domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2020

Alarmierende Lage beim FC Bayern

Joshua Kimmich glaubt, der FC Bayern ist zu dünn besetzt
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Joshua Kimmich glaubt, der FC Bayern ist zu dünn besetzt
Akute Personalprobleme, Fehler im System und eine deftige Blamage bei der Generalprobe: Die Lage beim FC Bayern München ist kurz vor dem Rückrundenstart besorgniserregend.
Hansi Flick atmete trotz der deftigen Blamage erst einmal auf. "Wichtig war, dass es uns gelungen ist, die Spieler verletzungsfrei über die Runden zu bekommen", sagte der Trainer des FC Bayern nach dem peinlichen 2:5 (1:1) bei der Rückrunden-Generalprobe beim Zweitliga-16. 1. FC Nürnberg erleichtert.
Boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge und Vorstand Oliver Kahn hatten das Max-Morlock-Stadion zu diesem Zeitpunkt längst konsterniert verlassen.
Das Führungsduo hatte genug gesehen - und das war eine Woche vor der Ligapartie bei Hertha BSC (19.1.) alarmierend. Fehler im System und vor allem die akuten Personalsorgen setzen dem Rekordmeister zum Start ins neue Jahr massiv zu.
Flick, der schon im Trainingslager in Katar zwei neue Spieler gefordert hatte, kündigte nach dem Desaster von Nürnberg weitere Gespräche mit Sportdirektor Hasan Salihamidzic an.
Auch aus der Mannschaft kamen erneut kritische Stimmen. "Wenn wir bis zum Ende auf drei Hochzeiten tanzen wollen, sind wir darauf angewiesen, mehr fitte Spieler als nur 13 oder 14 zu haben. Fakt ist, dass wir momentan dünn besetzt sind", monierte Joshua Kimmich.

FC Bayern sucht Neuzugang, der "gleich weiterhilft"

Die verletzten Lucas Hernández, Kingsley Coman, Javi Martínez und Niklas Süle sowie der gelbgesperrte Kimmich fallen in Berlin sicher aus. Zählt man die angeschlagenen Serge Gnabry (Achillessehnenprobleme) und Robert Lewandowski, der nach einer Leisten-OP am Mittwoch wieder einsteigen soll, dazu, bleiben Flick gerade einmal zwölf (!) gestandene Feldspieler.
Der 54-Jährige wollte dennoch nicht noch mehr Druck auf Salihamidzic aufbauen. "Man muss jetzt sehen, was machbar ist. Es muss ein Spieler sein, der uns gleich weiterhilft", sagte er. Vielleicht müsse der FC Bayern aber auch, fügte Flick trotzig an, "zwei bis drei Wochen überbrücken. Auch wenn wir im Moment weniger sind, haben wir noch genügend Qualität, um in Berlin zu gewinnen."
Von dieser Qualität war im Derby beim Club allerdings wenig zu sehen. Die Bayern, denen das strapaziöse Trainingslager in den Knochen steckte, offenbarten vor allem defensiv abermals erhebliche Abstimmungsprobleme. "Wir müssen bei Ballverlust mehr Ordnung haben. Die Abläufe müssen besser werden. Das war nicht gut genug", räumte Flick ein. Kimmich kritisierte "viele einfache Fehler im Aufbau. Wir haben noch viel Arbeit."

C-Elf des FC Bayern wird von Nürnberg vorgeführt

Als Maßstab diente in Nürnberg allerdings nur die erste Hälfte, in der Flick sein aktuelles A-Team aufbot. Zur Pause wechselte er beim Spielstand von 1:1 - Alphonso Davies hatte die Club-Führung ausgeglichen - komplett durch.
Flick wollte angesichts der prekären Personallage kein Risiko eingehen. Da nahm er auch in Kauf, dass die C-Elf aus Nachwuchsspielern in der zweiten Hälfte unterging.
Zwei Tage gab Flick seinen Stars nach der verpatzten Generalprobe frei. Am Dienstag steht ein Leistungstest auf dem Programm, am Mittwoch startet die finale Vorbereitung auf Berlin. Die Vorgabe bis Sonntag ist klar: nur keine weiteren Verletzten!ffffffff

