terça-feira, 9 de maio de 2017

Ponte Preta empata e avança na Sul-Americana

correio popular

Com muito sofrimento e na base da pressão até o último segundo de jogo, a Ponte Preta arrancou um heróico empate por 1 a 1, no Estádio El Bosque, na noite de terça-feira (09), em La Plata, na Argentina, diante do Gimnasia y Esgrima. Com este resultado, conseguindo principalmente por grandes defesas de Aranha, garantiu passagem para a segunda fase da Copa Sul-Americana.
Elton abriu o placar no primeiro tempo, mas nem teve tempo para comemorar porque Fabián Rinaudo empatou no minuto seguinte.
Agora, a equipe campineira fica na expecativa do próximo adversário que sairá do sorteio a ser realizado no dia 2 de junho, na sede da Conmebol. Até lá, os 22 clubes que avançarem da primeira fase se juntarão aos 10 eliminados da Copa Libertadores para um novo cruzamento de 16 grupos, de dois times.
No jogo desta terça, a Ponte começou bem melhor. Aos 26', Ravanelli recebeu falta na intermediária, pelo lado direito do ataque da Ponte. Ele mesmo bateu com perfeição e achou Elton, entre os zagueiros, para completar de cabeça e marcar 1 a 0.
Um minuto depois, o Gimnasia empatou a partida. Fábian Rinaudo, que havia deixado espaço para Elton marcar o gol da Macaca, deixou tudo igual no marcador. Ele aproveitou a bola que veio da cobrança do escanteio para chutar cruzado. Aranha não conseguiu segurar e o placar mudou para 1 a 1.
Pouco depois, houve falta no ataque, não anotado pelo árbitro uruguaio Esteban Ostojich, que apitou apenas a terceira partida internacional em sua carreira. Gilson Kleina acabou expulso de campo por reclamação.
Os argentinos sentiram o desequilíbrio emocional da Ponte e aproveitaram para ocupar os espaços em campo melhoraram bastante. Aos 32', Carrera bateu escanteio e Aleman cabeceou para a excelente defesa de Aranha, no canto direito.
O jogo ficou mais truncado no segundo tempo, com os times encurtando o campo no meio e aproximando a marcação de intermediárias. Assim, a saída era jogar a bola pelo alto em direção da área adversária.
Aos 9', Aleman lançou na área, Contin desviou e Aranha saltou para segurar firme o perigo. Aos 11', Yuri finalmente achou espaço para finalizar de fora da área. A bola passou raspando a trave.
A Macaca recuou demais e quase tomou a virada, aos 24', depois de uma boa jogada pela intermediária que terminou com forte chute de Ibañez. Aranha, mais uma vez, fez grande defesa. Aos 36', Aranha salvou mais uma no chute de Oreja, que até foi cumprimentar o pontepretano.

Gimnasia La Plata-ARG 1 x 1 Ponte Preta - Aranha garante classificação na Argentina

A Macaca passou para a segunda fase da Copa Sul-Americana por ter marcado um gol como visitante

Aranha poderia ter defendido o gol de Rinaudo? Sim. Mas o goleiro se redimiu ao longo da partida e foi o grande responsável pela classificação sofrida da Ponte Preta à segunda fase da Copa Sul-Americana. A vaga da Macaca veio na noite desta terça com o empate por 1 a 1 contra o Gimnasia La Plata, no Estádio del Bosque.

A Ponte Preta mostrou muita raça e suportou a pressão que o Gimnasia exerceu durante todo o segundo tempo para voltar da Argentina com a classificação e mostrar que o vice paulista já faz parte do passado. Em Campinas, no início do mês passado, os times empataram sem gols. Assim, a vaga da Macaca veio por causa dos gols marcados fora de casa.
O adversário da Ponte ainda não é conhecido, pois os confrontos da segunda fase serão definidos apenas depois de um sorteio realizado pela Conmebol, ainda sem data marcada.

