sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2020

Ede rechnet mit dem Fußballgeschäft ab: "Alles unmündige Roboter"

Einst jubelte Chinedu Ede an der Seite von Manuel Neuer und Jerome Boateng, inzwischen hat er seine Laufbahn beendet - und ist froh darüber. Gegenüber "" nahm der heute 33-Jährige kein Blatt vor den Mund.

Elf Jahre ist es her, dass Ede, damals beim MSV Duisburg unter Vertrag, an der Seite späterer Weltmeister wie Manuel Neuer oder Jerome Boateng U-21-Europameister wurde - anschließend nahmen ihre jeweiligen Karrieren jedoch unterschiedliche Verläufe.
Stationen in Zypern und Thailand

Ede kam für Hertha BSC und den FSV Mainz 05 immerhin auf insgesamt 28 Bundesliga-Spiele, 109 Mal lief er - hauptsächlich für Union Berlin - in der 2. Liga auf und spielte später auf Zypern, in den Niederlanden und in Thailand. 2019 beendete der Mittelfeldspieler seine Laufbahn beim Regionalligisten VSG Altglienicke - und ist froh, das Fußballgeschäft hinter sich gelassen zu haben.

"Am Ende wollten sie in dieser Industrie, und das ist das Fußballgeschäft wirklich, einfach nur anpassungsfähige, unmündige und gleichgestellte Roboter, die immer denselben Scheiß erzählen. Dieses Drumherum, dieses ganze Funktionärstum - es hat mich so angewidert", schimpft Ede.

Was das "Schmerzensgeld" nicht rechtfertigt

"99 Prozent der Spieler, die offen und ehrlich Dinge angesprochen haben, wurden ganz schnell ausgetauscht. Es hatte nichts mehr mit dem ursprünglichen Sport zu tun. Wer Ecken und Kanten hat, wurde so zurecht gemeißelt, bis er in diese Welt passte." Kein "Schmerzensgeld" rechtfertige, "dass man nicht man selbst sein darf".

"Manchmal hat man so krass den Anschluss zur Realität verloren." - Chinedu Ede über seinen Drogenkonsum

Zudem hätte der 33-Jährige "ständig auf Schmerzmitteln" spielen müssen, weil er gedrängt wurde, "wieder früher anzufangen als es wirklich gut für meinen Körper war". Neben seiner Generalkritik machte Ede aber auch persönliche Eingeständnisse - so habe er teilweise unter Drogeneinfluss auf dem Platz gestanden: "Manchmal hat man so krass den Anschluss zur Realität verloren und wollte allem gerecht werden, sodass das zum Balsam wurde."

Marcelo: "No quiero salir y creo que el Real Madrid no me dejaría"

Marcelo habló de su futuro en el Real Madrid en una charla en instagram con Cannavaro: "Yo no quiero salir y creo que el Real Madrid no me dejaría. Estoy muy bien en Madrid desde que llegué con mi familia.Es mucho tiempo y tengo una historia increíble. Me parece bien que haya equipos que me quieran, no sé si la Juve. Hace dos años ya había firmado con ellos y tenía puesta la camiseta porque no sabía vivir sin Cristiano. La gente se inventa muchas cosas. Me parece bien que sus aficionados me pongan mensajes buenos".

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La reacción de Marcelo a la pregunta de Cannavaro: "Esa pregunta es para joder"

Hazard: "Creo que ya está bien. La lesión llegó en una pierna en la que tenía ya un problema. Es muy top, la velocidad a la que hace las cosas es muy diferente al resto. Estaba bien, pero la lesión fue una pena. Ahora va a volver".
Vinicius: "Es explosión total, tiene un regate increíble, se nota que viene del fútbol sala, con velocidad, y el balón siempre lo lleva pegado. Me recuerda a Robinho, pero tiene más velocidad".
Rodrygo: "Es calma, siempre tranquilo, parece que lleva diez años jugando, es inteligente. A los dos les digo, tranquilos, vuestra hora llegará, ahora dadle el balón a Benzema, que mete goles, y ya está".
Roberto Carlos: "Siempre que hablo con él todavía me pongo muy nervioso. Es mi ídolo. Desde que empecé a jugar al fútbol sala me fijaba mucho en él. Pensaba, cómo puede ser que vaya con tanta frecuencia arriba y abajo".
Cristiano-Messi: "No puedes decir quien es mejor, yo he jugado diez años con Cristiano y la motivación que te da dentro del campo es única, cómo te lleva arriba. Messi está parado y de la nada construye gol".
Zidane: "La gente pensaba que no podría manejar el vestuario del Madrid con tantos pesos gordos y lo ha hecho increíble. Cuando legó estábamos en un momento muy duro, no ganábamos casi nada, y con trabajo y humildad, solo eso, entendiendo a los jugadores, hemos conseguido mucho. No nos olvidamos del trabajo muy grande anterior que hizo Ancelotti".
Confinamiento: "Yo salgo solo una vez al día con mis cuatro perros. La gente aquí lo está respetando mucho, pero ha sido muy duro. Infelizmente, hay muchas muertes. Hay que quedarse en casa, ahora salir un poco a las horas que dejan. La gente no esperaba que fuese tan duro. El mundo se ha parado y el momento es muy duro, pero quedándome en casa he visto cosas que puedo hacer, estar más con mi familia, leer libros y hacer meditación, que nunca en mi vida lo había hecho".
Meditación: "No paro un minuto, siempre estoy acelerado. Intento parar algunos minutos para pensar y relajarme. Es difícil para mí porque no puedo estar parado".

