sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2020

Messi y Diego Carlos, amago de tangana

Aunque no hubo público en el Pizjuán, el Sevilla-Barça fue un partido caliente: lo demostraron acciones como la que enfrentó a Messi y Diego Carlos al filo del descanso, tras una entrada del defensa brasileño al jugador del Barça.
Messi encaraba el área del Sevilla cuando Diego Carlos, una de las grandes revelaciones de la Liga, le derribó.
El argentino, en contra de su costumbre, se rebeló contra su rival: le encaró, reprochándole su acción, y Diego Carlos se enfrentó a él. Messi llegó a encararse con Diego Carlos, ambos se empujaron mutuamente, pero el colegiado González González dejó que el asunto se disolviera por sí solo. El árbitro no enseñó ninguna tarjeta.
Sin embargo, el resto de jugadores intervino para defender a los suyos: Fernando y Busquets también se enzarzaron en otra discusión, con Reguilón y Piqué también de por medio. Rakitic, por su parte, intentó mediar para que la tangana no fuese a mayores.
Finalmente Messi sacó la falta, que acabó en nada, y apenas un minuto después, el árbitro pitó el final de la primera parte, ni sin que Piqué y Reguilón volvieran a enzarzarse en otra discusión. 

Цифры и факты

20 июня в матче с «Александрией» (3:2) «горняки» досрочно оформили чемпионский титул сезона-2019/20

Самое раннее чемпионство

В 13-й раз в своей истории «Шахтер» выиграл чемпионат Украины и в 9-й раз – досрочно. Это самое раннее чемпионство «оранжево-черных» – оно добыто за 5 туров до финиша. Дважды команда брала титул, когда до конца оставалось 4 тура (в 2013 и 2017 годах).

Сильнейшие в Украине
«Шахтер» – безоговорочно сильнейший клуб страны. «Горняки» выдали серию из 4 триумфов в чемпионате подряд (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). Здесь же напомним, что с 2010 по 2014 год команда завоевала 5 чемпионств кряду.

Золотые матчи
Впервые «оранжево-черные» оформили победу, после которой стали математически недосягаемы для преследователей, в Киеве. Также по разу это случалось в Ужгороде (2002), Одессе (2005), Кривом Роге (2006), Черкассах (2014) и Запорожье (2019). Дважды наши парни оформляли чемпионство в Харькове (2017, 2018), а рекордное количество раз – конечно, в Донецке (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).

Первое чемпионство Луиша
Для наставника «Шахтера» Луиша Каштру это первое чемпионство в высшем дивизионе в тренерской карьере.


В прошедшем матче «Шахтер» владел мячом 70% времени с точностью передач в 90%. В створ ворот «горняки» нанесли 5 ударов, из них 3 завершились голами. Больше всего попыток было у Тете – кроме 2 голов он пробил по воротам еще дважды. Сергей Кривцов выиграл 11 из 12 единоборств в обороне, у Тараса Степаненко наименьшее число потерь мяча (3), он и Маркос Антонио также заблокировали по одному удару «Александрии».

Замены сыграли и здесь

При непростом сценарии, когда «Шахтер» в начале второго тайма дважды пропустил и уступал в счете, Луиш Каштру начал влиять на ход событий заменами. Тренерский штаб снял с игры опорного полузащитника Тараса Степаненко и выпустил в атаку Тете, который уже через 4 минуты сравнял счет после классной подачи Сиприано. Затем на поле появился Коноплянка (вместо левого латераля Сиприано), всего через пару минут ассистировавший Тете в эпизоде с победным голом. А в конце Матвиенко перешел на левый фланг, тогда как Хочолава занял его место в центре защиты, и на последних секундах выверенный подкат Давида спас команду от возможной ничьей.

Unhappy clubs allowed to sit out Brazilian football restart

The two clubs who most strongly opposed the resumption of the Rio football championship, Fluminense and Botafogo, will be allowed to sit the competition out, mayor Marcelo Crivella has announced.
In a video sent out on Saturday by one of his staff, Crivella said: "Basically, Fluminense and Botafogo's matches are suspended, and we ask for everyone's understanding".
The Campeonato Carioca, the football tournament in the state of Rio de Janeiro, became the first South American competition to return after a coronavirus shutdown with two matches on Friday.
Flamengo, the Copa Libertadores holders and reigning Brazilian league champions, beat Bangu 3-0. Portuguesa and Boavista drew 0-0.
While Bangu was, in theory, the home team, the match was played at Flamengo's home stadium, the Maracana, site of one of Rio de Janeiro's coronavirus field hospitals.
The restart, the first in Brazil's state leagues, was made possible by Crivella relaxing lockdown rules in the city.
Supporters of both clubs, as well as fans of Fluminense, which also plays at the Maracana, and Botafogo were among those protesting outside the stadium before the match, saying the authorities were putting lives at risk.
Fluminense and Botafogo, two of Rio's big four, were opposed to playing again and went to court to request a suspension of the league at least until July. The two clubs, who had not yet returned to training, were due to play their first game next Monday, and another match three days later.
Earlier on Saturday, the Rio de Janeiro State Football Federation had said that if the clubs chose not to play their match, they would be considered as lost 3-0.
Crivella said in his statement that the public decree on the resumption of football would be adjusted to acknowledge that the two clubs would not be playing.
With nearly 48,000 people killed by the virus so far, Brazil has the second-highest death toll in the world, after the United States, and the number of cases continues rising steeply.
Rio de Janeiro is the second-most affected Brazilian state, just behind Sao Paulo, with 95,537 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 8,824 deaths.