Markus Schubert äußert sich zum Torwart-Duell mit Nübel

Markus Schubert wird beim FC Schalke 04 als Nübel-Nachfolger gehandelt
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Markus Schubert wird beim FC Schalke 04 als Nübel-Nachfolger gehandelt
Nach dem Wechsel von Alexander Nübel vom FC Schalke 04 zum FC Bayern München steht dessen vermeintlicher Nachfolger Markus Schubert besonders im Fokus. Für den 21-Jährigen kam der Transfer  seines Mitspielers zum Rekordmeister ohne jegliche Vorwarnung.  
"Ich habe auch erst davon erfahren, als die Vereine es öffentlich verkündet haben", räumte der Schlussmann im Interview mit der vereinseigenen Website der Königsblauen "" ein. 
"Allerdings habe ich auch nicht von Alex erwartet, dass er vorab mit mir über seinen neuen Verein spricht. Ich wusste ja seit zwei Wochen, dass er seinen auslaufenden Vertrag nicht verlängern wird", ergänzte Schubert. 
Der FC Bayern hatte Anfang Januar vermeldet, dass der ehemalige U21-Torhüter im kommenden Juli an die Isar wechseln wird. Seitdem wird über die Zukunft auf der Torhüter-Position beim Revierklub debattiert. 
Da Nübel nach seiner Roten Karten im Spiel gegen Eintracht Frankfurt noch für zwei Bundesliga-Partien gesperrt ist, wird Schubert zumindest in den anstehenden Top-Spielen gegen Borussia Mönchengladbach und den FC Bayern das Tor der Knappen hüten. "Das sind zwei richtig geile Spiele. Ich habe richtig Lust darauf, diese beiden Aufgaben anzugehen und hoffe, dass wir so viele Punkte wie möglich holen", so der ehemaliger Spieler von Dynamo Dresden. 
Ob es danach wegen des anstehenden Nübel-Wechsels schon zu einer dauerhaften Wachablösung zwischen den Pfosten kommen wird, steht noch in den Sternen: "Darüber mache ich mir aktuell ehrlich gesagt noch überhaupt keine Gedanken. Mein voller Fokus gilt zunächst dem 18. Spieltag", kommentierte der Torhüter seine Chancen.
Unabhängig vom Ausgang des Duells mit Nübel steht Schubert dann im Sommer ein neuer Kampf um seine Rolle bevor. Dem Wettstreit mit Rückkehrer Ralf Fährmann, aktuell an Norwich City verliehen, blickt er jedoch mit Vorfreude entgegen: "Ich habe ihn kennengelernt, als er vor einiger Zeit seine Reha auf Schalke absolviert hat. Die Chemie zwischen uns hat sofort gestimmt. Der erste Eindruck war überragend. Und er ist ein richtiger Schrank."

Haaland vs. Sancho: Zwei BVB-Youngster, zwei Welten

Erling Haaland (l.) und Jadon Sancho sorgen beim BVB für einen Hype
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Erling Haaland (l.) und Jadon Sancho sorgen beim BVB für einen Hype
Der eine Jungstar - Neuzugang Erling Haaland - fiel bei seinem Debüt für Borussia Dortmund kaum auf, das andere BVB-Talent - Jadon Sancho - mit einem Protz-Video über seinen Urlaub dafür umso mehr.
Eine vergebene Torchance, ein vertändelter Ball im Strafraum, ein paar beeindruckende Sprints: Bei seiner Premiere für Borussia Dortmund verbreitete Erling Haaland noch keinen Glanz. Ganz anders ein weiterer BVB-Jungstar: Mit einem Gold-Steak a la Ribéry im protzigen Urlaubsvideo sorgte Jadon Sancho in den Sozialen Medien für Aufregung.
Der 19-jährige Engländer, wegen diverser Verfehlungen schon mehrmals mit Geldstrafen belegt, präsentierte am Wochenende seinen 2,8 Millionen Followern auf Instagram in einem einminütigen, professionell geschnittenen Filmchen Luxus pur. Zocken mit vergoldeten Karten im Privatjet, im Lamborghini zum Zoo und Bärenfüttern, auf der Yacht zum Baden und Jet-Ski, mit dem Strandbuggy in der Wüste - und am Ende das Lebensmittel, das schon dem früheren Bayern-Star Franck Ribéry einen Shitstorm und in der Folge eine hohe Geldstrafe eingebracht hatte.
Das mit Blattgold überzogene Steak, 24 Karat, knapp 300 Euro, im Nobelrestaurant Nusr-Et in Dubai bildete das Finale des Protz-Videos, das im Netz viral ging. Und im bodenständigen Ruhrpott wenig Begeisterung fand, wie viele kritische Kommentare zeigten. Dass Sancho, der von Trainer Lucien Favre wegen wiederholter Disziplinlosigkeiten schon suspendiert worden war, ausgerechnet in die Ribéry-Falle tappt, ist bemerkenswert.
Denn nach dem Wirbel vor einem Jahr um den Franzosen, für seine Schimpftirade im Internet gegen seine Kritiker vom FC Bayern bestraft, war den Fußball-Millionären eigentlich von derartiger Zurschaustellung ihres Reichtums abgeraten worden. Doch Sancho, der nach zweieinhalb Jahren in Dortmund mit einem Wechsel zurück nach England liebäugelt, interessierte das offenbar wenig.