Danish football league aims for May 29 restart

Denmark hopes to restart its top-flight football season on May 29 with regular coronavirus tests administered to all those involved, the Danish League said Friday.
"We've always said it was crucial to finish the current season, but only if that could be done in a reasoned manner that doesn't really put the health system to the test," Claus Thomsen, head of the association which groups together Denmark's top clubs, said in a statement.
The league's resumption will be accompanied by a strict health protocol, which still requires government approval.
Matches would likely be played behind closed doors.
League leaders Midtjylland, the 2018 Danish champions, have already invited fans to watch matches on giant screens from the car park outside the stadium.
"All the participants (players, coaches and other staff) will be tested before the first matchday and continuously during the rest of the season," the statement added.
Two rounds of the regular season are still to be played. The league then splits up into championship and relegation play-offs.

"Il calcio lo fermo se...". E tra Governo e Serie A scoppia la pace armata

Una cattiva pace è meglio di una buona guerra. Convinti della bontà di questo proverbio ebraico, il ministro Spadafora e il presidente della Lega di serie A Paolo Dal Pino hanno firmato ieri un armistizio. Nessuno può giurare sulla durata ma è servito a stemperare il clima. È partito Spadafora, intervenendo a Mi manda Rai3, e ha corretto subito il tiro del giorno precedente, quando aveva provato a dividere il fronte dei presidenti di A, lanciando un appello a mettere fine "a polemiche e scontri" e promettendo approfondimenti sul protocollo "decisivo per la ripresa del campionato" in quanto "se su di esso si troverà un accordo tra comitato scientifico e Figc, gli allenamenti riprenderanno, viceversa, il governo decreterà per motivi di emergenza la chiusura". E ha poi promesso un decreto per l'eventuale chiusura con l'aggiunta di interventi tesi a limitare i danni economici patiti dal settore". Per Dal Pino, presidente della Lega che la sera prima s'era impegnato per ottenere le 20 firme che smentissero la previsione del ministro ("saranno i presidenti a chiedermi di mettere fine al campionato per preparare meglio il prossimo"), è stata musica per le sue orecchie. E ha lanciato una mano tesa al ministro ("apprezzo le sue parole e l'appello all'unità e confermo la disponibilità al dialogo") segnalando la sintonia perfetta con Gravina, presidente della federcalcio, che indirettamente vuol dire invece conferma della distanza dalle posizioni di Malagò.
Dal Pino ha anche rimesso nel cassetto la lettera che intendeva spedire a Conte e al ministro della Salute Speranza per chiedere date e provvedimenti certi sul futuro. "Non possiamo tornare ad allenarci e magari scoprire dopo 3 settimane che non si gioca più" l'obiezione di molti presidenti finita nella missiva. La verità è questa: la Lega di serie A ha capito in ritardo che, nel governo, sul piano operativo chi decide è il ministro Speranza, dopo il consulto col comitato scientifico e ha preso atto che le forzature e l'iperattivismo di Lotito hanno indispettito Spadafora. A questo punto solo la revisione del protocollo può trasformare quel sentiero stretto in un'autostrada. Non solo. Talune disposizioni contemplate nel documento del Politecnico di Torino presentato dal Coni sono definite complicate da realizzare e sgradite agli allenatori perché li obbligherebbe a presentarsi in panchina con le mascherine.
Nell'assemblea di questa mattina cui parteciperanno via telefono le 20 società, l'armistizio sottoscritto ieri sarà sottoposto a una prima verifica. Due gli argomenti all'ordine del giorno: definire gli scenari finanziari in un caso (ripresa del campionato) e nell'altro; concordare la linea da tenere con le tv nell'ipotesi di mancato versamento dell'ultima rata del contratto (220 milioni). I duri e puri spingono per far partire l'ingiunzione. Sul punto Sky ha lanciato un'altra proposta e cioè ottenere uno sconto sulla cifra di sua competenza (130 milioni) in cambio del prolungamento di un anno del contratto (qui occorrerebbe però una deroga governativa alla legge Melandri). Tra i club c'è una maggioranza indisponibile al negoziato: di quei soldi molti hanno bisogno per non andare in default. L'ala dei presidenti disposta a trattare è in netta minoranza.