Андрей Червиченко: Матч «Краснодар» – «Динамо» перенесли? На скотном дворе маразм крепчал...

Бывший президент «Спартака» прокомментировал решение Бюро исполкома РФС по поводу матча 23-го тура РПЛ в Краснодаре.

- Только что стало известно, что «Краснодар» сыграет с «Динамо» не 21 июня, а 19 июля. Это правильное решение?
- Получается, что динамовцам игру из-за коронавируса перенесли, а «Ростову» за два дня до этого - нет. Я не удивлен. В таком мире мы живем. Есть поговорка: маразм крепчал. Если вы только что одну команду заставили играть мальчишками, то почему идете на уступки другой? Все поглумились над «Сочи», но очков «Ростову» уже никто не вернет. И тут, в рамках одного тура, принимается прямо противоположное решение. По мне, это уже за гранью!
- Объяснение такое: «Краснодар» согласился на перенос, а «Сочи» - нет.
- Все равно такого не должно быть. А лига у нас на что? Какие у нее функции? Стороннего наблюдателя, что ли? Правила должны быть едиными. Сейчас весь чемпионат может превратиться в лотерею: кто-то упрется, а кто-то нет. По моим ощущениям, чисто интуитивным, в некоторых командах скрывают факты болезни. Клуб - это же огромное количество людей. Игроки, тренеры, персонал. Человек 60. Кто-нибудь да обязательно эту заразу подцепит. Чисто арифметически вероятность высокая... Идет игра на выживание. Тут у нас Спарта происходит. Ну а «Краснодар» своим решением еще больше унизил сочинцев. Теперь омерзительное послевкусия от матча на «Фиште» усилилось.
- Надо ли смягчать медицинский протокол - чтобы никто ничего скрывал и мог использовать в матчах остальных футболистов, если кто-то в команде сдал положительный тест?
- Конечно, надо. Переболеем этим коронавирусом все. Я читал заключение врачей: пока восемьдесят процентов населения планеты не будет инфицировано, иммунитет не выработается. В бессимптомной форме или нет, почти каждого это коснется. «Динамо» перед рестартом проводило товарищеский матч со «Спартаком». То есть, не исключено, скоро зараза догонит кого-то из красно-белых. И что, тогда всю команду закрывать на карантин? И «Ростов» не надо было запирать. И «Динамо». Нужно было сразу разрешить играть всем, кто на момент матча не сдал положительный тест.
Андрей Червиченко
- Но не получим ли мы тогда новую эпидемию?
- А нет иного выхода. И тестам доверять на сто процентов нельзя. Мне врачи говорили: погрешность - от 15 до 20 процентов. Это много. Получается, мы закрываем команду на карантин, а потом выясняется, что там никто и не болел. Ошибка вышла... И нужно сделать максимально гибкий календарь. Не надо привязываться к конкретным дням. Невозможно же заранее все предусмотреть. Сейчас команды могут играть и каждые три дня, ничего страшного. Тогда появятся еще окна для переносов. Но у нас же чиновники пытаются натянуть сову на глобус.

- При этом регламент постоянно нарушается. На матче ЦСКА – «Зенит» капитаны обменялись вымпелами, хотя это запрещено...- Все эти вещи прописаны дураками, которым главное написать что-то умное и получить какой-то бонус или ништячок. Через два кресла на стадионе можно сидеть, а через одно нельзя. Ну что за бред? Зачем эту клоунаду устраивать? Сидят игроки через одно кресло. Цирк... А эти 10 процентов болельщиков на трибунах... Что, вы думаете, к концу матчей они не сидели рядом друг с другом? Конечно, сидели.
Все эти требования - для галочки. Вы либо что-то запрещайте, либо разрешайте. Вчера показывали, как люди идут на стадион, и им тепловизорами температуру мерят. Что за бред собачий? А если у человека обычная простуда, какое-то воспаление или он перегрелся на солнце? Что, его теперь завернуть пинком под зад? Идиотизм.
- Как относитесь к тому, что регламент РПЛ и РФС постоянно перекраивается? То был какой-то предварительный, теперь вносятся поправки.
- Это скотный двор. Все равны, но кто-то ровнее. У РФС слабый юридический департамент, руководство нерешительное. Надо один раз написать закон и жестко по нему действовать. Он должен работать для всех. А не так, что под друзей можно развернуть, а под соперников ужесточить.