Empurrado pela torcida, que compareceu em bom número, o Gimnasia La Plata começou pressionando a saída de bola da Ponte Preta, que procurava explorar o contra ataque. Aos poucos, a Macaca passou a ter mais posse de bola e chegou com perigo aos 17 minutos. Artur cruzou rasteiro, Yuri fez o pivô e Clayson chegou batendo de primeira pela linha de fundo.

A tática do Gimnasia era clara: apostar nas bolas aéreas. Qualquer falta para frente do meio-campo, o time argentino mandava quase todos seus jogadores para dentro da área da Ponte Preta. E o feitiço virou contra o feiticeiro aos 26 minutos. Ravanelli cobrou falta na marca do pênalti e Elton, sem sair do chão, cabeceou no ângulo de Alexis Martín.

A alegria alvinegra, porém, durou apenas um minuto. Após escanteio cobrado, a bola sobrou para Rinaudo, que pegou de primeira. Aranha foi com a mão mole e não conseguiu fazer a defesa. O gol de empate animou os argentinos, que quase viraram aos 32. Alemán cabeceou no canto e dessa vez o goleiro pontepretano fez a defesa.

Irritado com a não marcação de uma falta, Gilson Kleina reclamou e o árbitro, de maneira equivocada, acabou expulsando o treinador alvinegro. Depois da pressão argentina, a Macaca conseguiu equilibrar novamente a partida e, no último lance do primeiro tempo, Nino Paraíba finalizou pela linha de fundo.
Como o empate com gols classificava a Ponte Preta, o Gimnasia La Plata voltou do intervalo pressionando e tendo mais posse de bola, dificultando a vida dos brasileiros, que erravam muitos passes. Aos nove minutos, mais uma vez pelo alto, Mazzola desviou e Aranha fez a defesa sem dar rebote.

A resposta da Macaca veio na sequência. Yuri recebeu na entrada da área e finalizou forte pela linha de fundo, assustando Alexis Martín. Aos 24 minutos, Ibañez aproveitou cruzamento rasteiro e desatenção de Artur para chutar forte, exigindo grande defesa de Aranha. O jogo mais parecia um treino de ataque (Gimnasia) contra defesa (Ponte).

Aos 37, após cruzamento para a área, a bola sobrou para Oreja chegar soltando a bomba. Aranha, mais uma vez, fez milagre e salvou a Ponte Preta. Nos minutos finais, o Gimnasia abusou das bolas aéreas, mas a zaga alvinegro se segurou e garantiu a classificação.


Primeira Fase
2ª rodada
Estadio del Bosque - Buenos Aires ()
Esteban Ostojich-URU

Miguel Nievas (URU) e Gabriel Popovits (URU)

Cartões Amarelos
Gimnasia y Esgrima-ARG: Carrera, Oreja
Ponte Preta-BRA: Ravanelli, Fernando Bob, Jeferson

Gimnasia y Esgrima-ARG: Rinaudo 27' 1T
Ponte Preta-BRA: Elton 26' 1T
Gimnasia y Esgrima-ARG
Alexis Martín; 
Oreja, Romero, Guanini e Licht; 
Carrera (Ibáñez), Rinaudo, Perdomo (Faravelli), Alemán; 
Contín e Mazzola (Mauro Matos).
Técnico: Gustavo Alfaro.
Ponte Preta-BRA
Nino Paraíba (Jeferson), Marllon, Kadu e Artur;
Fernando Bob, Elton, Jadson (Naldo) e Ravanelli;
Yuri (Lins) e Clayson.
Técnico: Gilson Kleina.

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Зобнин: пусть Луческу в таблицу посмотрит — там видно, кто сильнейший

Один из лидеров чемпионского «Спартака», полузащитник Роман Зобнин, в интервью «Чемпионату» – о титуле, болельщиках и незабываемом сезоне.

