quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2020

Bundesliga: FCB: Martinez zurück in die Heimat?

Javi Martinez steht wohl mit einem spanischen Klub in Kontakt. Der Entdecker von David Alaba hat über dessen Wechsel zum FC Bayern gesprochen. Außerdem hat Jerome Boateng kein Verständnis für seine Geldstrafe. Alle News und Gerüchte zu den Münchnern gibt es hier.

FC Bayern: Martinez vor Rückkehr in die Heimat?

Die Gerüchte um eine mögliche Rückkehr von Javi Martinez zu seinem Heimatverein Athletic Bilbao nehmen wieder Fahrt auf: Nach Informationen von Sky Sport laufen aktuell Verhandlungen zwischen den Beratern von Martinez und Athletic-Präsident Aitor Elizegi.
Dieser soll sich für eine Verpflichtung des Defensivspielers stark machen, während es innerhalb des Vereins auch andere Stimmen gibt. Der Grund: Martinez könnte die Spielzeit von Eigengewächs Inai Nunez reduzieren und dessen Entwicklung hemmen. Im Oktober des vergangenen Jahres stand auch ein Tauschgeschäft von Martinez und Nunez im Raum, da die Bayern-Verantwortlichen nach Informationen von SPOX und von den Fähigkeiten des 23-Jährigen angetan sind.
Martinez könnte jedoch bei den Basken auch primär auf der Sechs eingesetzt werden, sodass ein Verbleib von Nunez trotz Martinez-Rückkehr nicht ausgeschlossen sei. Aus LaLiga soll außerdem der FC Getafe sein Interesse am Bayern-Profi hinterlegt haben. Der Fünftplatzierte habe Bedarf in der Innenverteidigung.
Der Vertrag von Martinez, der seit 2012 in München spielt, läuft 2021 aus. Nach Sky-Informationen will sich der FCB im Sommer vom Spanier trennen, um noch eine Ablöse zu generieren. In der aktuellen Saison kam der 31-Jährige - auch verletzungsbedingt - nur 18-mal zum Einsatz.
Javi Martinez: Statistiken für Bayern und Athletic
VereinSpieleToreVorlagenGelbe KartenMinuten
FC Bayern2321393316.165
Athletic Bilbao2502567020.859

FC Bayern: So landete David Alaba beim FCB

Werner Kern leitete von 1998 bis 2012 die Nachwuchsabteilung des FC Bayern und schaffte es in dieser Zeit unter anderem, mit David Alaba ein europaweit begehrtes Talent an die Säbener Straße zu locken. Dieser wechselte im Alter von 16 Jahren für eine Ausbildungsentschädigung von 150.000 Euro von Austria Wien zur U19 des FCB.
"Ich habe 2008 von einem deutschen Spielervermittler erfahren, dass es bei Austria ein Supertalent geben muss. Der Spur bin ich hinterhergangen, habe mich über alles informiert und dann in Erfahrung bringen können, dass es sich um einen gewissen David Alaba handelt", erklärte Kern im Gespräch mit Sport1.
Bei einem Jugendspiel der Austria - Alaba spielte mit 14 Jahren in der U18 - habe Kern ihn anschließend unter die Lupe genommen und kam zu der Erkenntnis: "Mensch, ist das ein Spieler. Der ist super. Den müssen wir holen." Trotz zahlreicher Interessenten aus der Bundesliga sowie Top-Teams aus England und Italien gelang es ihm, den Wechsel zu realisieren - auch durch Gespräche mit den Eltern.
"Ich habe davon berichtet, dass er bei einem Wechsel nach München im gleichen Kulturkreis bleibt, er die Sprache perfekt spricht, es nicht weit nach Wien hat und Bayern ein großer Verein ist", sagte Kern. Bis heute seien ihm die Eltern dankbar für seinen damaligen Einsatz. Er sei "der einzige Mensch, bei dem immer eingetroffen ist, was ich ihnen versprochen habe".
Unterbrochen von einer halbjährigen Leihe zur TSG Hoffenheim im Jahr 2011, spielt Alaba seit 2008 für den FC Bayern und kommt mittlerweile auf 372 Einsätze für die Profis. Kern hofft, dass der Österreicher seinen 2021 auslaufenden Vertrag beim FCB verlängert: "David ist ein gescheiter Kerl und hat eine tolle Familie. Ich würde mir wünschen, dass er bei uns bleibt, weil Bayern München mein Herzensverein ist."