Haaland über spottende PSG-Spieler: "Sie haben mir sehr geholfen"

Nachdem Borussia Dortmund im Achtelfinale der Champions League ausgeschieden war, gaben die Stars von Paris Saint Germain BVB-Stürmer Erling Haaland noch einen mit, indem sie sich über seinen Torjubel aus dem Hinspiel lustig machten. Der Norweger reagiert seinerseits mit Ironie.

Haaland hatte nach einem seiner Tore beim 2:1 im Achtelfinal-Hinspiel der Champions League im Schneidersitz meditierend gejubelt. Die PSG-Spieler um Neymar persiflierten diese Yoga-Geste nach ihrem 2:0-Sieg im Rückspiel, Bilder von den Spielern und ein von Kylian Mbappé gedrehtes Video in der Kabine geisterten bald durchs Netz.

"Sie haben mir sehr geholfen, Meditation in die Welt zu tragen und zu zeigen, wie wichtig Meditation ist", sagte Haaland nun dem US-Fernsehsender ESPN: "Deshalb bin ich ihnen sehr dankbar."

Insgesamt habe er durch dieses Hoch und Tief der Emotionen in den beiden Spielen viel gelernt, sagte Haaland. "Beim Hinspiel war es eine fantastische Nacht für mich und meine Familie. Darauf bin ich sehr stolz", sagte er: "Das zweite Spiel war nicht gut. Es war eine wichtige Erfahrung, dass man immer im Moment leben muss."

Paid in full: FFA receives belated quarterly sum from Fox Sports

The A-League has cleared a major hurdle for the resumption of the season after Football Federation Australia belatedly received its full quarterly payment from Fox Sports.

Football industry sources have confirmed Fox has now paid the near $12 million instalment of its broadcast deal with FFA, which was due mid-last month.

It is a positive development for FFA amid tense negotiations with the pay-TV operator, although it does not come with a guarantee that Fox Sports will continue as the A-League's broadcaster for the final three seasons of the contract.
But the fact it has been settled is a sign that relations between the two parties are perhaps not as frosty as first feared, while also enabling the continuation of planning for the last few rounds and finals series of the A-League to be played.

FFA declined to comment, while the head of Fox Sports, Peter Campbell, did not return calls. But in a separate statement welcoming the federal government's new principles for the return of professional sport, FFA chief executive James Johnson - who has led the game's negotiations with Fox - said: "We will, in conjunction with our own guidelines, use the principles and ‘The AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment’ to guide our ongoing plans for the return of the Hyundai A-League and community football."
The money from Fox will be forwarded on to clubs but further decisions will need to be made regarding how much they will receive and what players will be paid, with commercial revenues nosediving for both FFA and the clubs as a result of the COVID-19 shutdown.
Pay cuts are inevitable for players, while FFA and the clubs will also have to reach agreement with Professional Footballers Australia over a short-term extension of player contracts, which expire on May 31. Sources at FFA do not foresee that being an issue.
FFA has refused to set a public target date for the resumption of the A-League - nor has it revealed how it plans to stage games or if the 'hub' concept being contemplated by the AFL and NRL could be used - but it remains committed to playing on as soon as state and federal governments allow it. Club sources indicate, however, that even a return to training is not likely to come until July at the earliest.
Foxtel, the parent company of Fox Sports, is in significant financial turmoil following declines in advertising revenues and the suspension of sporting competitions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has also accelerated the shift of audiences towards over-the-top streaming platforms. Foxtel made 70 staff redundant this week, the organisation's third major round of job cuts this year.

Fox has been the A-League's major broadcast partner since the competition's inception in 2005, but has been unhappy with the terms of the current deal, worth nearly $60 million a year, for some time - primarily because of the negative publicity surrounding the code in recent years during the the A-League clubs' fight for independence, as well as poor ratings on linear television.

Football stakeholders have feared that Fox could use the COVID-19 outbreak as an opportunity to tear up the contract and abandon the sport, but the company is yet to declare any intention to do so.