Legia pewnie wygrywa ze Śląskiem Wrocław 2:0. Zespół Vukovicia powiększył przewagę w tabeli nad Piastem [ZAPIS RELACJI]

Legia Warszawa - Śląsk Wrocław 2-0 w 31. kolejce Ekstraklasy

Legia wykorzystała potknięcie Piasta Gliwice. Bez większych nerwów pokonała w stolicy Śląsk Wrocław. Na sześć meczów przed końcem rozgrywek warszawski zespół ma 10 punktów przewagi nad wiceliderem.

Stołeczny klub pewnie zmierza do odzyskania tytułu. Miewa wpadki - jak ta przed tygodniem w Zabrzu z Górnikiem - ale szybko odzyskuje to, co wcześniej stracił. Tylko raz w tym sezonie przegrał dwa mecze z rzędu, na przełomie września i października ubiegłego roku, ulegając Lechii Gdańsk i Piastowi.
W niedzielę tylko przez pierwsze minuty Legia była w cieniu Śląska. Wrocławianie mieli jednak tylko optyczną przewagę. Niewiele z niej wynikało. Najlepszą okazję miał Exposito w 23. minucie. Nie wykorzystał błędu Artura Jędrzejczyka. Pogubił się, niepotrzebnie zaczął dryblować i nie oddał nawet strzału.
Legia stopniowo stawała się coraz bardziej niebezpieczna. Rozpędzała się. Świetnych okazji nie wykorzystali: Jose Kante, Domagoj Antolić, Walerian Gwilia. Gruziński pomocnik raz się pomylił, ale potem okazał się precyzyjny. Odnalazł się w polu karnym, gdy piłka po podaniu Wszołka odbijała się od piłkarzy jednej i drugiej drużyny. Bezlitośnie wykończył akcję. Od 35. minuty Legia prowadziła.
Gwilia został bohaterem spotkania. 26-letni pomocnik przyćmił wszystkich. Dobrze się czuł, po strzelonej bramce nabrał jeszcze większej pewności. Był wszędzie tam, gdzie potrzeba i w obronie i w ataku. Praktycznie nie popełniał błędów. Strzelił też drugiego gola w meczu. W 54. minucie znów dobrze przewidział, gdzie może spaść piłka i oddał strzał z woleja.
W tym sezonie Gruzin strzelił w lidze siedem goli, ma też pięć asyst. Świetnie radzi sobie po pandemii. Przedtem zdobywał bramki z Miedzią Legnica w Pucharze Polski, z Wisłą Kraków. To wielka siła Legii. Każdy piłkarz w dowolnym momencie sezonu wnosi coś pożytecznego, szczególnie w pomocy. Jak nie Gwilia to Luquinhas, jak nie Luquinhas to Wszołek albo Domagoj Antolić bądź Andre Martins.

Le Sporting Charleroi aurait choisi de se séparer d'un jeune milieu de terrain

Après plusieurs années passées à Charleroi, l'aventure de Thomas Wildermeersch avec le club wallon devrait bientôt s'achever.
Prêté cette saison au Royal Francs Borains par le Sporting Charleroi, Thomas Wildermeersch a réalisé une saison décevante en deuxième division amateur (15 matchs, 1 but). Néanmoins, le jeune milieu de terrain de 20 ans ne devrait pas être conservé par le club carolo la saison prochaine.
En effet, d'après les informations de Het Laatste Nieuws, la direction des Zèbres aurait d'ores et déjà indiqué au joueur qu'elle ne souhaitait pas le conserver. Alors qu'il évoluait au club depuis 2016, le principal intéressé devrait donc être libre de se trouver un nouveau point de chute en vue de la saison prochaine.