— С победой, Роман! Могли представить, что станете чемпионом в первый год в «Спартаке»?
— Хочу поздравить всех болельщиков «Спартака»! Они заслужили это долгожданное чемпионство. Процентов на 80 — это заслуга фанатов. Болельщики отлично нас поддерживали весь сезон, это их победа. Пусть Москва теперь станет красно-белой и празднует! Эмоции самые положительные. Конечно, не мог представить такого, когда переходил из «Динамо». За год моя жизнь перевернулась в положительную сторону. Спасибо богу, что так всё удачно для меня сложилось.
— Как удалось стать одним из лидеров команды-чемпиона?
— Работал на каждой тренировке и в каждой игре показывал всё что могу. Выжимал из себя сто процентов. Главная причина успеха – трудолюбие.
— Каким видите своё будущее в «Спартаке»?
— Я в «Спартаке» надолго! Мне очень хотелось остаться в клубе так долго, насколько возможно, продолжать помогать «Спартаку» и радовать болельщиков.
— Джано сказал, что никто из такого «Спартака» не уйдёт.
— Я точно никуда не уеду. Мне хорошо здесь. В следующем сезоне много интересных игр, Лига чемпионов, поэтому, конечно, останусь в «Спартаке».
— Почему не стали собираться смотреть «Зенит» — «Терек»?
— Всё-таки планировали лететь в Пермь, побеждать и становиться чемпионами там. Не рассчитывали на поражение «Зенита», потому особо и не хотели смотреть. Смотрели только на себя в первую очередь.
— Это связанно с настроением Карреры после «Томи»?
— Никак не связано. С «Томью» взяли три очка, потому какие к нам могут быть вопросы. Понятно, игра была не самая качественная и зрелищная. Но в конце чемпионата надо просто побеждать. Не важно, при какой игре. Так что решение не собираться на «Зенит» — «Терек» не связано с Каррерой. Хотя, понятно, он был недоволен. Но уже сегодня, думаю, все мы забыли тот матч, радуемся и празднуем.
— Нет осадка от того, что именно такая победа принесла чемпионство?
— От матча с «Томью» — нет. Но хотелось стать чемпионами на поле. С болельщиками и в домашнем матче – совсем было бы круто. Но получилось как получилось. Не отказываться же теперь от чемпионства.
— Как празднуете?
— Сейчас – особо никак. Думаю, с ребятами, в любом случае, соберёмся. Надо спрашивать у Глушакова или руководителей, тренера. Куда скажут ехать праздновать, туда и поеду.
— Неужели не было соблазна заранее подготовиться к празднику?
— Эта тема была закрыта для нас. Тренер запретил обсуждать победу до того, как станем чемпионами официально, потому не планировали, не знали и до сих пор не знаем, как и где будем отмечать. Теперь уже можно – вот будем думать, времени достаточно, чтобы решить.
— Луческу усомнился, что «Спартак» — сильнейший в РФПЛ по игре. Как прокомментируете?
— Пусть в таблицу посмотрит – там видно, кто сильнее всех. Как это ещё прокомментировать?
— С экс-одноклубниками по «Динамо» обменялись поздравлениями?
— Конечно, поздравил с чемпионством в ФНЛ. Их поздравлений пока всех не видел – телефон завален СМС-ками, звонками, и не всем получается отвечать. Кто-то успел поздравить, но основную часть поздравлений буду разбирать завтра.