FFA had engaged the services of prominent barrister Bret Walker, SC, in anticipation of a legal showdown with Fox over the contract, which is worth $346 million over six years and was secured by former chief executive David Gallop.

portugal - FPF disponibiliza um milhão de euros aos clubes da II Liga

Jogadores da II Liga criam corrente para protestar fim do campeonato.

A Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (FPF) vai disponibilizar um milhão de euros aos clubes da II Liga, ao antecipar as verbas para o financiamento para infraestruturas da próxima temporada, confirmou hoje à Lusa fonte ligada ao processo.
Este montante disponibilizado pelo organismo federativo integra o fundo que incentiva os clubes na melhoria das condições dos estádios, mas que, excecionalmente, pode ser usado para outros fins.
A II Liga foi suspensa por tempo indeterminado em 12 de março, devido à pandemia de covid-19, após 24 das 34 jornadas, tendo o Governo excluído o regresso desta competição, no plano de desconfinamento apresentado na quinta-feira.
Anualmente, o fundo de infraestruturas é de um milhão de euros, com comparticipações iguais, de 500 mil euros, de Liga Portuguesa de Futebol Profissional (LPFP) e FPF, esta última que decidiu antecipar os montantes correspondentes a 2020/21.
Os jogadores da II Liga portuguesa de futebol criaram hoje uma corrente solidária nas redes sociais a lamentar o fim do campeonato, apelando à igualdade com a I Liga que vai retomar a competição no final do mês.
"A ideia é todos os jogadores da II Liga colocarem uma foto a preto e branco nas redes sociais com o intuito de apelar à igualdade entre as duas Ligas e ao mesmo tempo revelar que estamos de luto com a decisão de não avançar com a II Liga", é o texto que circula entre os atletas nas redes sociais.
Edinho, do Cova da Piedade, Felix Mathaus, do Académico de Viseu, Fati e Fábio Espinho, do Feirense, e Fabinho e Filipe Gonçalves, da Oliveirense, são alguns dos jogadores que se juntaram ao protesto com o 'hashtag' #QueremosIgualdade.
O Governo definiu hoje, no plano de desconfinamento da pandemia de covid-19, que a I Liga de futebol e a final da Taça de Portugal vão poder ser disputados, permitindo também desportos individuais ao ar livre.
A retoma da I Liga de futebol, a partir de 30 e 31 de maio, está sujeita a aprovação da Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) de um plano sanitário, anunciou o primeiro-ministro, explicando que os jogos vão realizar-se sem a presença de público nos estádios.
O reinício do futebol profissional está limitado ao principal escalão, com a II Liga a não receber 'luz verde' para poder retomar a competição.
Faltam disputar 90 jogos do principal escalão, que é liderado pelo FC Porto, com um ponto de vantagem sobre o campeão Benfica, assim como a final da Taça de Portugal, que vai opor Benfica a FC Porto.

Na altura da suspensão, Nacional e Farense ocupavam os dois lugares de subida na II Liga, com os madeirenses no primeiro lugar, com 50 pontos, mais dois do que os algarvios.

Mercato – PSG : un nouveau milieu de terrain dans le viseur

Selon les informations du média ESPN, le Paris Saint-Germain s'intéresserait au milieu de terrain nigérian de Leicester, Wilfried Ndidi.

Le Paris Saint-Germain aurait déjà fixé ses priorités pour l’été prochain. Deux secteurs sont en chantier : les latéraux et le milieu de terrain. Dans l’entrejeu, le nom du puissant Serbe Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio Rome) a souvent été cité, tout comme celui d'un autre joueur de Serie A : Ismaël Bennacer (AC Milan). Mais Leonardo, dont le réseau en Serie A n'est plus à souligner, explore également d'autres marchés, comme la Liga (Partey) ou la Premier League. Selon les informations du média ESPN, le Paris Saint-Germain aurait coché le nom de Wilfred Ndidi. Âgé de 23 ans, ce milieu de terrain international nigérian a réalisé une saison remarquable avec Leicester City, club qu'il a rejoint en 2017. Le milieu des Foxes a une valeur estimée entre 50 et 60 millions d'euros. Paris pourrait formuler une offre au club britannique pour cette valeur montante. Affaire à suivre...

Kieran Trippier charged with allegedly breaching FA betting rules

Atletico Madrid and England defender Kieran Trippier has been hit with a misconduct charge over allegedly breaching Football Association (FA) betting regulations.
The former Tottenham full-back is alleged to have breached rules E8(1)(a) and E8(1)(b) last July.

