde então.

pe -Treinando no ataque do Náutico, Bryan aponta familiaridade com a função: "Não é nova"

Jogador que foi contratado no início do ano como lateral, vem sendo utilizado por Dal Pozzo na ponta durante primeiras semanas de treinamento

O período de treinos após pandemia pode ser decisivo para algumas mudanças no perfil do time do Náutico imaginado por Gilmar Dal Pozzo. Dentro deste cenário, a figura do lateral Bryan vem começando a ganhar destaque após a sinalização de uma alteração de seu posicionamento em campo pelo treinador alvirrubro, que vem testando o jogador, que retornou ao clube neste ano para disputar a vaga com Hereda. 

A mudança foi vista com naturalidade por Bryan, que relembrou já ter sido utilizado na ponta direita em uma partida na sua primeira passagem pelo Timbu, em partida contra a Ponte Preta, na quarta fase da Copa do Brasil de 2018. Além disso, o jogador apontou que se sente confortável jogando mais à frente e que tem conversado constantemente com o técnico alvirrubro nesta transição. 

"O Gilmar (Dal Pozzo) tem falado comigo sempre. Nós temos conversado e ele tem me usado mais à frente, em uma posição que não é nova para mim. Já atuei por esse setor, inclusive aqui no Náutico, no jogo contra a Ponte Preta em 2018. É uma faixa de campo que eu me encaixo bem e acredito que posso ir muito bem jogando por ali. Eu quero ajudar. Tenho jogado mais na lateral, mas se precisar me utilizar mais à frente não tem problema. Vou entregar o meu melhor e acredito que será bom pro clube", contou.

Além das mudanças de função em campo, Bryan também pontuou que acredita que o futebol retornará diferente, em especial no momento dos gols, pois mesmo com a liberação dos jogos, o jogador coloca que será necessário manter o cuidado e a prevenção no tocante à contaminação pelo coronavírus. 

"Teremos que nos adaptar. Veremos a partir de agora um novo estilo de jogo, uma nova modalidade em que temos que nos cuidar e nos prevenir. Vamos ter que arrumar outras formas de comemorar os gols e espero que possamos celebrar os muitos gols que

A mudança foi vista com naturalidade por Bryan, que relembrou já ter sido utilizado na ponta direita em uma partida na sua primeira passagem pelo Timbu, em partida contra a Ponte Preta, na quarta fase da Copa do Brasil de 2018. Além disso, o jogador apontou que se sente confortável jogando mais à frente e que tem conversado constantemente com o técnico alvirrubro nesta transição. 

"O Gilmar (Dal Pozzo) tem falado comigo sempre. Nós temos conversado e ele tem me usado mais à frente, em uma posição que não é nova para mim. Já atuei por esse setor, inclusive aqui no Náutico, no jogo contra a Ponte Preta em 2018. É uma faixa de campo que eu me encaixo bem e acredito que posso ir muito bem jogando por ali. Eu quero ajudar. Tenho jogado mais na lateral, mas se precisar me utilizar mais à frente não tem problema. Vou entregar o meu melhor e acredito que será bom pro clube", contou.

Além das mudanças de função em campo, Bryan também pontuou que acredita que o futebol retornará diferente, em especial no momento dos gols, pois mesmo com a liberação dos jogos, o jogador coloca que será necessário manter o cuidado e a prevenção no tocante à contaminação pelo coronavírus. 

"Teremos que nos adaptar. Veremos a partir de agora um novo estilo de jogo, uma nova modalidade em que temos que nos cuidar e nos prevenir. Vamos ter que arrumar outras formas de comemorar os gols e espero que possamos celebrar os muitos gols que nossa equipe faça independente de qualquer coisa", concluiu. 

germany - Offiziell: Inter verpflichtet Hakimi

Was wich seit einigen Tagen angedeutet hat, ist nun fix. Achraf Hakimi verlässt Real Madrid und schließt sich Inter Mailand an. Borussia Dortmund konnte den Leihspieler nicht verpflichten.