Reactions to Spartak’s First Championship in 16 Years

Spartak Moscow fans celebrating the championship outside of Otkritie Arena Sunday night. Photo: Danny Armstrong
Spartak Moscow fans celebrating the championship outside of Otkritie Arena Sunday night. Photo: Danny Armstrong
Spartak Moscow have won the Premier League for the first time in 16 years.
On Saturday, a Quincy Promes goal secured a 1-0 win over Tom Tomsk, who were subsequently relegated, and the next day Zenit St. Petersburg fell to a shock 1-0 home defeat to Terek Grozny.
The results mean that Massimo Carrera’s men are ten points clear of second-placed CSKA Moscow with just three games left.
The Italian, who only took charge of Myaso in August, became the first foreign manager in Spartak’s history to lead the club to the league title and the sixth boss to have achieved the feat in his first season.
Carrera, in an interview with Sport Expressrevealed that he had watched Zenit’s game in a sports bar in Moscow and he spoke of the most important moment of the season. “It was the first day,” he said, “when I spoke with the team. It was that moment when I told the team what I expected from them.”
Reacting to the confirmation of Spartak’s championship win, he said, “Could I have imagined that? No, of course. But I can honestly say that I immediately accepted Spartak Moscow’s offer when it came to me. Since the first day at this club, I have given 100% to the job, which I am really enjoying. And when they entrusted me with the management of the whole team, I could not and did not want to turn down the responsibility.
“I didn’t know how long my job, in this sense, would continue, since, initially, there was talk of just two matches. But we managed to quickly establish a mutual understanding within the group and so business went well.”
He continued: “And when I talk about the group, I do not only mean the team itself but also the other people who are involved. The group is those who work on the pitch and those who work off it. Of course, there were problems and even now there are problems, so we do not work without mistakes but we managed to become one family. And that makes me happy.”
Carrera was keen to further stress that the success was a team effort. “It was not I, Massimo Carrera, who won the Russian Scudetto, but we, Spartak Moscow, who won it. It is very important to understand that. I am grateful to all of the players, from the first to the last, that they became a united force. The guys never surrendered or lost heart in those moments when things weren’t going well.
“I want to separately thank those guys who had less playing time than the others. Thank you guys that you never displayed any jealously but rather helped the whole team with an attitude towards the common goal. It is a very important moment. Our defeats did not weaken us but made us stronger. We became tougher in training and in matches, becoming a unified force. Therefore, we won.”
Spartak defender Dmitri Kombarov led celebrations with the fans and he spoke of his pride in winning the league. “This championship is our common victory together with the Spartak fans,” he said. “I have been waiting for this my whole life.”
“After the Zenit game, I never once sat down. I was walking back and forth. There were such emotions overflowing. Friends were ringing, congratulating us. As the final whistle sounded, I did not put my phone in my pocket for an hour. The guys were also congratulating each other.”
Famous actor and singer Alexei Maklakov gave his reaction to watching his side win the league. He said, “Honestly, the last six minutes (of the Zenit game) felt like six hours. It is not important that we became champions after our own game or the game of a rival. It is even symbolic that it happened after Zenit’s game since they have had their share of dominance over the past few years.
“On the contrary, it is very important that today we have become champions with three matches to go. It is very important that we have a class team, establishing superiority in the game and, most importantly, it is a team with a capital letter that has brought us the long-awaited gold medals.”
 Russia Today Sports News Editor and RFN writer Danny Armstrong described the jubilation amongst Spartak fans, “The atmosphere outside Otkritye Arena last night was one of cathartic joy,” he said. “Fans who’ve waited 16 years – for some sitting aloft the shoulders of older fans more than their whole lives – to see their team win the title. They had endured years of abject mediocrity.
“Pavel, the leader of ultras group Fratria, told me last year that fans had grown accustomed to mid-table finishes. At the beginning of the year, this was a club enveloped by apathy. But since Massimo Carrera galvanised the squad from August, they started to believe.
“Last night, fans celebrated being rewarded for their belief with an inebriated captain Denis Glushakov, with firecrackers, flares and flags. It was a realisation of a 16 year ambition.”

Author: John Gorrod

Russian Premier League


Campbelltown: Shanghai SIPG travel to Western Sydney Wanderers on Wednesday with the hope of still finishing top of Group F in the 2017 AFC Champions League.
Andre Villas-Boas’ side have already qualified for the last 16 but must better the result of Urawa Red Diamonds at FC Seoul in order to advance as group winners. But they have traveled to Australia without Brazilian duo Oscar and Hulk on the back of a 3-0 win over Guizhou Zhicheng in the Chinese Super League on Friday.
Western Sydney have lost two from two at Campbelltown Sports Stadium and, currently propping up Group F, they will at least look to give the home fans something to cheer about as the Australian side bring what has been a miserable campaign to an end. Jack Clisby and Brendan Hamill will both miss out, though, after their bookings in the 6-1 loss to Urawa two weeks ago.

ACL Preview: Wanderers vs Shanghai
The Western Sydney Wanderers will look to finish their season on a positive note when they take on Shanghai SIPG in their last group stage match of the 2017 AFC Champions League at Campbelltown Stadium. 