BVB muss sich bei Haaland gedulden

In Dortmund werden Erinnerungen an Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang wach, der sich in der Arbeiterstadt mit viel Bling-Bling als Paradiesvogel inszenierte und 2018 unrühmlich nach London verabschiedete.
Erst am Anfang seiner BVB-Zeit steht Haaland, dessen Wechsel von RB Salzburg einen regelrechten Hype auslöste. Kapitän Marco Reus verglich den 19-jährigen Norweger schon mit dem einstigen Torjäger Robert Lewandowski, der BVB ließ sich für den 20-Millionen-Wintertransfer feiern.
Beim 0:2 im Test gegen den FSV Mainz 05 zum Abschluss des Trainingslagers in Marbella deutete der 1,94-m-Hüne seine enorme Schnelligkeit an, offenbarte beim 45-minütigen Einsatz nach längerer Verletzungspause aber auch noch Nachholbedarf.

"Er braucht noch ein wenig Zeit, das ist klar", sagte Favre. Bis zum Rückrundenauftakt am Samstag (15:30 Uhr) beim FC Augsburg hat der Neuzugang noch ein paar Tage, um seinen Trainingsrückstand aufzuholen. Und Sancho ein wenig Zeit, um die Aufregung um das Gold-Steak zu verdauen.

Águias somam e seguem

A equipa lisboeta venceu na noite desta sexta-feira em casa o Desportivo das Aves por 1-2.

Apesar da equipa da casa ter entrado melhor nos primeiros 10 minutos do jogo, foi mesmo a equipa nortenha a primeira a marcar. Aos 20', Mehrdad Mohammad, enganou Ferro e rematou direto ao fundo das redes de Vlachodimos, fazendo o primeiro e único golo da partida para a sua equipa.
A resposta dos benfiquistas foi imediata e até ao intervalo foi tentando criar os espaços para que pudesse alterar o resultado no marcador. Criar espaços também era com a equipa visitante. Sempre que conseguia, respondia aos ataques das águias e com perigo para a baliza do grego do Benfica.
Com o intervalo, a garra dos dois oponentes não desmoronou e continuavam a tentar a sua sorte: a equipa de Bruno Lage ambicionava o empate e os avenses aumentar a vantagem. Ditou a sorte que aos 76', num lance de grande penalidade, Pizzi, instalasse o empate que Beunardeau teimava em negar.
Para não deixar encurtar a distância sobre o FC Porto, era imperativo ao clube de Luz vencer em casa. E assim foi. Aos 89', mesmo quase a entrar no tempo de compensação, André Almeida, diz presente no logo e desfaz o empate, passando a vitória do jogo para o lado da sua equipa.

Com títulos e feitos no Palmeiras, ex-goleiro Valdir Joaquim de Moraes morre aos 88 anos

Saúde ficou bastante debilitada após sofrer um AVC em 2016 e sofreu falência múltipla de órgãos após passar mal; além do Verdão, Valdir também esteve na Seleção Brasileira