Wie Inter Mailand offiziell vermeldet, wechselt Achraf Hakimi ab sofort von Real Madrid in die Serie A. Der Marokkaner unterzeichnet einen bis 2025 laufenden Vertrag, die Ablösesumme soll laut verschiedenen Medienberichten bei 40 Millionen Euro liegen. Der Außenverteidiger war für Borussia Dortmund nicht mehr zu halten.
Beim BVB sehr gut entwickelt

Hakimi entwickelte sich in den vergangenen beiden Jahren bei Borussia Dortmund zu einem defensiven Flügelspieler auf internationalem Niveau. Doch ein Kauf kam nicht infrage, die Ablösesumme war dem BVB wohl zu hoch.

Sporting CP vs Gil Vicente Prediction & Match Preview

Sporting CP vs Gil Vicente
Portugal- Primeira Liga
Date: Tuesday, 1 July 2020
Kick-Off at 21:15 UK/ 22:15 CET
Venue: Estádio José Alvalade (Lisbon).
The Lions are third in the points table after 28 rounds are completed. They are on a three-match winning streak but have a long gap between them and the top two teams.
Sporting have a good attacking record like always, but the defence need to better their play. Along with Braga they have lost eight matches so far which is the most among top five teams.
With Gil Vicente losing their away games in recent weeks, this may turn out to be a one-sided affair this Wednesday.

Sporting vs Gil Vicente: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • Sporting has four wins and a defeat in five previous meetings against this opposition.
  • They have kept a clean sheet in all four of those matches.
  • The common score in three of those five games was 2-0.
  • The hosts have a three-match winning streak going on here against Gil Vicente.
  • They have won four and lost once in five previous head to head matches at this ground.
  • Fewer than 2.5 goals came in three of those five games in all competitions.
  • Sporting has an active five game unbeaten run going on in the league.
  • Gil Vicente has lost both their recent league games on the road.

Sporting vs Gil Vicente: Prediction

Sporting is the second-best home team after FC Porto. They have won 10 and lost 4 of the 14 home games this season. With a six-match winning streak going on here, the Roosters will need to do something special to stop them.
But after the two consecutive wins against Boavista and Setubal they are currently on a two-game losing streak in away match. In the light of the above facts and the head to head history, I am backing the home team to get all three points on Wednesday.
Sporting has kept a clean sheet in all four latest home games. With these included they have 6 clean sheets in 9 previous home fixtures. They also prevented Gil Vicente from scoring in three recent head to head matches. So, I am backing the home team to win with only one side scoring.

Sporting vs Gil Vicente: Betting Tips

  • Sporting CP to win @ 1.52 (1/2).
  • Both teams to score: No @ 1.80 (4/5).

Belenenses vs Tondela Prediction & Match Preview

Belenenses vs Tondela
Portugal – Primeira Liga
Date: Tuesday, 1 July 2020
Kick-Off at 19:00 UK/ 20:00 CET
Venue: Estádio Nacional do Jamor (Lisbon – Oeiras).
As the league is nearing the end the home side is getting closer to the relegation zone. They are just 6 points away from the red zone. The team that finished 9th last season are currently sitting at 14th place. With a 2 match losing streak going on they need to get back to winning ways to keep their chance for survival active. Also, apart from bottom side Aves, they have conceded the most number of goals this season.
Tondela is just a point below their upcoming opponents. They have also lost the last two fixtures and have only one win in their last 5 league outings. The outcome of this tie will not be of any significance as far as the title race is concerned.

Belenenses vs Tondela: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • Belenenses is unbeaten in their four previous meetings with this opposition.
  • They have kept clean sheets in three of those matches as well.
  • Three of those five matches saw a score with less than 2.5 goals.
  • The last time Tondela won this fixture was back n October 2017.
  • The home team remain unbeaten in the 5 head to head clashes at this ground.
  • Three of their latest meetings here ended as draws.
  • Tondela has no wins in fur previous matches on the road.