The Wanderers will have their first match in 12 days after their Hyundai A-League finals hopes ended in heartbreak with a penalty shootout defeat to Brisbane Roar. Tonight's clash against Shanghai will mark the third time the Wanderers have hosted Chinese opposition in their Champions League history, the Red & Black having won two of those three fixtures.

Tony Popovic will have to do without defenders Jack Clisby and Brendan Hamill who are both serving a one-game suspension for yellow cards.  The match will also mark the end of Foundation Player Shannon Cole's journey with the Red & Black. Cole will skipper the side in what will be his 20th AFC Champions League appearance, the most of any player in Wanderers history. 

The last time these two sides was back in February in Shanghai, with the Chinese outfit trumping the Wanderers 5-1.  André Villas-Boas' side have already successfully qualified for the knockout stages but will need a better result than Urawa Red Diamonds to seal top spot in Group F.  

Although the Chinese giants have a solid record at home in the Champios League, away they have struggled and have suffered five defeats in seven games.  Shanghai will be coming off the back of a confident 3-0 victory over Guizhou Zhicheng in the Chinese Super League over the weekend and they now sit second in the league after eight games.  Western Sydney Wanderers vs Shanghai SIPG Wednesday 10 May, 8:00pm Campbelltown Stadium 


Seoul: Urawa Red Diamonds will cap a fine Group F display should they defeat FC Seoul on Wednesday and progress to the knockout phase of the 2017 AFC Champions League on top of the standings.
Having already secured their spot in the last 16, Urawa sit above second-placed Shanghai SIPG by virtue of a slightly better head-to-head record and will seal top spot by claiming all three points at Seoul World Cup Stadium.
Urawa were the early pacesetters in the J.League but go in to the tie on a poor run of form having lost two in a row since routing Western Sydney Wanderers 6-1 two weeks ago.
The hosts, who welcome back Osmar Barba from suspension, have endured a hugely disappointing continental campaign and sit nine points adrift of the top two teams. They have also lost two from three in the K-League Classic since a 4-2 defeat to Shanghai two weeks ago ended any faint hope they had of qualifying for the knockout stage.


Ibaraki: Top spot is up for grabs in Group E of the 2017 AFC Champions League on Wednesday as second-placed Kashima Antlers host table-toppers Muangthong United to determine who advances to the knockout round in pole position.
The two sides have already ensured their safe passage to the last 16 ahead of the clash at Kashima Soccer Stadium but the home team must claim all three points against their unbeaten opponents – who won their first-ever game in the competition following a 2-1 victory over Kashima in February – if they want to progress on top of the standings.
Kashima go in to the tie on fine form after defeating Urawa Red Diamonds 1-0 on Thursday to leapfrog the Saitama side into first place in the J.League table. The visitors, meanwhile, have won three on the bounce in the Thai Premier League since their last Group E fixture, but are without the suspended trio of Xisco, Lee Ho and Tristan Do in Japan.


Brisbane: Brisbane Roar will look to continue their solid home form in Group E of the 2017 AFC Champions League on Wednesday and secure a victory over Ulsan Hyundai that would move them above the 2012 winners.
Brisbane’s defeat at Muangthong United and Ulsan’s reversal at home to Kashima Antlers on Matchday Five confirmed the two teams’ elimination with a game to spare ahead of the encounter at Brisbane Stadium.
The hosts will now hope to avenge their 6-0 collapse in Ulsan on Matchday Two and they welcome back Corey Brown and Avram Papadopoulos from suspension, although Jacob Pepper misses out for the same reason.
For Ulsan, the heavy defeat of Brisbane proved the high point in what has been an otherwise disappointing campaign. Their form in the K-League Classic, though, has been exemplary of late, having won three from three since last appearing on the continent.

ASIA: AFC Champions League

StandingsASIA: AFC Champions League
07:00 Brisbane Roar (Aus)-Ulsan Hyundai (Kor)
07:00 Kashima (Jpn)-Muang Thong Utd (Tha)
07:00 Seoul (Kor)-Urawa (Jpn)
07:00 WS Wanderers (Aus)-Shanghai SIPG (Chn)