FCB: Jerome Boateng findet Geldstrafe "traurig"

Jerome Boateng hat kein Verständnis für die gegen ihn verhängte Geldstrafe in unbekannter Höhe. Diese sprach der FC Bayern gegen ihn aus, nachdem er den "Verhaltensweisen in der aktuellen Situation in Einklang mit den Vorgaben zur Ausgangsbeschränkung der Bayerischen Staatsregierung und den Empfehlungen der Gesundheitsämter" zuwidergehandelt habe.
Boateng besuchte am trainingsfreien Montag seinen kranken Sohn in Sachsen. Auf dem Rückweg rutschte er aufgrund der glatten Fahrbahn in die Leitplanken auf der A9, da er auf Sommerreifen unterwegs war. "Ich weiß, dass es sicherlich ein Fehler war, den Verein nicht über meine Fahrt zu informieren, aber in dem Moment hatte ich nur meinen Sohn im Kopf", sagte Boateng der Bild.
Für ihn sei dies eine Selbstverständlichkeit und solle vom Verein auch respektiert werden: "Ich möchte den Vater sehen, der in so einem Moment nicht losfährt, um an der Seite seines vierjährigen Sohnes zu sein. Wenn es dafür dann eine Strafe gibt, dann Respekt. Ich finde das traurig."

Торбинский объяснил, почему у Смолова не сложилась карьера в «Локомотиве»

Бывший полузащитник сборной России Дмитрий Торбинский рассказал, почему форвард «Сельты» Федор Смолов не сумел проявить себя в «Локомотиве».
— Смолов говорил, что собирается покинуть «Локомотив»?
— Нет-нет, такого поворота ничто не предвещало. Переход в «Сельту» стал сюрпризом для всех.
— Вы работали с Семиным, прекрасно знаете Смолова. Есть версия, почему отношения у них не сложились?
— Юрий Палыч — человек своеобразный. Может настроить, мотивировать, завести. Но каким-то футбольным тонкостям вряд ли способен научить. Тем более сейчас. Плюс Смолов хотел играть в тот футбол, к которому привык в «Краснодаре». Там вся схема в атаке была заточена под него. Поэтому много забивал. «Локомотив» действует в другой манере. Федя пытался перестроиться, но душа к такому футболу не лежала. Вот и решил сменить обстановку.
— Как ему живется в Виго?
— Сидит на карантине. В Америке хотя бы гулять можно. В Испании, по словам Феди, все гораздо жестче. Из дома выпускают только за продуктами в ближайший магазин. Или за лекарствами — в аптеку. Если без специального разрешения задержат на улице — огромный штраф. 
30-летний Смолов играл за «Локо» с 2018 года, он выступает за «Сельту» на правах аренды с зимы до конца текущего сезона. Всего за клуб он провел 6 матчей, в которых забил 1 гол.
Чемпионат Испании, как и большинство лиг Европы, приостановлен из-за пандемии коронавируса. 

US Soccer launches "Bend The Curve. Stay At Home." campaign to combat COVID-19

To support and emphasize the advice of medical experts, advise is the most important way to combat the spread of COVID-19, U.S. Soccer is launching the “Bend The Curve. Stay At Home.” campaign.
Using a soccer theme, the campaign harnesses the passion, dedication and commitment of the soccer community to help spread awareness of this critical message.
“Our goal with our 'Bend The Curve. Stay At Home.' campaign is to reinforce to the soccer community that the single most important message to help us get through these challenging times is to make sure people stay at home to bend, and eventually, flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases,” U.S. Soccer Chief Medical Officer Dr. George Chiampas said in a statement. “We hope everyone in our U.S. Soccer family will join us in sharing this incredibly important message to help keep each other healthy and save lives during this crisis.”
U.S. Soccer will share graphics and video highlights from memorable goals and free kicks on all of its social media accounts. The federation will also be partnering with key stakeholders across the soccer community, including current and former U.S. players, to amplify the message and deliver the real meaning to the phrase One Nation. One Team.
As part of the initiative, U.S. Soccer is creating opportunities for fans to connect with and celebrate the sport while safely at home. Initial activities include:
  • Airing classic senior US national team and Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup matches on U.S. Soccer channels
  • Free professional development lectures from high performance experts
  • Skills exercises that can be performed at home
  • Trivia quizzes covering U.S. Soccer history
 More details will be released as the program continues to develop.