Belenenses vs Tondela: Prediction

Both sides are coming from back to back defeats. The only win for both sides in last 5 fixtures came against Aves who are at the bottom of the table. But the hosts have never lost to this opposition at home soil. The last three head to head matches at this ground ended as stalemates. Considering the poor away for Tondela I think a draw is on the cards.
The home side have been leaking goals easily all season. They have conceded in the three recent matches also. But the visiting attack failed to score in all four of their latest matches on the road. So I am backing a Double Chance for a draw or hosts winning with only one team getting the goals.

Belenenses vs Tondela: Betting Tips

  • Double Chance: Draw or Belenenses to win @ 1.44 (4/9).
  • Both teams to score: No @ 1.80 (4/5).

Verona vs Parma Prediction & Match Preview

Verona vs Parma Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview for Italian Serie A match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick off 20:45 UK/ 21:45 CET at the Stadio Marc’Antonio Bentegodi.
The Crusaders and the Mastiffs are placed eighth and ninth in the table, and with the season entering its final stretch, time is fast running out for the teams to make the European cut. The target for the squads would be a finish in the seventh position or higher.
As of now, the seventh spot is occupied by AC Milan with 42 points, while these two teams are stuck at 39 points each. And to pile on, AC Milan are taking on the bottom-most placed team this game week, and are expected to easily win.
On that account, whoever loses this upcoming match-up at the Stadio Marc’Antonio Bentegodi, will fall behind in their race to Europe.
Suffice it to say, we are in for a thrilling set of ninety minutes, and if previous h2h clashes, as well as recent form provide any indication, expect a goal-fest.

Verona vs Parma: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • Eight of the previous thirteen games had three or more goals.
  • The reverse fixture had ended in a 0-1 win for the Mastiffs.
  • They had also recorded six of the preceding seven wins.
  • At this venue, the hosts are on a three-fixture winning run.
  • It’s been 19 years since the guests have recorded a victory at this stadium.

Verona vs Parma: Prediction

The Mastiffs were held to a 3-3 draw on the road the last match-day, by Sassuolo. The fact that the guests blew a two-goal lead, and that too after conceding the equalizer in the 90+7th minute, was particularly hurtful.
In the meantime, the Crusaders lost 1-2 at home the past game week, against Inter.
Here too the home team blew away a lead in the dying minutes of the match-up. After leading 1-0 for a very long time, the hosts conceded two goals in the 84th and 87th minutes – for them to see Antonio Conte’s men walk away with the three points.
As things stand, the hosts of the day have the advantage. They had recorded a win in the reverse fixture, and even had registered six of the last seven h2h wins. Moreover, they are on a three-game winning run at this venue against this rival, and have not lost a fixture against them since 2001.
Going on, the Crusaders have a total of five wins on the road this whole season, and they were winless in seven of the past ten matches on the road as well.
On the other hand, their counterparts were unbeaten in 11 of their preceding 13 overall fixtures, and had won seven of their past ten appearances at home. Likely, expect Verona to deliver the better performance.
In terms of goals – due to the game being played like a virtual final, either squad would go in looking for the kill. Once any team concedes, the other will have nothing to lose, and will attack relentlessly, which should lead to more goals at either of the ends.
Add in the struggling defense of both, and the 2.5 Match Goals seems a good bet.

Verona vs Parma: Betting Tips

  • Over 2.5 Match Goals @ 2.20 (6/5)
  • Verona to Win Either Half @ 1.40 (2/5).

SPAL vs AC Milan Prediction & Match Preview

SPAL vs AC Milan Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview for Italian Serie A match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick off 20:45 UK/ 21:45 CET at the Stadio Paolo Mazza.
Stefano Pioli’s men have an important game week coming up. As of now, they are placed seventh in the table – the final spot that allows European entry from the Serie A, and the team is adamant about making it to the continental competitions.
This Wednesday, not only are they taking on one of the worst squads in the whole competition as well as a relegation-battler, but the six teams just below Pioli’s men are pitted against each other – allowing them to take huge strides in terms of their Europa qualification.
Moreover, Luigi Di Biagio’s men have a 100% losing record against this rival, and they are on a six-match losing run at home as well. Consequentially, expect a winning performance from AC Milan this Wednesday.