KNVB stelt met Bezzai programmamanager racisme en discriminatie aan

De KNVB heeft Houssin Bezzai aangesteld als programmamanager racisme en discriminatie. De oud-profvoetballer is echter al op 1 maart begonnen in de nieuwe functie bij de Nederlandse voetbalbond.
De benoeming van Bezzai is een van de actiepunten die voortkomen uit het aanvalsplan van de KNVB tegen racisme en discriminatie. Dit plan, met de naam Ons voetbal is van iedereen, werd op 8 februari geïntroduceerd. Het kabinet heeft hiervoor de komende drie jaar 14 miljoen euro beschikbaar gesteld.
De KNVB stelde het plan op naar aanleiding van een incident in november tijdens de wedstrijd FC Den Bosch-Excelsior (3-3) in de Keuken Kampioen Divisie. Excelsior-aanvaller Ahmad Mendes Moreira werd tijdens dat duel racistisch bejegend door supporters van de thuisclub.
"Toen ik werd benaderd voor deze functie, ben ik gelijk in het diepe gesprongen. De gebeurtenissen bij FC Den Bosch-Excelsior waren voor mij heel herkenbaar. Tegen Mendes Moreira werd misschien iets anders geroepen dan vroeger tegen mij, maar ook toen was het te vaak raak", zegt Bezzai zondag op de website van de KNVB.
"Als speler probeerde ik daarboven te staan, maar nadat ik was gestopt als voetballer veranderde dat. Ik werd ouder, kreeg kinderen en hoopte dat zij niet hetzelfde hoeven mee te maken. Die gebeurtenis bij FC Den Bosch – Excelsior maakte indruk en heeft zeker iets met me gedaan."
De 41-jarige Bezzai speelde in het verleden bij Sparta Rotterdam, TOP Oss en HFC Haarlem. De geboren Marokkaan werkte tijdens en na zijn profcarrière aan verschillende maatschappelijke projecten. Zo gaf hij voetbalclinics op Lesbos en was hij vrijwilliger bij het Nederlands daklozenteam.








O valor máximo por ganho de aposta é de R$ 1.000.000,00.(Hum milhão de reais)
Só pagaremos prêmios mediante a apresentação do bilhete.

ESPORTES DA SORTE é um site on-line registrado em Malta.
As apostas realizadas na ESPORTES DA SORTE serão regidas e interpretadas de acordo com as leis de Malta.
Participantes terão que ser maiores de 18 anos de idade.


90 Minutos de Jogo:

Todos os jogos são baseados no resultado ao final dos 90 minutos de jogo. Isto inclui qualquer tempo de compensação, mas não inclui: prorrogação, gol de ouro ou marcações de grandes penalidades.

Jogos Adiados, Reagendados ou Abandonados:
Quaisquer jogos não jogados ou adiados serão considerados "Não Participantes" para efeitos de resolução de apostas, a menos que sejam jogados em até 48 horas. Na eventualidade de isto acontecer, as apostas serão mantidas. Se o jogo não acontecer até o prazo final estipulado, todas as apostas serão canceladas e o dinheiro das apostas serão devolvidos (ressalva para casos onde a confederação determinar o jogo como finalizado antes dos 90 minutos, sendo assim o resultado final prevalecerá para resolução de apostas). Se houverem outros jogos em apostas “casadinha” ou “combinada” esses continuarão valendo.
Se uma partida for iniciada e não for completada, só valerão as apostas que forem resolvidas. Apostas indecisas serão devolvidas. Se a partida for remarcada para até 48 horas, as apostas continuarão em abertas, aguardando a finalização da partida.

Resultado ao Intervalo:

As apostas serão anuladas se o jogo for abandonado antes do intervalo. Se o jogo for abandonado só no segundo tempo e sua aposta foi intervalo, a aposta valerá.

Apostas em Handicap de Gol (também conhecido como Handicap Europeu ou Handicap de Resultado):
As apostas ganhadoras deverão prever o vencedor do jogo no final do Tempo Normal depois que a pontuação final tenha sido ajustada pelo handicap.
Apostas em empate handicap sempre se referem ao time da casa independentemente seja para mais ou menos.
No Handicap de Gol, temos acesso a linhas tanto para as vitórias da equipa A e B, como também para o empate, e as linhas oferecidas são sempre em números inteiros, e somente números inteiros. Vejamos um exemplo prático:
Jogo: Alemanha x Portugal
Alemanha -1 : A Alemanha terá que vencer por mais de 1 gol de diferença (Ex.: 3-1).
Empate -1 : A Alemanha só poderá vencer por 1 gol de diferença (Ex.: 2-1 ou 3-2).
Portugal +1 : Portugal terá que vencer ou empatar (Ex.: 3-3).

Nova formatação de Handicap de Gol (também conhecido como Handicap Europeu ou Handicap de Resultado):
Handicap 0:1

Aposta no time da casa (time da casa já começa a partida perdendo de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta é pra equipe da casa virar o jogo, ou seja, ganhar por uma diferença de pelo menos 2 gols, antigo handicap casa-1).

Aposta no time de fora (time de fora já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta só será perdedora se o time da casa ganhar a partida, ou seja, o time de fora precisa empatar ou ganhar pra aposta ser vencedora, antigo handicap fora+1).

Aposta no empate (como o time de fora já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0, pra partida terminar empate pro handicap, o time da casa precisa ganhar a partida por 1 gol de diferença exatamente. Só dessa forma a aposta será vencedora, antigo handicap empate+1).
Handicap 1:0

Aposta no time da casa (time da casa já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta só será perdedora se o time de fora ganhar a partida, ou seja, o time da casa precisa empatar ou ganhar pra aposta ser vencedora, antigo handicap casa+1).