Rule E8(1)(a) states: "A participant shall not bet, either directly or indirectly, or instruct, permit, cause or enable any person to bet on – (i) the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of, or occurrence in or in connection with, a football match or competition; or (ii) any other matter concerning or related to football anywhere in the world, including, for example and without limitation, the transfer of players, employment of managers, team selection or disciplinary matters."

While Rule E8(1)(b) stipulates: "Where a participant provides to any other person any information relating to football which the participant has obtained by virtue of his or her position within the game and which is not publicly available at that time, the participant shall be in breach of this rule where any of that information is used by that other person for, or in relation to, betting."
Trippier has until May 18 to respond to the charges. 

The 29-year-old joined Atleti from Spurs in July 2019 on a three-year deal for a reported fee of $25million.

Bayer Leverkusen: Charles Aranguiz verlängert Vertrag

Zuletzt gab es Gerüchte über einen möglichen Wechsel zum FC Bayern, nun herrscht bezüglich der Zukunft von Charles Aranguiz aber Klarheit.

Mittelfeldspieler Charles Aranguiz bleibt Bayer Leverkusen auch über den Sommer hinaus erhalten. Wie der Bundesligist am Freitag offiziell mitteilte, wurde der ursprünglich am 30. Juni auslaufende Vertrag des 31-jährigen Chilenen um weitere drei Jahre bis 2023 verlängert.

"Wir hatten in den vergangenen Wochen viele gute Gespräche mit Charles, dessen Wunsch zu bleiben auch unseren Vorstellungen absolut entsprach. Charles ist ein ganz wichtiger Spieler für unsere Mannschaft", sagte Rudi Völler, Leverkusens Geschäfsführer Sport. Aranguiz selbst betonte: "Ich habe hier schon einiges erlebt, viele große Spiele mit tollen Mitspielern. Dieser Klub, wirklich alle Mitarbeiter haben mich immer unterstützt und mir das Gefühl gegeben, dass ich hier willkommen bin – gerade zu Beginn, als ich wegen meines Achillessehnenrisses lange nicht spielen konnte."

Charles Aranguiz: Chilenische Medien hatten Wechsel zum FC Bayern ins Gespräch gebracht

Aranguiz war 2015 vom brasilianischen Traditionsklub Internacional Porto Alegre nach Leverkusen gewechselt. In der aktuell unterbrochenen Saison hat der 78-malige chilenische Nationalspieler bis dato 27 Pflichtspiele für Bayer bestritten, dabei gelangen ihm drei Tore und sechs Vorlagen.

La UEFA puede acercar al Betis a Europa

El organismo dice que el séptimo clasificado jugaría torneo continental si no se disputa la final copera

En el Betis se tiene mucha confianza en el rendimiento del equipo si se reanuda el campeonato e incluso de puertas adentro se siguen poniendo las miras en el objetivo europeo, pese a que el equipo verdiblanco se encuentra a doce puntos del sexto clasificado, el Atlético de Madrid. De ahí que la decisión de la UEFA de abrir la posibilidad de que el séptimo dispute competición europea se ha recibido con optimismo en Heliópolis, ya que dejaría al Betis a nueve puntos de esa posición que ahora mismo ocupa el Valencia.
El máximo organismo europeo comunicó el jueves a la Federación Española de Fútbol (RFEF) que el séptimo clasificado de LaLiga tendrá plaza para la próxima edición de la Liga Europa, si no puede disputarse la final de la Copa del Rey antes de que cada país envíe la lista de sus representantes. De esta forma la UEFA descartó la opción planteada inicialmente por la RFEF para que en caso de no jugarse la final copera, y si uno de los dos finalistas ya tenía plaza para competición europea, el otro finalista participara en la Liga Europa 2020-21.
La comunicación de la UEFA a la RFEF indicó que "para la entrada en la Liga Europa 2020-21, en caso de que una Asociación Nacional termine prematuramente, por razones legítimas, una copa nacional y, en consecuencia, no pueda determinar el ganador por méritos deportivos, el club del campeonato nacional no clasificado de mayor rango es el que se clasifica".

Esta nueva noticia, y a la espera de lo que decidan la Federación, el Athletic y la Real Sociedad, abre una nueva puerta a la esperanza en el Betis, que podría estar tres puntos más cerca del objetivo europeo. "Tenemos mucha ilusión en estos once partidos que quedan", dijo el vicepresidente, José Miguel López Catalán, hace unos días, dentro de esa visión optimista que resurgió en el Betis tras el último triunfo ante el Real Madrid.