Em seus vitoriosos 105 anos de história, a Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras teve vários jogadores que permaneceram na lembrança por incontáveis gerações. E, quando se trata de goleiros, os nomes são vários. De Marcos Oberdan Cattani, jovens e idosos se unem nas mais maravilhosas recordações. Na noite deste sábado (11), um dos mais lendários nomes do Alviverde imponente deixa a existência humana para virar um fantástico personagem à beira do mito. Aos 88 anos, o ex-goleiro Valdir Joaquim de Morais morreu aos 88 anos, na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS.
Valdir Joaquim de Morais passou mal na madrugada da última terça-feira (7) e foi internado no Hospital Moinhos de Vento, em Porto Alegre/RS. Até esta noite, lutou pela vida, mas a saúde debilitada dificultou o processo de recuperação. Em 2016, sofreu um acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e teve seu quadro bem debilitado. No ano seguinte, fraturou o fêmur e passou a viver em uma cama. A morte neste fim de semana se tornou o fim de uma agonia para o próprio ex-goleiro e para os mais próximos.
Valdir iniciou sua carreira no Renner em 1947 e permaneceu em Porto Alegre/RS até 1958, quando conquistou o Campeonato Gaúcho. Após muitos títulos no futebol gaúcho, veio sua transferência ao Palmeiras. Passou uma década – 1958 a 1968 – e vestiu a camisa verde em 480 jogos. Goleiro completo, tinha como principais características a impulsão, reflexividade, boa colocação, reflexo apurado, boa reposição de bola e coragem para sair da meta. No Verdão, conquistou sete troféus: Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa de 1967, a Taça Brasil em 1960 e 1967, o Torneio Rio-São Paulo em 1965 e o Campeonato Paulista de 1959, 1963 e 1966. Em 480 jogos, conquistou 291 vitórias, 93 empates e 96 derrotas.
“O Valdir foi um dos maiores goleiros que eu vi jogar. Ele não fazia festa, pose nas defesas, nada disso. Ele ‘apenas’ tinha uma colocação fora de série. Se o atacante não tivesse tranquilidade, perdia o gol. O Valdir tinha uma presença que espantava os adversários. Como o primeiro na carreira de preparador de goleiros, ele foi muito importante para o Palmeiras e para o futebol brasileiro. Ele passou esta escola para as demais equipes e, por isso, está marcado na história. Hoje é uma profissão. Sem contar a ‘Academia de Goleiros’ que se iniciou no Verdão. A maioria aprendeu sobre colocação, reflexo e outras habilidades com ele”, disse o ex-atacante do Palmeiras, César Maluco.
Ao deixar o Palmeiras, encerrou sua carreira de jogador no Cruzeiro de Porto Alegre, em 1969. É o terceiro goleiro com mais jogos no Verdão, atrás de Marcos (532) e Emerson Leão (620). Em seguida, fundou a categoria de preparador de goleiros no próprio Palmeiras, mas também trabalhou na Seleção BrasileiraSão Paulo e Corinthians. Só deixou o Alviverde idolatrado em 2011. Ao todo, 42 títulos dentro e fora das quatro linhas, além de treinar nomes históricos do futebol brasileiro, como Emerson Leão, Gilmar, Zetti, Rogério Ceni e Marcos.
Valdir Joaquim de Moraes deixa a esposa Yvonne Carvalho de Morais (87), com quem foi casado por sete décadas. Além de dona Yvonne, existem os filhos Renato Carvalho de Morais (64) e Denise Carvalho de Morais (59), os netos Suanny Morais (37) e Danny Morais (34), zagueiro do Santa Cruz. Ainda deixa cinco bisnetos: Bernardo, Henrique, Matheus, Sofia e Thomás. O corpo será velado no Cemitério São Miguel e Almas, entre 8h30 e 16 horas deste domingo (12). Em seguida, haverá a cremação.

Serie A - Il Milan cambia modulo e torna alla vittoria: battuto il Cagliari per 2-0

I rossoneri tornano al successo grazie ai gol di Leao e Ibrahimovic. 