Aposta no time de fora (time e fora já começa a partida perdendo de 1x0. Logo, essa aposta é pra equipe de fora virar o jogo, ou seja, ganhar por uma diferença de pelo menos 2 gols, antigo handicap fora-1).

Aposta no empate (como o time da casa já começa a partida ganhando de 1x0, pra partida terminar empate pro handicap, o time de fora precisa ganhar a partida por 1 gol de diferença exatamente. Só dessa forma a aposta será vencedora, antigo handicap empate-1).
* Outros handicaps seguem a mesma formatação (Handicap 0:1,Handicap 1:0,Handicap 0:2,Handicap 2:0,Handicap 0:3,Handicap 3:0,Handicap 0:4,Handicap 4:0, etc...).
Eventos de Minutos:
Para um evento de 10 minutos, por exemplo, os resultados apostados devem acontecer entre 00:00 e 09:59 (minutos) para serem contados dentro dos primeiros 10 minutos (ex.: um escanteio atribuído neste período, mas cobrado após os 10 minutos não conta. O mesmo vale para laterais, pênaltis, gols, etc...).
Gols Mais/Menos:
Gols - Menos de 2.5: As apostas ganham se houver 0, 1 ou 2 gols marcados no jogo. As apostas perdem se houver 3 ou mais gols marcados no jogo.
Gols - Mais de 2.5: As apostas ganham se houver 3 ou mais gols marcados no jogo. As apostas perdem se houver 0, 1 ou 2 gols no jogo.
As apostas serão invalidadas se o encontro for abandonado, a não ser que o resultado já tenha sido determinado (a regra também vale para o evento: tempo com mais gols).

Para Ganhar Ambas as Partes:
O time escolhido tem que marcar mais gols que o adversário em ambas as partes do jogo.

Para Marcar Ambas as Partes:
O time escolhido tem que marcar pelo menos 1 gol em cada tempo de jogo.

Apostas especiais:
Fora devolve a aposta:
Time da casa (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor o time da casa ganhar. Se for empate perde e se o visitante ganhar a aposta será devolvida).
Empate (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor se o jogo for empate. Se o time da casa ganhar perde e se o visitante ganhar a aposta será devolvida).
Casa devolve a aposta:
Time de fora (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor o time de fora ganhar. Se for empate perde e se o da casa ganhar a aposta será devolvida).
Empate (quem apostar nessa opção só será vencedor se o jogo for empate. Se o time de fora ganhar perde e se o da casa ganhar a aposta será devolvida).

Apostas Ao Vivo:
Pode-se apostar em partidas em andamento. Essas apostas estarão disponíveis na aba AO VIVO. Para efeito de segurança, toda aposta AO VIVO terá um delay de 30 segundos, depois da aposta colocada. A ESPORTES DA SORTE não pagará prêmios de jogos que por erro de sistema ficaram abertas. Neste caso, a aposta será cancelada e o apostador terá o dinheiro devolvido.
Erro de Sistema:
A ESPORTES DA SORTE não pagará prêmios de jogos que já tenham começados e por erro de sistema continuaram disponíveis para apostas (isso inclui apostas antecipadas e apostas ao vivo). Neste caso, as apostas serão canceladas e o apostador terá o dinheiro devolvido.

Erro de Cotação:
A ESPORTES DA SORTE não pagará prêmios de jogos que por erro de sistema tiveram as cotações inseridas incorretamente, onde visivelmente são demasiadamente altas (isso inclui apostas antecipadas e apostas ao vivo). Neste caso, as apostas serão canceladas e o apostador terá o dinheiro devolvido.


O Nosso Compromisso
A ESPORTES DA SORTE está empenhada em promover o Jogo Responsável. Promovemos o jogo como uma atividade de lazer e acreditamos que o jogo apenas poderá ser desfrutado desta forma de se mantiver o controle e jogar de forma responsável. No entanto, sabemos que para algumas pessoas, o jogo pode deixar de ser uma atividade de lazer inofensiva e tornar-se um problema.
1. O jogo deve ser visto como uma forma de entretenimento e não como uma forma de fazer dinheiro.
2. Aposte com sensatez e nunca persiga perdas.
3. Aposte apenas aquilo que se pode dar ao luxo de perder.
4. Monitorize o tempo que passa a jogar.
5. Faça pausas do jogo regularmente. Jogar de forma contínua pode fazer com que perca noção de tempo e perspectiva.
6. Não jogue sob influência de álcool ou quando se sente aborrecido (a) ou deprimido (a).
Se possuir preocupações com o seu jogo, favor nos contatar para o cancelamento da conta.


Hull City vs Charlton Athletic preview: Who will hit the ground running in relegation six pointer?