SPAL vs AC Milan: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • Pioli’s men have a 100% winning record over this rival.
  • Disregarding one fixture, they have scored two or more goals in all clashes so far.
  • Biagio’s men failed to score goals in the past two fixtures.
  • The guests scored three or more goals in all of their visits to this stadium.
  • The combined scoreline for the former two encounters at this ground is 2-7, in favor of the visitors.

SPAL vs AC Milan: Prediction

Biagio’s men lost 3-1 on the road the last match-day, against Napoli. The hosts were totally in control of the proceedings right from the beginning of the game, and did not allow any space for the visitors to make a comeback.
Meanwhile, the seven-time Champions League winners recorded a 2-0 win at home the past match-day, against Roma. The fact that they delivered the three points and on top of that a clean sheet against one of the best teams in the competition – was a huge a morale-booster for the players.
By the looks of things, Pioli’s men are the favorites. They have been one of the titans of the Serie A for many decades, and as of now, they are furiously going after a European spot. On the other hand, their opposite number are placed dead-last in the table, and have scored the least number of goals so far.
Going on, the seven-time European champions have also a 100% winning record against this foe, and they have scored three or more goals in all of their visits to this venue. Considering all these observations, it’s expected that AC Milan are about to post the three points convincingly.

SPAL vs AC Milan: Betting Tips

  • AC Milan to Win @ 1.60 (3/5)
  • AC Milan 0, -0.5 Asian Handicap @ 1.44 (4/9).

Fiorentina vs Sassuolo Prediction & Match Preview

Fiorentina vs Sassuolo Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview for Italian Serie A match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick off 20:45 UK/ 21:45 CET at the Stadio Artemio Franchi.
Both teams are comfortably placed in the mid-table. Neither do they a good shot at making it into Europe, nor are they under any imminent danger from the relegation cut-off. As such, the teams have been playing pretty relaxed lately.
On top of that, defense from both squads have not been on the top of their games as well. In fact, clean sheets have been very rare for the teams all through the season.
Going on, h2h encounters between the two have also been filled with plenty of goals over the years. Considering all these factors, expect both teams to slot in goals this Wednesday at the Stadio Artemio Franchi.

Fiorentina vs Sassuolo: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • The last time these two clashed on the pitch, the Purples won 1-2 on the road.
  • The Purples had also recorded five of the preceding seven wins.
  • Seven of the past ten games had goals from both teams.
  • Six of the former eight encounters had three or more goals.
  • In the past six years, only one meeting had failed to have three or more goals.

Fiorentina vs Sassuolo: Prediction

The Purples lost 2-1 on the road the last match-day, against Lazio. The guests had the opportunity to post the win, after scoring an early goal and leading for a long time. However, towards the end of the second half, Ciro Immobile struck in the equalizer.
And later, Luis Alberto scored the winning goal as well, and that too with just seven minutes remaining on the clock.
Meanwhile, the Black and Greens recorded a 3-3 draw at home the past game week. It was an inspiring performance from the hosts, to secure a single point from the game.
After trailing 1-3 with just 13 minutes till final whistle, the hosts scored their second goal, and the slotted the equalizer in the 90+7th minute.
As it can be seen, both teams have an unsteady defense. In fact, the Purples failed to keep a clean sheet in seven of their prior eight overall fixtures, and in 11 of their previous 15 appearances at this venue.
Going on, the Black and Greens had conceded a total of ten goals from their last three matches, and have a total of four clean sheets away from home in the prior 16 months.
In addition, h2h meetings over the years as well had an enormous number of goals. Considering these factors, it’s estimated that the upcoming game will be a goal-fest as well.

Fiorentina vs Sassuolo: Betting Tips

  • Both Teams to Score @ 1.60 (3/5)
  • Over 2.5 Match Goals @ 1.75 (3/4).