Presidente da FPF revela que CBF trabalha com até três cenários para retorno do futebol

Segundo Evandro Carvalho, possibilidades vão desde o Brasileiro se encerrar no final de dezembro, em janeiro de 2021 ou até mudança de regulamento

Com alguns clubes antecipando as férias dos seus elencos a partir desta quarta-feira, já se sabe que é praticamente nula a chance do futebol brasileiro voltar às atividades neste mês. Além disso, com alguns especialistas apontando que o pico do surto do novo coronavírus no Brasil deve ocorrer entre o final de abril e início de maio, o cenário fica ainda mais incerto. Diante das interrogações, a CBF trabalha inicialmente com três possibilidades para uma possível retomada do calendário de competições. Do mais otimista ao mais pessimista, segundo o presidente da Federação Pernambucana de Futebol, Evandro Carvalho.

O dirigente pernambucano garantiu estar em contato “diariamente” com a CBF sobre o assunto. Segundo Evandro, as alternativas estudadas nesse momento vão desde o Campeonato Brasileiro ser encerrado no final de dezembro, com os jogos sendo disputados em ritmo acelerado (com até três rodadas em uma semana), avançar para 2021, sendo concluído em janeiro, ou mesmo haver uma mudança na fórmula de disputa. Essa, vista pelos cartolas, como a pior opção possível.

“Todo dia nós temos reuniões. São três cenários básicos. Se for reiniciado em um espaço de curto a médio prazo, com jogos realizados terça, quinta e domingo, dá para terminar direto. Se demorar de médio a longo prazo, temos que trabalhar com a hipótese de estender e ir até o próximo ano, entrando para janeiro. Na primeira hipótese, aumenta-se o número de datas e ganha o mês de dezembro, até o final do mês. No segundo cenário, começando muito tarde, mesmo jogando três vezes por semana, não se consegue terminar esse ano e adentra para 2021”, explicou Evandro.

“Há ainda um terceiro cenário, que é o pior para os clubes, para a televisão e para a CBF. Seria começar tão tarde que mesmo entrando em dezembro e janeiro não daria para terminar. Com isso, seria preciso reduzir o número de rodadas. Essa hipótese é a que menos interessa a todos”, completou. “O que a gente está fazendo nesse momento é criar cenários. Tudo depende de quando vamos reiniciar. Se for em maio, ótimo. Se for em agosto paciência. E se for para setembro, aí realmente complica.”

No entanto, mesmo diante de tantas incertezas e um calendário já comprometido, o presidente da Federação Pernambucana voltou a enfatizar que os estaduais serão concluídos “de todo jeito”. Isso porque o dirigente alega que tratam-se de competições classificatórias. 

“Os estaduais precisam terminar. Se um clube não tiver cumprido o estadual, tecnicamente e estatutariamente ele está impedido de jogar qualquer competição nacional. O Sport, por exemplo, não poderia jogar a Série A se não jogar o estadual. Além disso, o estadual garante vagas na Copa do Brasil e na Série D. Não podemos perder essas vagas”, concluiu Evandro. 

'Difficult to see Serie A resume before summer'

A leading epidemiologist running one of Italy’s coronavirus taskforces warns it is “difficult” to see sport resume in Italy before the summer, although self-isolation prevented “tens of thousands more deaths.”
The pandemic seems to have reached its peak already in Italy, with the number of new cases, deaths and intensive care requirements slowing down significantly over the last few days.
“The downward trend is now consolidated, but we must remain very cautious, because the epidemic behaved differently in various regions, starting in different timeframes,” Professor Pier Luigi Lopalco told TMW Radio.
“An important period is still ahead of us and we’ve got to grit our teeth to get through it. The first wave has not yet passed and until we get a vaccine, we won’t be able to do all the things we did before this started. Work on a vaccine is incessant, but it’ll be several months before it could be available.
“Self-isolation and social distancing measures made an enormous impact on reducing the spread of the virus. If we didn’t have those measures in place, there would’ve been many more deaths and positive cases. We are talking about tens of thousands more.”
FIGC President Gabriele Gravina said today that the idea was to resume Serie A football around May 20, although likely without a crowd present. Does that seem plausible?
“I think that’s going to be difficult,” replied Professor Lopalco, who is the chief of the Puglia regional taskforce against coronavirus.
“It’s true that professional football players are young and healthy, but a team sport means close contact. Before taking any decision, we must evaluate the risks. If sport does resume, it must be at minimal risk for everyone.”