Relegation six pointers don’t come much bigger than the clash at the KCOM Stadium this Saturday where Hull City will look to put the miserable 2020 they have had so far behind them. Lee Bowyer’s Charlton Athletic stand in their way – but who will come up trumps in the basement battle of the weekend?

With the dreams of International football and Euro 2020 now deferred for another year, the Sky Bet Championship is back from its near three month hiatus – and what a fixture to start for both Hull City and Charlton Athletic.
Surely to be dubbed as the relegation clash of the weekend – and only the first of nine games for every team in the Championship – pressure will be riding on both Grant McCann and Lee Bowyer to get off to a flying start in each sides bid for survival and avoid dropping down to League One.
Both sets of fans – no doubt watching from TVs and computer screens at home – will likely be nervous wrecks come 3pm this Saturday.
  • Story behind the game

As the postponement of football was announced back in Mid March, both Hull and Charlton were becoming rather nervous as the number of games were starting to run out. Hull were especially feeling the pressure. Decimated by both injuries and transfers – star men Kamil Grosicki and Jarrod Bowen left in January for West Brom and West Ham respectively – Grant McCann’s side were statistically the worst in the division, with no wins since New Year’s Day in the League. Charlton were hardly in better shape. Despite winning two games from their previous five before the lockdown struck – with wins in February against Luton Town and Nottingham Forest - they sit two points worse off than their East Yorkshire rivals.
Back in December, a very late Keane Lewis Potter header (that was eventually given as a Dillon Phillips own goal) salvaged a 2-2 draw for the Tigers at The Valley. McCann will want his side to show the same fighting spirit in this game – although Bowyer will be hoping for no repeats of any drama, should his side give themselves a chance of winning at the KCOM Stadium.
The statistics do not look particularly good for either side. Hull have lost 10 out of 19 games played at home. That is the most in the entire league. Not only that, but they have conceded the most goals (33) at home along with Barnsley and Queens Park Rangers, and have won the least number of points at home out of any team in the league. 21 points out of 57 available does not suggest the KCOM is a fortress. In addition, Charlton sit 22nd in the away performance table rankings so far. They have only won three games away from The Valley this season, and have drawn four and lost eleven. Only LutonBarnsley and Stoke City can claim to have worse away records.
  • Team news

McCann is to be without now ex-captain and vice-captain Eric Lichaj and Jackson Irvine, as well as Steven Kingsley and Marcus Maddison. All four players failed to secure contract extensions to keep them at the club earlier this week. Jordy De Vjis – the newly appointed skipper – and Reece Burke are available in the heart of defense, as well as a number of other players who did manage to sign contract extensions. Kevin Stewart will no doubt be important in the midfield, as may Mallik Wilks, should Barnsley allow City to extend his loan which is still up in the air. Many City fans will be desperate to see James Scott – yet to play for the club after signing from Motherwell in January – as well as Keane Lewis Potter, with the young local striker proving to be a thorn in the Latics’ side back in December.
The visitors will be without key players too – the much-documented Lyle Taylor will be unavailable after failing contract talks, as well as Jonathon Leko and Connor Gallagher both now back at their parent clubs (West Brom and Chelsea respectively). This will be a massive blow to Charlton, who have relied on Taylor for many of their goals earlier in the season. Boywer will no doubt look to Andre GreenMacauley Bonne and Aiden McGeady to provide the creativity and goals in their place.
  • Predicted Line-up

Hull City:
(4-3-3) Long; Pennington, De Vjis, Burke, Elder; Stewart, Da Silva, Toral; Scott, Bowler, Eaves.
Charlton Athletic:
(4-3-3) Phillips; Matthews, Lockyer, Pearce, Doughty; Pratley, Cullen, Williams; McGeady, Green, Bonne.
  • Key Clashes

Jon Toral v Darren Pratley
Toral is undoubtedly a massive talent – with Barcelona and Arsenal on his previous club list – but the midfielder has struggled with injuries throughout his career at Hull. He has only started six games this season, but could prove to be the match winner with his undoubted quality on the ball. With Jackson Irvine now departed, McCann will surely look to Toral as almost an unknown quantity to give that extra bit of creativity in the final third of the park. Ex Bolton Wanderers defensive midfielder Pratley will no doubt be a physical challenge to Toral, but having hardly been used this season, Hull fans may fancy their chances of a rare start for the Spaniard.
Aiden McGeady v Matthew Pennington
The story of two loan players – McGeady on loan at Charlton from Sunderland, and Pennington on loan from Premier League outfit Everton. After turning 34 in lockdown, the Irishman McGeady has nine years on his counterpart - but both were at Everton during the 2014 season when McGeady transferred from Spartak Moscow. The ex-team mates will no doubt be eager to get one over on each other, and with only a dozen or so appearances between them this season, perhaps the restart could bring the best out of the two loanees.
  • What the managers have said