Inter Milan vs Brescia Prediction & Match Preview

Inter Milan vs Brescia Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview for Italian Serie A match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick off 18:30 UK/ 19:30 CET at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza.
Antonio Conte’s men are going after a podium spot, and if it’s remotely possible, they will aim for the title as well. However, they will have to deliver flawless performances from here onwards in order to do that, and hope that the Old Lady drop points as well.
It helps Conte’s men that they are taking on possibly the worst team in the whole competition this Wednesday.
Not only are the Lioness placed dead-last in the table, but they are hugely inexperienced due to them having been promoted just this last summer. On top of that, Conte’s men have a phenomenal h2h record against them as well.
Likely, expect a winning performance from Inter this game week.

Inter Milan vs Brescia: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • 12 of the former 14 wins had gone to Conte’s men.
  • It’s been 16 years since the Lioness have won against this opponent.
  • The reverse fixture had ended in a 1-2 win for Conte’s men on the road.
  • Six of the preceding seven wins at this venue had gone to the hosts.
  • It’s been 20 years since the home team have failed to score goals at this stadium.

Inter Milan vs Brescia: Prediction

Conte’s men recorded a 1-2 win on the road the last match-day, against Parma. After conceding an early goal, the guests played things pretty close to the chest. Even with four minutes remaining on the clock, they were trailing by 1-0.
However, Conte’s men struck twice in the remaining six minutes to post the three points on the board.
In the meantime, the Lioness were held to a 2-2 draw at home the past match-day, by Genoa. The home team had scored two early goals, but they were unable to hold on to that lead till the end.
By the looks of things, Conte’s men are easily the favorites. They have been one of the best teams in the whole competition for the past many years, and they are going after a podium finish at the moment.
On the other hand, the Lioness were not even present in the top flight the last season, and as of now, they are placed bottom-most in the table, and are frontrunners to get relegated.
On top of that, Conte’s men have a great h2h record against this rival, and especially so at this venue. Moreover, the Lioness are on a 14-game winless run in overall, and had lost five of their prior six fixtures on the road.
On the contrary, Conte’s men have lost just thrice this whole season at home – against Barcelona, Juventus, and Napoli. Taking into account these observations, expect a dominating win from Inter this Wednesday.

Inter Milan vs Brescia: Betting Tips

  • Half Time/ Full Time: Inter Milan/ Inter Milan @ 1.60 (3/5)
  • Inter Milan -1, -1.5 Asian Handicap @ 1.40 (2/5).

Bologna vs Cagliari Prediction & Match Preview

Bologna vs Cagliari Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview for Italian Serie A match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick off 18:30 UK/ 19:30 CET at the Stadio Renato Dall’Ara.
Bologna is not at their best form in their recent matches, but they will have a lot of chances to make a turn in the league when they host Cagliari who is lacking a bright away form.

Match Preview

Three losses within the recent four matches in the schedule is not an appealing form. Bologna started post lockdown with a loss to Juventus on the road in a 2-0 scoreline.
And at home, they have only 4 wins in their 14 clashes so far and are winless in the past three attempts.
Cagliari had a better run post lockdown as they managed a double win after four consecutive losses in their schedule in the campaign. They will visit on the back of a 4-2 win at home against Torino.
Their 0-1 win on the road against SPAL last time out on the road will not be much help as they have only 4 wins in their 14 away fixtures until now.
In their recent meetings, the team appearing as the host has experienced the advantage. Besides, the reverse fixture this season ended in a 3-2 win for Cagliari, but the host put up a fight.

Bologna vs Cagliari Head-to-head (h2h)

  • Three of their recent six matches have ended in a draw.
  • The host has recorded three of the last five wins.
  • Their previous encounter gave a 3-2 home win for Cagliari.
  • The host is unbeaten at home in the prior 7 clashes since 2011.