Il Milan si impone per 2-0 contro il Cagliari: Leao ed Ibrahimovic trascinano alla vittoria i rossoneri dopo più di un mese di digiuno. Invece la squadra di casa incassa la quarta sconfitta consecutiva
Stefano Pioli lancia Ibrahimovic dal primo minuto in un inedito 4-4-2 ma nel primo tempo prevale molto l'equilibrio. La partita si sblocca ad inizio con Leao al 46' e al 64' lo svedese trova la rete dello 2-0 che chiude i giochi. 
Finalmente si vede un nuovo Milan soprattutto nello sviluppo del gioco: l'arrivo di Ibrahimovic ha già cambiato questa squadra. Il Milan è risorto?
Ritmi alti in avvio di partita con il Milan che cerca di sfruttare le fasce laterali, ma è subito il Cagliari a rendersi pericoloso con Joao Pedro ma non riesce a trovare una conclusione pulita. Al 5' errore di Musacchio in disimpegno, Simeone scarica dietro ma il pallone attraversa pericolosamente tutta l'area rossonera. 
Avvio di gara vivace da entrambe le parti anche se non riescono ad affondare il colpo. Il Milan si muove molto bene sulla destra con il grande movimento di Calabria con inserimenti centrali per sorprendere la difesa cagliaritana. 
Al 11' Bel movimento di Leao  che prova l'azione personale partendo largo a sinistra ma è decisivo il rientro difensivo di Rog. Ibrahimovic si fa vedere al 15' ma viene Fermato.
Il primo vero squillo del Milan arriva al 19' in contropiede con  Theo Hernandez che da posizione defilata prova a beffare Olsen ma la palla colpisce il portiere e finisce in angolo. Nell'azione successiva però la difesa rossonera rischia il pasticcio: Romagnoli si scontra su Donnarumma, ma fortunatamente nessun giocatore di casa non ne approfitta.
In questo momento è il Cagliari a spingere, ma al 26' arriva un lampo del Milan con una conclusione di Castillejo ma non inquadra lo specchio della porta. 
Le occasioni più pericolose capitano al 30': prima con Ibra con il suo colpo di testa a scavalcare Olsen ma il portiere riesce a mandare in angolo. Sugli sviluppi del corner spizzata di Romagnoli per Leao che, sul secondo palo, sfiora solo il pallone mandando fuori.
Il Cagliari prova a rispondere subito in contropiede con Simeone che è a tu per tu con Donnarumma, ma arriva Calhanoglu in recupero. Subito dopo errore in uscita di Donnarumma, Nandez prova il gol dalla lunga distanza ma il portiere rossonero riesce a tornare in porta e salva il risultato. Poche emozioni in questo momento dove prevale tanto equilibrio. 
In avvio di secondo tempo il Milan trova subito il gol del vantaggio con Leao: lancio di Casillejo, controllo della punta portoghese che colpisce Pisacane e scavalca così il portiere. Rossoneri in vantaggio pochi secondi dopo l'inizio della ripresa. Il Diavolo è in palla e sfiora il raddoppio con lo svedese ma non riesce a concludere in porta.
Al 64' il Milan segna il 2-0 e lo fa con il primo gol di brahimovic al ritorno: Cross di Theo Hernandez, gran girata dello svedese che batte Olsen sul palo lontano. 2-0 per i rossoneri, bellissima giocata dell'attaccante 38enne!

Non molla il Cagliari, ma i tentativi dei padroni di casa è impreciso. Il Milan controlla segna anche il 3-0 sempre con Ibra ma la rete viene annullata giustamente.
Per il resto succede poco o nulla. Finisce 2-0 il Milan torna finalmente alla vittoria

La Lazio suona la decima sinfonia: battuto il Napoli 1-0

La squadra capitolina batte il Napoli grazie al gol di Immobile nel finale. 

Nel match valido per la diciannovesima giornata del campionato di Serie A 2019/2020 la Lazio centra la decima vittoria consecutiva battendo il Napoli 1-0. A decidere l'incontro dell'Olimpico il gol del solito Immobile al termine di un match equilibrato e combattuto da entrambe le squadre. Non smette di sognare la squadra di Inzaghi che, grazie a questa vittoria, sale a quota 42 punti mettendo pressione a Juventus e Inter mentre la squadra di Gattuso scivola al decimo posto in classifica.
Per quanto concerne il capitolo formazioni 3-5-2 per la Lazio con Caicedo e Immobile a comporre il tandem offensivo mentre il Napoli risponde col 4-3-3 ed il tridente d'attacco formato da Callejon, Milik e Insigne.
Match molto tattico ed intenso nella prima frazione di gioco con la Lazio che, come da copione, prova a fare la partita senza riuscire a creare grossi grattacapi alla retroguardia del Napoli. Anzi, le prime occasioni del primo tempo sono di marca partenopea con Insigne, che alla mezz'ora, impegna Strakosha con un calcio di punizione. Poco più tardi è il turno di Allan che si libera molto bene al tiro ma la sua conclusione dai 20 metri si perde alta sopra la traversa. Nel finale di tempo sono i padroni di casa a sfiorare il vantaggio con il destro al volo di Milinkovic ma Di Lorenzo salva sulla linea La prima frazione termina senza reti e con poche emozioni.
Secondo tempo sulla falsa riga del primo con le due squadre che, nonostante l'atteggiamento, faticano molto a creare occasioni degne di tal nome. Le prime emozioni della ripresa, infatti, arrivano dalla panchina della Lazio con Inzaghi che manda in campo Cataldi per Caicedo ma al 68' sono gli ospiti ad andare vicinissimi al gol con un destro a giro di Zielinski che si stampa sul palo. Poco più tardi altra chance per i partenopei con una gran giocata di Insigne che incrocia col destro ma Strakosha si oppone in bello stile. Dal possibile vantaggio del Napoli a quello della Lazio che arriva al minuti 82 con Immobile che ruba palla ad un pessimo Ospina e, a porta vuota, non fallisce, 1-0.
Nel finale Gattuso manda in campo Llorente ed Elmas, Immobile impegna nuovamente Ospina ma l'ultima emozione della partita è partenopea con una conclusione di Insigne allontanata da Strakosha. E' l'ultima emozione del match: decima vittoria consecutiva per la Lazio che mette pressione a Inter e Juventus, Napoli sempre più giù in classifica. 