Godin: 'Lautaro like Suarez or Aguero'

Diego Godin has given the highest praise to his Inter teammate Lautaro Martinez. “He has something of Luis Suarez and Sergio Aguero about him, showing skills of players with 10-15 years more experience.”
The 22-year-old Argentina international scored 16 goals in 31 competitive games for Inter this season, including five in six Champions League matches.
“He has something of Luis Suarez and Sergio Aguero about him,” defender Godin told ESPN.
“Lautaro is learning to use his body, to play with his back to goal. He is powerful, has a strong physique. He’s already confident, but that belief is growing with every game.
“He shows skills and does things of players with 10-15 years more experience.”
Barcelona have made no secret of their interest in Lautaro Martinez, so Godin was asked for comparisons with his former Atletico Madrid teammate Antoine Griezmann.
“They have different characteristics, but you can make parallels in terms of their age and potential.”

Juventus prepara oferta milionária por Gabriel Jesus, aponta jornal

(Foto: Oli Scarff/AFP)

Depois de ser eleito por Luca Toni como o parceiro ideal para Cristiano Ronaldo, Gabriel Jesus pode estar próximo de vestir a camiseta da Juventus. Segundo informações do jornal Manchester Evening, o City busca reformular o setor ofensivo, e o brasileiro está na lista.

Ainda de acordo com o periódico britânico, a Juve deve desembolsar algo em torno de R$ 440 milhões para contratá-lo em definitivo.

Desde 2017 jogando no futebol europeu, Gabriel Jesus vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço no City e, por consequência, na Seleção Brasileira. O camiseta 9 tem contrato junto ao time de Manchester até 2023.

Depois de ser personagem importante na primeira conquista de um Brasileirão pelo Palmeiras desde 1994, Gabriel foi escolhido a dedo por Pep Guardiola. Pelo clube inglês, o atacante já disputou 138 partidas, marcando 63 gols e dando 25 assistências. Com a canarinho, Jesus é o principal artilheiro da era Tite.

UEFA relax FFP rules after shutdown

UEFA have announced an easing of the Financial Fair Play rules during the “current exceptional circumstances” of the coronavirus shutdown.
In their statement, which followed a conference call between the 55 member associations on Wednesday, European football’s governing body also suspended the upcoming planned international men’s and women’s games planned for June.
The Champions League and Europa League are still expected to go ahead once it is safe enough to resume.
Meanwhile, the shutdown has inevitably put some clubs in financial difficulty, so won’t have to present their balance sheets for the 2020-21 season.
However, it’s reported the campaign will still be considered during the eventual three-year break-even period calculations, so it is only a temporary measure.
“The Executive Committee reiterated its full commitment to club licensing and Financial Fair Play and agreed that the current exceptional circumstances necessitate some specific interventions to facilitate the work of member associations and clubs.
“It supports the proposal to give member associations more time to complete the club licensing process, until the admission process for next season's UEFA club competitions has been redefined.
“As a result of the increasing uncertainty generated by the ongoing extraordinary events, the Executive Committee also decided to suspend the club licensing provisions that relate to the preparation and assessment of clubs' future financial information. This decision applies exclusively for participation in the 2020/21 UEFA club competitions.”

Ibrahimovic: 'Don't know what I want yet'

Zlatan Ibrahimovic admits his future at Milan and even his playing career are in doubt. “We’ll see, I don’t know what I want yet. Something new seems to happen every day.”
The striker moved back to San Siro in January after his spell in MLS with the LA Galaxy and made an immediate impact, scoring four goals in 10 games between Serie A and the Coppa Italia.
His contract is due to expire in June and it’s widely reported the 38-year-old won’t extend it, as he was irritated by director Zvonimir Boban’s sacking.
“We’ll see, I don’t know what I want yet,” Ibra told Svenska Dagbladet. “Something new seems to happen every day. Italy is my second home and it was magical to play in a packed San Siro again. I had missed the sheer passion that Italians have for their football.”
Before the lockdown was ordered, he managed to fly out to Stockholm to be with his wife and family, who did not move to Milan with him.
“Who could’ve predicted this coronavirus pandemic? It’s sad that the tournaments have all closed down, but we have to respect the rules and be patient. Health is the most important thing.
“We’ve got to try and enjoy our lives. I have a family to take care of, they are happy here, so I am happy too.
“I want to continue to develop, but I am not just thinking about myself and my football, but everything around me: my family and my happiness. Football is my career, but there is so much more to my life.
“I want to learn something new, become a better person and pass all that on to people around me, not just on the pitch.”