Bologna vs Cagliari Prediction

Bologna is not that strong at home and their use of ground advantage is also questionable. However, they have had a successful run at home against the visitors in their h2h records.
Since 2011, the host has not lost to Cagliari in any of the latter’s visit.
The visitors also share a poor away form in the league and will probably hold them back against the host in the encounter.
With the odds favoring the home team, the safest bet for the punters will be a draw no bet over Bologna with 1.50 odds to yield decent returns in the game.
Both teams had a habit of scoring in their recent fixtures at this venue. The tip for a BTTS with 1.66 odds will thus come in handy for the punters for the ninety minutes.

Bologna vs Cagliari Betting tips

  • Draw no bet: Bologna @ 1.50 (1/2).
  • Both teams to score @ 1.66 (4/6).

Valencia vs Athletic Bilbao Prediction & Match Preview

Valencia vs Athletic Bilbao Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview of the Spanish LaLiga match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020Kick off 18:30 UK/ 19:30 CET at the Estadio de Mestalla.
Valencia dropped points in the recent two fixtures, both on the road. The host will have a considerably better form at home with their ground advantage when facing Athletic Bilbao in the clash.

Match Preview

Valencia is struggling after the league restart with just one win in their last five matches. Their hopes of qualifying for the Europa League are still hanging loose in the campaign table.
The host has an unbeaten run at home in the league this season and is one of the three sides to have this record at home in the table apart from Barcelona and Real Madrid.
Athletic Bilbao has only one loss in their last five matches, following a 3-1 win at home against Mallorca last time out in the campaign.
The Basque outfit has only two wins in their 16 away fixtures so far in the league this season. Besides, they are winless in the recent two fixtures on the road, which will not be a pleasant sign before a tour.
In the reverse fixture, Albert Celades and his men managed a 0-1 away win in the clash. Los Ches will be more in command when they host the game against the opponents.

Valencia vs Athletic Bilbao Head-to-head (h2h)

  • Celades’s boys have been unbeaten in the last six fixtures.
  • Two of their recent three fixtures have ended in a draw.
  • Their previous encounter gave a 0-1 away win for Los Ches.
  • The Basque outfit has lost in their prior four visits.

Valencia vs Athletic Bilbao Prediction

When the teams met at Bilbao for the reverse fixture, Los Ches put the game to sleep after an early goal in the first 30 minutes of the clash. They had decent ball possession and attacked the Basque Outfits with 7 corner kicks and 6 shots on goal in ninety minutes.
When Celades and his men assemble at home, they will enjoy the ground advantage and their unbeaten streak at home in the campaign is not to be taken lightly. Besides, the visitors have a poor away form in the league which will probably hinder their Europa qualifiers’ dream.
The safest bet for the punters will be to go with a double chance in the game, favoring Valencia with a 1.40 odds.
It is an important three points for either team to keep their Europa dreams alive and hence expect a couple of goals in the encounter. The tip for over 1.5 goals at 1.50 odds will thus be a suitable option for the punters.

Valencia vs Athletic Bilbao Betting tips

  • Double chance: Valencia or Draw @ 1.40 (2/5).
  • Over 1.5 goals @ 1.50 (1/2).

West Ham vs Chelsea Prediction & Match Preview

West Ham United vs Chelsea Prediction, Tips and Match Preview of the English Premier League match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick-off 18:00 UK/ 19:00 CET at the Olympic Stadium, London.
The Blues have a great chance to finish in the top-four this season, and if they keep up this form, they even could target a podium spot. On top of that, the third-placed Leicester have a tough match-up this game week, while the fifth-placed Wolves have played an extra game.
As such, the fourth-placed Blues could further improve their position with a victory this Wednesday. It helps that they are in awe-inspiring form, and on top of that, they are taking on the struggling Hammers, currently hanging by a thread over the relegation cut-off.
Moreover, the Blues have performed well over the years against this opponent as well. Considering these factors, expect Chelsea to post the three points at the Olympic Stadium.