Roma vs Juventus: The Giallorossi host Ronaldo and Co.

The Bianconeri travel to Rome in hopes of handing Roma back to back losses.

The teams 

Fourth place AS Roma will have a tough but not impossible task ahead of them Sunday evening when Serie A co-leaders Juventus FC visit the Stadio Olimpico. After an extremely unexpected 2-0 loss to Torino F.C, the Giallorossi will surely be looking for a much better result against a much stronger team. Roma had previously been in very good form winning three out of their previous four and drawing the fourth match. Unfortunately, Roma received a wake-up call and their hot streak came to a shocking end. 
The Bianconeri, however, are on a little bit of a roll themselves now. Having won their previous match 4-0 in a rather easy fashion against Cagliari Calcio and have now won three straight. They are currently tied on points for the Serie A lead with Internazionale but have a lesser goal differential. Juve will undoubtedly be looking to continue their recent winning ways and continue to fight to retain their Serie A glory, although Roma will prove a tough task for them also. 

Potential lineups 

AS Roma (4-2-3-1): Pau Lopez; Leonardo Spinazzola, Chris Smalling, Gianluca Mancini, Aleksandar Kolarov; Amadou Diawara, Jordan Veretout; Nicolo Zaniolo, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Diego Perotti; Edin Dzeko 
Juventus (4-3-1-2): Wojciech Szczesny; Juan Cuadrado, Merih Demiral, Leonardo Bonucci, Alex Sandro; Adrien Rabiot, Miralem Pjanic, Blaise Matuidi; Paulo Dybala; Gonzalo Higuain, Cristiano Ronaldo 


Roma have quite the injury list, including the likes of; Federico FazioDavide SantonDavide ZappacostaBryan CristanteHenrikh MkhitaryanJavier Pastore, and winger Justin Kluivert.  
On the other side of the pitch, Maurizio Sarri will not have Giorgio Chiellini and Sami Khedira at his disposal because of their injuries.

Who to watch

This Roma side is full of young talent, specifically the likes of Lorenzo Pellegrini and Nicolo Zaniolo. Pellegrini at only 23 years of age, is continuing to get better game after game. The Italian International also leads Roma with his seven assists. Zaniolo, at only 20 years old has also contributed a fair share by adding four goals and one assist this season. Both are full of creativity and crucial to Roma's attacking play.
From Juventus, it has been fairly clear who their standout player has been this season, Paulo Dybala. After almost getting shipped out in the summer, the Argentinian has proven to the Juventus hierarchy just how valuable he is to this team. Whether it has been his crucial passing or scoring, he has definitely been Juventus' best player during this campaign. The 26-year-old attacker has done his fair share of contributing also, he has tallied five goals and four assists in 16 appearances.      

Match details

This Sunday night clash between these two heavyweights is set to take place at the famous Stadio Olimpico in Rome. Both teams will be set to kickoff at 7:45 p.m (GMT+1) in hopes of collecting a victory.  

Manchester United 4-0 Norwich City: Red Devils sweep aside the Canaries at Old Trafford

The win moves United back up to 5th place in the Premier League standings.