Relégué en Ligue 2, Amiens va saisir la justice

Brigitte Fouré, maire d'Amiens, et Alain Gest, président d'Amiens Métropole, ont vivement contesté le classement de la Ligue 1 communiqué par la LFP.
L'Amiens SC avait déjà laissé entendre ce vendredi via un communiqué qu'une action en justice était envisagée suite à la décision de la Ligue de stopper la saison et d'envoyer le club en Ligue 2 avec un classement pondéré. « Cette décision est pour notre club, l'ensemble de nos joueurs, entraîneurs, administratifs, bénévoles et supporters extrêmement lourde de conséquences. En l'état de notre réflexion et dans l'attente de la publication du procès-verbal de ce Conseil d'administration, l'Amiens SC se réserve la possibilité de contester cette décision, puisque l'équité sportive, en cette période particulièrement difficile pour tous, aurait dû au contraire amener les différentes instances décisionnaires à ne prononcer aucune relégation ».
Cette action en justice est désormais certaine puisque Brigitte Fouré, maire d'Amiens, accompagnée d'Alain Gest, président d'Amiens Métropole, ont indiqué qu'il n'était pas possible « perdre une partie de [notre] attractivité sur tapis vert », dans des propos repris par L’Équipe. « Dès lundi, les élus vont se rapprocher des avocats de la collectivité pour déterminer un plan de bataille sur le terrain juridique cette fois », indique aussi le communiqué des élus, qui ont un objectif clair : « contester la décision du conseil d'administration de la Fédération Française de Football de reléguer l'Amiens SC en Ligue 2 alors qu'il reste 10 matches à jouer et trente points à prendre sur la saison 2019-2020 ».

Nev: Take PL finish to a virus-free nation

Gary Neville has suggested the idea of taking the Premier League abroad to a coronavirus-free quarantined environment to finish the season as the UK environment isn't safe enough.

The Premier League still currently wants to finish this season, in line with UEFA's recommendation, although a return to domestic football is entirely dependent on government approval, and medical advice.

The authorities have been in talks with government officials for weeks, and the clubs are meeting on Friday and later next week to discuss plans about how to proceed.

However, Neville is beginning to wonder whether the environment in the UK, where 26,771 people have died due to the virus, is safe enough to house competitive football, even behind closed doors. He has suggested an alternative plan involving taking the final games to a country with sterile coronavirus conditions.

He said on The Football Show: "If the Premier League are really serious about delivering the matches that remain in a safe environment they would move it to the two or three spots that are within three or four hours of this country that are coronavirus free.

"They would take the Premier League players, broadcasters and media over, quarantine for a week or two and then deliver it in an environment that has proven it can handle this virus. There are a couple of hotspots in Europe that haven't got coronavirus which could handle the Premier League finishing.

"If they were serious about it and wanted to deliver it with a safe outcome, they could do that. In this country I'm not sure they can deliver it with the amount of coronavirus which is around, especially with the amount of movement of it out there and the logistic issues. I'm not sure they can deliver what they want to do."

MLS allows individual workouts to resume on Wednesday

Major League Soccer players can begin voluntary individual workouts on team outdoor training fields starting Wednesday under coronavirus health protocols where government shutdown laws permit, the league announced Friday.
The move marks the first small step toward resuming the 2020 MLS season, which was halted after only two weeks due to the deadly virus outbreak.
A league-wide moratorium on small group and full team training sessions remains in place through May 15.
The MLS move comes after the NBA announced it would allow players to conduct solo workouts at team facilities starting next Friday where allowed under stay-at-home laws.
Up to four MLS players may train on the field at once, with the area divided into four quadrants and players limited to their zone with no passing or shooting between zones allowed.
Having players use team-operated fields allows clubs to control the environment, ensuring all involved adhere to social distance and safety protocols created by MLS with medical and disease experts.
Workout protocols do not allow access to other team facilities such as gyms, locker rooms and training rooms, except as permitted for players recovering from surgery or injury.
Teams must restrict access to essential personnel only, sanitize all training spaces and such equipment as balls, cones or goals between each workout session and check each player's temperature upon his arrival at the facility.
Teams must stagger player and staff arrivals and departures and designate parking spaces to maintain maximum distance between vehicles, with players required to use personal protective equipment in traveling to and from the field from parking lots.
Staff members must use protective equipment and stay at least 10 feet from players at all times with hand washing and disinfectant stations required to be used before and after all workouts.

Le Graët fait passer un message à Aulas: "Il deviendra sage assez rapidement"

Noël Le Graët, président de la Fédération française de football (FFF), s'attend à ce que Jean-Michel Aulas devienne "sage assez rapidement" après sa déception liée au classement final de la Ligue 1 qui prive l'OL de qualification européenne.