McCann spoke in his press conference about the departures of Lichaj, Irvine, Kingsley & Maddison, and reiterated that he only wanted players who were committed to keeping Hull in the League.
“Yes, we’ve lost some players but I would rather focus on the nine players who have signed and committed themselves to the Club. It’s testament to them that want to stay here and help the team for these next nine games. So, we’ll concentre on the nine who have stayed. We’ll look to get the best out of those, along with the rest of the group, in the remainder of the season.”
On the prospect of playing Charlton, McCann was upbeat.
“Everyone in the group is really looking forward to the game. We’ve had a good few weeks of training and some good friendly games to help us prepare. We’ve trained at the KCOM as well and we understand what everything will look and feel like with no fans inside.
”I’ve been really impressed with the mentality of the group since they’ve come back. They understand we’ve got nine big games, starting against Charlton at the weekend, and we want to get off to a good start. As I say, it’s a game that we’re all looking forward to and hopefully we can come away with the right result.”
When asked about how big a challenge is it for opposition manager Lee Bowyer to keep Charlton up, he was determined that his players have got what it takes.
“It’s going to be tough, there’s no getting away from that. But, as a group we have a good togetherness and good fighting spirit. We’ve been under pressure before – last season – I think we’ve learnt a lot.
“In some teams, once we get to the nitty gritty – i.e. this Saturday – some players aren’t going to be able to handle the pressure. That’s just natural. Some will grasp it, and some will fade away from the pressure. Im just hoping that my group stick together – which I know they will – and they will come through it. But its going to be tough, not just for us, but for all teams… it’s going to be difficult to sustain the level, especially towards the end of the games.”
On the circumstances going into the game, Bowyer felt it could help them, although losing his attacking threats was a big blow.
“I think having no crowd, it might help the youngsters… they will get on the ball and try to make things happen. I believe we have enough… we have near on a full squad as it stands today. We’re just going to need a bit of luck, and all teams are going to need luck. [On Lyle Taylor, Jonathon Leko and Connor Gallagher being unavailable] Losing those three players, they were our main scorers.”

5 Positives to Savor as Manchester City Get Back in Business

Pep and his men win. Let’s rejoice.

Manchester City marked a return to competitive football with a comfortable 3-0 defeat of Arsenal. Although the joy of the triumph to kick off the Premier League restart was tainted by the serious injury to Eric Garcia, it was still a good day in the office. That was accentuated by the following five positives.
1. Raheem Sterling Scores for the First Time in 2020
The Englishman has been instrumental to Pep Guardiola’s achievements in the Premier League and English football as a whole for the last two seasons. His 18 goals and 11 assists in 33 league appearances in the 2017/18 campaign played a key role in the Citizens emerging champions. He was at it again last term notching 17 goals while laying on 10 assists in 34 outings to help City retain the crown.
Having started this term in brilliant fashion, he took the foot off the pedal after netting 11 times to close off 2019. For three months of football in 2020, he could not find the back of the net. Naturally, it became a concern. But he marked the return to the pitch against arsenal with a well-taken goal. His strike opened the flood gates as City rolled over an injury-hit Arsenal in a largely one-sided encounter.
Speaking after the game, Sterling revealed he has been looking forward to the end of the dry spell.
“It’s something I’ve beat myself up about.
“But I knew at some point I’d get an opportunity I just needed to take it. That’s what I’ve done today.”
2. Kevin De Bruyne as Influential as Ever
Speaking of opportunity, there was one man at the centre of creating it. It’s the usual suspect - Kevin De Bruyne. The mesmerizing midfielder did not start the game in blistering form. But he grew into it as did the team. It wasn’t long before he was spraying passes and bringing his teammates into the game. Unsurprisingly, it took one of his trademark long passes to create the chance for the first goal.

The Belgian is battling the Premier League to restore his assist after it was chalked off having bounced off David Luiz’s thigh on its way through to Sterling.
3. Eric Garcia Ready for a Starting Role
Despite coming off worse after a collision with Ederson, Garcia had made his mark on the match. Displaying maturity and confidence on the ball, the young Spaniard continues to show why Guardiola has so much faith in him. For such a young player to be able to hold the experienced Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang ransom, preventing the Arsenal striker from having a foothold in the game speaks volumes about his quality.
Suffice to say, he has proved his readiness for a starting berth even in the big games.
4. Phil Foden on the Up
Phil Foden’s quality has never been in doubt. But the young Englishman is showing exactly why. Despite starting the game from the bench, he came in deep into the second half and gave a good account of himself. The 20-year-old capped off a good performance with a goal to seal the win against Mikel Arteta’s side.
Sure, David Silva is on his way out. But Foden is showing why “El Mago” will not be missed too much.
5. Sharpness Will Take Some Time
It was a bit strange to see Manchester City getting dominated by Arsenal in the early exchanges. But then as the game progressed, City picked up the pace and began to click. Yet, it’s clear that after several months of not playing together, the players will need some time to regain their sharpness. Some good chances were missed in the game that will otherwise be buried.
Aguero could not believe it as he ballooned the ball wide when he was through on goal in the closing stages. Surely, the Argentine will do better in subsequent matches.
6. Ederson Pulls Off New Trick
Ederson could have definitely done better than brutally take out his teammate the way he did while trying to clear the ball. Communication is key here. A shout could have definitely alerted Garcia to his approach allowing the teenager to give way and escape such a horrific collision. That said, it was an accident. I do believe the Brazilian goalkeeper should show more concern about his teammate’s well-being than to be chatting and laughing when the young man is on the ground struggling for dear life.
Is that the new trick?
Of course not.
Did you see how the long balls from the shot-stopper led directly to goals?
Perhaps he should be trying them more often, especially in difficult games.