Manchester United ended their three game winless streak on Saturday afternoon, as the Red Devils defeated Norwich City 4-0 at Old Trafford.
Marcus Rashford opened the scoring midway through the first half, and grabbed his brace from the penalty spot minutes after the halftime break. Anthony Martial made it three with a thumping header before substitute Mason Greenwood got on the scoresheet as well, slotting home from the edge of the area. All in all, it was just too easy for the Red Devils, who swept aside a very poor Canaries side on the afternoon.

Story of the game

Fortunately for United, Harry Maguire was able to pass a late fitness test to make the starting lineup, coming in to play alongside Victor Lindelof at the heart of the defense. The other interesting selection came out wide, as Juan Mata got the nod on the right wing over Daniel James and Mason Greenwood.
Norwich, on the other hand, were left without their talisman Teemu Pukki, who couldn’t recover from a hamstring injury in time. That meant 18-year-old Adam Uche Idah was chosen to lead the line, with fans hoping he could replicate the performance that saw him grab a hat-trick in his last match versus Preston North End in the FA Cup.
The game followed the usual script of a United affair against weaker opposition early on, as they controlled possession, but struggled to create any clear cut chances. 
After an admittedly dull start to the contest, the Red Devils would eventually take the lead at the half hour mark. Juan Mata picked up the ball out wide before cutting inside and putting in a delectable cross towards the back post. His pass found Marcus Rashford, who made no mistake with the finish, redirecting the ball into the back of the net.
Even though United would dominate proceedings, it would be Norwich who created one last big chance on the stroke of halftime. Emiliano Buendia drove forward on the counter before playing Todd Cantwell down the wing. Taking the shot on first time, he tried to curl the ball into the bottom corner, but was denied by a great save from David De Gea.
The Red Devils were given a massive opportunity to double their advantage minutes into the second half. Brandon Williams flew forward down the wing, and was taken out by Tim Krul in the area. The referee had no other choice than to point to the spot, and Rashford stepped up to take the resulting penalty, burying it into the side netting.
That moment seemed to open the floodgates, as United would make it three only a few moments later. It came courtesy of another fantastic cross from Mata, who picked out Anthony Martial in the area. The Frenchman rose highest to head home from close range, putting the game to bed in the process.
Mason Greenwood would come off the bench and get involved in the scoring in the 76th minute. Receiving the ball on the edge of the area, the 18-year-old took a touch before getting a shot off that rolled into the bottom corner. 


Getting the job done
Manchester United knew they simply had to win no matter what. After a disappointing Manchester Derby loss during the week, fans at Old Trafford were desperate to see their team respond well.
It may have taken some time, but the Red Devils were eventually able to do just that. They looked much more balanced, especially in midfield. Pressing high up the field to win the ball back quickly, there were still enough players back to break up a potential counter if the Canaries managed to get that far.
Maguire never seemed like he was playing hurt on the afternoon, which is remarkable considering he is dealing with a hip tear. De Gea didn’t have much to do, put he did what was needed when called upon, stopping Cantwell’s low shot that would have tied the game before halftime.
United will also be happy to see their strikers on the scoresheet once again. Rashford put earlier problems from the spot behind him to slam one home, adding to his earlier tap in to open the scoring. Martial showcased his versatility on his goal, leaping like a salmon before powering a header past Krul. Even Greenwood got involved late on, finding the bottom corner with a low shot from outside the box.
It may not mean much in the grand scheme of things, but at least the Red Devils were able to send the Old Trafford crowd home happy for one weekend.
Another rough night on the road
As much credit that goes to United on the afternoon, an equal amount of criticism falls on Norwich City.
The Canaries were last place in the league going into this game, and performances like this won’t do them any good in their fight for survival.
Playing such beautiful football back down in the Championship, they just haven’t been able to replicate that same style at the highest level. Norwich struggled to put passes together early on, and were often forced to boot the ball down the field.
They absorbed pressure well early on, but the defense eventually collapsed as per usual. Bad positioning and careless mistakes at the back have sunk them in the past, and those issues would lead to them conceding four against a United team that doesn’t even score that many goals themselves.
The Canaries now sit seven points behind 17th place Aston Villa, who have a game in hand as well. Norwich will have to change things fast if they want any hope of beating the drop, which means learning from their dreadful showing at Old Trafford.