Jean-Michel Aulas va rentrer dans le rang et accepter le classement final de la saison 2019-2020 de Ligue 1. C'est ce que pense Noël Le Graët, invité par L'Équipe à commenter les déclarations indignées et les menaces de recours en justice du patron de l'Olympique Lyonnais, non-qualifié pour une compétition européenne via le championnat. "Je sais qu'il deviendra sage assez rapidement", assure ce vendredi le président de la Fédération française de football.
"Une fois passée la déception, il est légaliste. Laissons le temps au temps. J'aime bien les gens qui défendent leur club. Mais après, il faut rentrer dans la stratégie globale", déclare Noël Le Graët, affirmant ne pas avoir de "souci à titre personnel" avec Jean-Michel Aulas.

"Il a encore des possibilités d'être européen"

Le dirigeant de la FFF l'encourage d'ailleurs à se "concentrer" sur les deux matchs que l'OL pourrait encore disputer: le huitième de finale retour de Ligue des champions contre la Juventus et la finale de la Coupe de la Ligue contre le Paris Saint-Germain. Celle-ci pourrait être reprogrammée au début du mois d'août, au même titre que celle de la Coupe de France, si les autorités le permettent. 

"Il a encore des possibilités d'être européen en dehors du classement d'hier", note d'ailleurs Noël Le Graët, notamment parce que la finale de cette coupe nationale offre un ticket pour le deuxième tour préliminaire de la Ligue Europa. Ce billet sera reversé en championnat, en cas de victoire du PSG, champion de France d'ores et déjà qualifié pour la prochaine édition de la Ligue des champions.

De Jong: “La afición del Sevilla es maravillosa; somos terceros gracias a ella”

El delantero holandés señala el gol en el derbi como el momento más especial que ha vivido en un encuentro digital con aficionados del Sevilla FC.

Luuk de Jong ha elogiado a la afición del Sevilla en un encuentro digital en el canal de Instagram del club en el que respondió a las preguntas de los seguidores.

La afición es fantástica. Cada partido nos ayuda a ganar y creo que estamos terceros gracias a ellos. Me gusta mucha esta afición”, comentó el holandés, que citó el gol en el derbi como su momento más especial. “Fue un gran momento marcar en el derbi contra el Betis. Además, fue el gol de la victoria y eso lo hizo más especial. Ya es parte de la historia y siempre recordaremos ese momento. Tras el pitido final todo fue una gran fiesta y fue algo increíble”.

El ex delantero del PSV Eindhoven contó también curiosidades sobre su vida, como que su comida preferida es el sushi, que es un apasionado de los videojuegos y que su ídolo de niño era Thierry Henry. De Jong, además, recordó que espera ansioso volver a entrenar con sus compañeros: “Me encantaría estar entrenando sobre el césped y jugando en estadios, pero hay que entrenar en casa y mantenerse en forma porque esperamos que pronto esto termine”.

Manchester United loanee Chris Smalling 'wants Roma stay' as Paulo Fonseca hails 'amazing' defender

AS Roma head coach Paulo Fonseca has reiterated his desire to keep Manchester United defender Chris Smalling at the club beyond the end of his current loan stint.
After falling out of favour at Old Trafford under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the England centre-back moved to Serie A on a season-long basis in August 2019, with Roma paying €3million (£2.6m) for the deal.
That proved to be money well spent, with Smalling providing a commanding presence during his first 28 appearances in Italian football before the 2019-20 campaign was suspended as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Fonseca - who also wants Smalling's former United team-mate Henrikh Mkhitaryan to complete a permanent move from Arsenal after a similarly successful loan spell - has made little secret of his wish for Smalling to stay at the Stadio Olimpico for at least another season.
Speaking to ESPN on Friday, Fonseca lavished praise on Smalling for his personality, leadership and adaptation skills while confirming that the player himself also wants to stay at Roma rather than return to his parent club.
"I will do everything I can to keep him at Roma next year too," Fonseca said. "I know he wants to stay, let's see what happens.
"He's an amazing man, so humble, so professional. He is adored by the fans and established himself as one of the leaders in the dressing room.
"It's not easy for English central defenders to adapt so quickly to Italian football, the record there isn't good. But he has been amazing."
Smalling is under contract at United until 2022, but his current deal includes the option for a further 12-month extension.
Speaking in December, Solskjaer appeared to confirm that the 30-year-old would be returning to Old Trafford in the summer.