West Ham vs Chelsea: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • 17 of the prior 22 wins had gone to the Blues.
  • The Hammers have scored a total of one goal from the prior three encounters.
  • The last time these two locked horns, the Hammers recorded a 0-1 win on the road.
  • Eight of the preceding twelve wins at this venue had gone to the guests.
  • It’s been three years since the home team have scored a goal at this venue.

West Ham vs Chelsea: Prediction

The Hammers lost 2-0 on the road the last match-day, against the Spurs. After a goal was disallowed for the hosts in the first half, they came back strongly after the break.
Meanwhile, the Blues recorded a 2-1 win at home the past game week, against none other than Manchester City, effectively putting the Premier League trophy into the Liverpool cabinet.
As things stand this Wednesday, the Blues are easily the favorites. They are the 2016-17 champions of this competition, and are actively targeting a spot on the podium this campaign. On the other hand, their counterparts are struggling to stay above the relegation line.
Going on, the Blues are on a six-match winning run, and scored two or more goals in five of the preceding seven match-ups. On the road, they have lost just four times this entire campaign (of which two had come against both of the Manchester teams, and one against Everton).
On the other hand, the Hammers were winless in eleven of their last twelve overall games, and had lost nine of their past eleven fixtures too. And at home, they have won just twice in the past eight months, and both wins had come against teams who were in the relegation zone then.
Taking into account these observations, expect a winning performance from Chelsea this Wednesday.

West Ham vs Chelsea: Betting Tips

  • Chelsea to Win @ 1.60 (3/5)
  • Over 1.5 Team Goals by Chelsea @ 1.60 (3/5).

Lecce vs Sampdoria Prediction & Match Preview

Lecce vs Sampdoria Prediction, Betting Tips and Match Preview for Italian Serie A match on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Kick off 20:45 UK/ 21:45 CET at the Stadio Via del Mare.
Both teams will take part in a virtual final this Wednesday at the Stadio Via del Mare. The reason being – the teams are placed on either side of the relegation line, separated by a single point. As such, the winner of the fixture will gain huge momentum in regards to avoid getting the boot.
Considering the performance of the defense from both teams over the season, chances are very high that the upcoming encounter will be a goal-fest. It becomes even more probable due to the high stakes involved. The campaign is about to enter its final phase, and the teams are desperate.
In terms of the result though, Claudio Ranieri’s men seem to be the favorite. Not only do they have an experienced manager, but they have a great h2h record, and to pile on, the Salentians were promoted to the top flight just this last summer.
As such, expect a Sampdoria win, as well as a lot of goals.

Lecce vs Sampdoria: Head-to-head (h2h)

  • The previous seven games in a row had goals from both teams.
  • Ten of the former eleven encounters had three or more goals.
  • 12 of the preceding 15 wins had gone to Ranieri’s men.
  • The guests are on a four-match winning run at this stadium.
  • It’s been 17 years since the Salentians have won at their home.

Lecce vs Sampdoria: Prediction

The Salentians lost 4-0 on the road the last match-day, against Juventus. For a team trying to get out of the relegation zone, this defeat was a heavily demoralizing one.
In the meantime, Ranieri’s men lost 1-2 at home the past game week, against Bologna. After defending for a long time in the match-up, the home defense was breached in the 72nd minute for the first time, and moments later the second one came as well.
As things stand, Ranieri’s men have the upper hand. They are on a four-match winning run at this stadium against this rival, and have been unbeaten here since 2003.
They had also scored a total of 13 goals from their last four visits to this venue, and scored three or more goals in six of their prior eight h2h meetings here.
Moreover, the Salentians are on a four-game losing run, and conceded an embarrassing 19 goals from these four fixtures. At home, they had a total of two league wins this whole season.
Likely, expect a Sampdoria win this Wednesday. And due to the struggling defense on both sides (especially that of Lecce), anticipate a goal-fest as well.

Lecce vs Sampdoria: Betting Tips

  • Draw No Bet: Sampdoria @ 1.60 (3/5)
  • Over 2.5 Match Goals @ 1.75 (3/4).