Man of the match - Juan Mata

Many have been calling for him to leave the club, but this game showed just how much Juan Mata has left to offer at Old Trafford.
Playing out of his preferred central position, the diminutive Spainard was instead utilized on the right wing. His lack of pace usually means he’s exposed out wide, but since Norwich were sitting back and absorbing pressure, this meant more time of the ball for Mata.
He created the opening goal of the contest pretty much on his own, creating space before putting in a cross that was so good Rashford had no other choice than to convert from close range. 
Mata made a similar impact for the third goal as well, coming to collect a short corner and quickly whipping another superb ball into the area. Martial did well to attack it and head it into the back of the net, but he wouldn’t have had a chance if the Spainard didn’t put it into such a great area.
In a team full of speedsters who like to counter, Mata brings something different to this United team with his technical ability. That becomes especially crucial when up against a team parking the bus, and Mata’s masterclass versus Norwich proved there’s plenty of reason to keep him on the team. 

Tottenham 0-1 Liverpool: Spurs tale comes full circle as Liverpool's grip on title grows

Firmino's goal proved decisive as Liverpool bagged yet another win on their first visit to the Tottenham Hotspur stadium. 

Tottenham Hotspur will forever be embedded in Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool story. 
The script has now come full circle.

Spurs story comes full circle as Liverpool's transformation is clear 

A transformation that stemmed from a chastening 4-1 defeat at Wembley back in October 2017, it seems fitting that the Reds marked the best start ever made in English football history with a 1-0 win against the same opponent on their inaugural visit to the Tottenham Hotspur stadium. 
Following the 4-1 defeat over two years ago, Liverpool were ninth in the table, seven points behind Spurs in third after nine games having conceded sixteen goals - their worst record since 1965. 
The contrasting trajectory of both clubs since could not have been clearer. 
Indeed, in the years since Liverpool have lost just four of the 87 league games played, while Tottenham have lost 26 from 88. 
The Reds have not lost a league game for 373 days. Spurs have lost fifteen of out of 38 in the same time. 
It wasn’t pretty for Liverpool at times – few would’ve expected it to be - but Klopp’s side once again showed the depth of their qualities, digging deep to get themselves over the line and cement their position at the Premier League summit, with sixteen points now separating them from second-placed Leicester. 
The depth of their armour is precisely what’s put them in such a dominant position with their own destiny in their hands. 
Indeed, Saturday's win was a perfect collaboration of dominance and determination, with the Reds boasting 70 percent of possession  for 70 minutes before digging deep to see out a late surge from Mourinho's  side. 
20 wins and 1 draw now marks the best ever start made in the first 21 games across Europe’s top five leagues. 
Another win, another record broken. Klopp’s side may remain tight lipped on the Premier League title, but their grip on the elusive prize continues to grow tighter. 

The Reds continue to find a way through as Mourinho's bus breached 

The opening half hour was played to Mourinho’s symphony; every Spurs player was parked inside their own half as he tasked Liverpool with the challenge of breaking down his double decker bus – a tactic that has delivered fruitful rewards in the past. 
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, included in the starting lineup ahead of Adam Lallana, would come closest, with his fierce drive cannoning off the post following bright play by Roberto Firmino, as Liverpool looked like the home side, holding 81% of possession inside the opening 20 minutes. 
In the past you would’ve been forgiven for wondering whether Liverpool would find a way through after a stalemate on the half hour mark. 
This season though, the Reds have made it a certainty, quashing all doubt over their ability to bulldoze their way to goal. 
They always find a way through the door, no matter the obstacle. 
This time Roberto Firmino would be the one to sprinkle the magic dust.
Jordan Henderson embodied Liverpool’s hunger in the build-up, getting in ahead of Dele Alli to win possession before playing it to Mohamed Salah, who did well to stave off pressure from the Spurs defence before slotting in Firmino. 
From there, it was all about the Brazilian’s first touch, which took Tanganga out of the game, gifting him the room to power a low shot into the bottom corner as Mourinho’s bus was breached.
Spurs were forced to show more attacking intent from then on and weren’t shy of chances as Son Heung-Min blazed a glorious chance over the bar before Giovani Lo Celso somehow failed to convert at the back post. 
However, Klopp’s side dug deep in the final twenty to repel their advances, and while it was far less comfortable than the German would’ve hoped, the outcome remained the same for the league leaders. 
Another away ground boxed off, another three points to take back to Merseyside. 
Another step closer to the promised land.