El València CF no cedix i acudirà als jutjats per la Supercopa d'Espanya

El club de Mestalla vol defendre els seus drets en els juzados ordinaris contra la decisió de Rubiales

La 'victòria' jurídica del València CF sobre la Federació Espanyola de Futbol no provocarà que el club de Mestalla pose el fre amb l'assumpte de la Supercopa d'Espanya.
La UEFA ha atés la protesta del club de Mestalla, i la d'altres clubs espanyols que també es van sentir damnificats, i contra la voluntat de la Federació Espanyola que presidix Luis Manuel Rubiales, si el campió de Copa del Rei ja té plaça de competició europea a través de la Lliga, la plaça del campió de Copa serà per al seté classificat de la Lliga.

Paral·lelament, el València CF manté ferm la seua voluntat d'acudir quan siga possible, ara ho és per la pandèmia del coronavirus, als jutjats de justícia ordinària per a reclamar els seus drets pel cas de la Supercopa d'Espanya. Luis Manuel Rubiales, president de la Federació Espanyola de Futbol va canviar les normes i la final de la Supercopa que s'havia de disputar entre el campió de Lliga, el FC Barcelona, i el campió de Copa, el València CF. El president de la Federació va decidir que la final anara entre quatre equips als quals 'va convidar', per així dir-ho, al Reial Madrid i a l'Atlètic de Madrid. La decisió del València CF és d'un calibre considerable, perquè és poc habitual que els clubs acudisquen a la justícia ordinària i no a l'esportiva. Servisca açò per a calibrar el malestar que hi ha en el club amb el 'cas Supercopa d'Espanya'.

USA - Jillian Sakovits: I recovered from COVID-19 and donated plasma. Here's how you can help

“One donor’s plasma donation can help three people” 
That’s what the nurse said to me at the New York Blood Center. One month after being COVID-19 positive, the silver lining came: donating my convalescent plasma. For me, it couldn’t come soon enough.
First, what is plasma and why is it useful? Plasma is a light yellow liquid that lives in your blood. Plasma contains antibodies and a survivor’s blood is charged up with antibodies against the virus. Plasma from survivors may help the critically ill fight the virus. This is known as convalescent plasma therapy, an old method that dates back to the 1918 flu pandemic and has more recently been used to treat Ebola and SARS.
I was never critically ill. How unbelievably fortunate I felt. For that reason, I could get to helping as soon as possible. But how? I started googling how to help, but the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States was so fresh, there was little information as yet. Luckily, by the time I was fully recovered and COVID-19 negative I had signed up for every study and plasma donation I could find.
I have tested positive for . I am well and feel very fortunate for that. Be safe and well all of you and PLEASE
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What exactly does a plasma donation entail?

It was as easy as sitting in a lawn chair. Literally! I sat back in a large reclining chair, and 45 minutes later I was done. For me, there was none of that light headed-woozy feeling some experience after donating blood, because you don’t! It’s a small needle prick, and your blood is taken, the plasma is spun out and your blood is returned (literally). At least, in the procedure I did.
I’ll be honest, walking in that day I had no idea what to expect. It was just the first on a list of donations and studies I had signed up for after I recovered. Something else I’ll be candid about: when I got in my car it felt a little jarring. I had not driven or been in a large building filled with people for nearly two months.
As soon as I got in the New York Blood Center I realized just how trivial that was. Doctors, nurses, technicians, custodians, all buzzing around in complete overdrive, no time to worry about themselves. I had seen them on the news and cheered for them out my window, but seeing them was a sobering reminder that while I had quarantined in my own bubble for a month there was a whole world of people out there who can’t and won’t — for us.

Is plasma working?

Plasma therapy is still in the initial stages and has seen some early success. How effective plasma therapy is for COVID-19 patients is still to be determined and is being studied. Additionally, plasma donations can be used for studies and clinical trials for possible medications and vaccines.
The New York Blood Center I went to is on the Upper East Side in New York City. It’s a neighborhood filled with some of the most renowned hospitals in the world. As I left, I walked down the ominously empty streets to my car. I started weaving the streets of these towering hospitals and I thought of all the patients that filled its floors.
Those patients have a web of people who’s happiness depends on them — spouses, kids, loved ones, friends, etc. There are thousands of patients, on ventilators, perhaps taking their last breaths and worst of all, unable to have loved ones by their side. While the exact effects of the plasma donations are still being studied, that bag of yellow stuff I left could maybe give three people a fighting chance? Suddenly, “one donation can help three people” took on another, higher meaning.

I had the coronavirus, I was never debilitatingly ill, and none of my loved ones have been. I feel so grateful, but also a duty to use that good fortune for those who need it. And, a staggering number need it. This was (and is) the least I can do. If you have recovered from COVID-19, please, please consider donating your plasma. Any questions you have, I will gladly answer!