Messi no tiene la noche, Setién se paraliza y Piqué manda un recadito al Madrid

Leo Messi es humano, por mucho que nos cueste reconocerlo después de años comportándose como un extraterrestre, así que el día en que no está fino, el partido que no tiene la noche, el Barça no encuentra ni la manera, ni la solución para ganar tres puntos. Eso fue ni más ni menos lo que sucedió en el Sánchez Pizjuán, que el argentino no estuvo enchufado y su equipo sólo logró un empate.
Y mira que Messi fue el que dispuso de las mejores ocasiones y que por fin el Barcelona firmó una buena primera media hora, pero nada. No Messi, no party y si el Real Madrid es capaz de ganar en Anoeta recuperará el liderato a falta de siete jornadas para que concluya el campeonato. Como colofón, que no falte la teoría de la conspiración con las frases a medias. “Será muy difícil ganar la Liga. Viendo las dos jornadas que llevamos creo que el Madrid perderá pocos puntos”, soltó Piqué nada más terminar el encuentro en Movistar. Y así escrito parece poca cosa, pero la sonrisa con la que acompañó lo dicho parecía dirigido no hacia el juego del Madrid precisamente. No hay que tener un doctorado en Harvard para pensar en los árbitros y el VAR.
Para el Barça el partido en Sevilla era en teoría la salida más exigente que le quedaba en el calendario y la primera prueba seria para comprobar su verdadero estado después de las victorias ante el Mallorca y el Leganés. Los de Setién salieron con ganas, sin Griezmann y sin Arthur, y durante media hora dominaron, presionaron correctamente y el juego fluyó. La pizarra de Lopetegui también funcionó porque en el minuto 21’ en una falta en el pico del área que lanzó Messi, Munir se tiró al suelo y Koundé se colocó en el palo y fue el que cabeceó el balón a córner. A la media hora llegó la pausa de hidratación y el Barça, pam, desapareció.

La parálisis de Setién

Sin la chispa de Messi y con el Sevilla achuchando en la segunda parte, al equipo culé le salvó Ter Stegen, que en el 55’ y el 57’ se lució ante Ocampos con una mano providencial y frente a Munir. El alemán volvió a ser clave y en el 70’ con el Barcelona cansado y sin ideas, Lopetegui ya había realizado cuatro cambios y Setién sólo uno: el de un Braithwaite inédito por Arthur.
El técnico cántabro no fue capaz de encontrar remedio a lo que saltaba a la vista y hasta el 77’ no dio entrada a Griezmann por Arturo Vidal cuando en la previa había confesado que Luis Suárez no estaba para aguantar 90 minutos de partido. El francés había sido intrascendente en los dos partidos anteriores, el uruguayo sale de una larga lesión y Braithwaite no da más de sí, pero el golpe de timón de dejar a Griezmann en el banquillo en la salida más importante suponía también que entrara en el partido tarde o temprano por delante de Ansu Fati, que ha demostrado tener puntería y estrella y venía de marcar frente al Leganés.
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En un final frenético, en el que tanto Luis Suárez como Reguilon pudieron marcar el tanto de la victoria para los suyos, Setién optó por perder tiempo en el minuto 89’ cambiando a Riqui Puig por Rakitic. Hasta Ter Stegen creyó más que su entrenador en la victoria y ya en el tiempo de descuento subió al área contraria a rematar el último saque de esquina.
El Barça se dejó los primeros dos puntos en la nueva normalidad que es la mismita que la antigua: un entrenador timorato, una hiperdependencia de Messi, una falta de recursos evidente y de postre la sombra de la duda sobre las ayudas al Real Madrid. A Piqué habrá quien le compre ahora el discurso fruto de la impotencia de no ser capaces de jugar bien un partido completo, pero el truco es más viejo que la tos: desviar la atención para no mirarse las carencias, mover el avispero y confiar en que el ruido les sea propicio.