Govt bans training until April 13

A new Government decree in Italy has banned training in sporting facilities for professionals until at least April 13 due to the coronavirus lockdown, effectively ending the debate between clubs.
Prime Minister Giovanni Conte confirmed the order in a press conference this evening and added a new point.
There will be no training in a sporting facility, even for professionals, until at least April 13.
It ends the discussion between clubs, the Lega Serie A and the Italian Players’ Association over when training should resume.
Some clubs, above all Lazio and Napoli, are pushing for players to come back to work in small groups, or even to travel to club headquarters for tests.
“The only novelty is regarding training sessions for athletes,” said Conte. “We have banned them to ensure that clubs cannot demand a sporting performance, even if it is just a training session.”
Although the trend of new cases, deaths and people going into intensive care have all dropped significantly over the last few days, there is no easing of the lockdown measures for Easter, which is on April 12.
The social distancing order is extended to April 13, because “if we were to ease up now, all our efforts would have been in vain. Once the statistics are consolidated, we will begin easing the measures. I cannot tell you that will be on April 14, because we are not in any condition to know.
“We will then begin Phase 2, which is living with the virus. Eventually there will be Phase 3, a return to normal life.”

Mutu: 'I made wrong choices'

Former Fiorentina, Juventus and Chelsea striker Adrian Mutu confessed he “should’ve made different choices in my life,” including his departure from the Viola.
The Romanian was a Serie A star before his spectacular fall from grace, testing positive for cocaine while at Chelsea and subsequent legal dispute when he signed for Juve as a free agent.
“I should’ve made different choices in my life, but perhaps without those experiences, I would not have been the man I am today,” Mutu told Radio Toscana.
“You learn from your mistakes. My greatest quality is that I am generous, but the biggest defect is that I am stubborn.”
Mutu went on to Fiorentina after his Juventus spell, from 2006 to 2011, followed by Cesena, Ajaccio, Petrolul, Pune City in India and Tirgu Mures before retiring in 2016.
“I should’ve retired at Fiorentina, really, even if I was somewhat forced to leave by (director Pantaleo) Corvino. I felt coddled by Cesare Prandelli, he looked after me and we worked together for so many years. People were so nice to me when I’d walk around in Florence.
“I had a great rapport with Andrea and Diego Della Valle and it’s a shame their era in charge of the club came to an end that way. They were so hungry to win something, but I think the Della Valle era was still positive for Florence.”
The Viola came close with a strong Champions League campaign, which was ended by a controversial defeat to Bayern Munich.
“We beat Liverpool, Everton, Lyon and PSV Eindhoven. We could fight it out with everyone, except Barcelona, who were the strongest in those years.
“I swore so much after the first leg with Bayern Munich. We were winning in the second, until Arjen Robben hit that strike from 25 metres into the top corner.”

Gravina: 'Serie A targeting May 20'

FIGC President Gabriele Gravina has confirmed that “the idea is to restart Serie A on May 20 or early June. Scrapping the season would be a grave injustice.”
With the coronavirus pandemic in Italy showing signs of peaking, Gravina is confident football in Italy will resume sooner rather than later.
“The top priority is completing the season,” he told TMW Radio.
“The idea is to start from May 20 or early June, to end in July. There’s even been talk of August and September.
“I’ve made it clear that I’d hate to take the risk of compromising another season to save this one.
“The solution of playing at neutral venues isn’t a good one, but it’s an idea we’re working on. We’re trying to find four or five destinations.”
The 66-year-old reiterated his plea for the campaign not to be scrapped, claiming it would be a ‘grave injustice’.
“I think scrapping the season would be rather complex. It would be a grave injustice, which would lead to a legal emergency during an epidemiological one.
“Only the Scudetto would need assigning and Juventus themselves, I believe, have expressed a dislike of such of a solution.
“A summer in court wouldn’t be an act of great responsibility.”

Antognoni: 'Keep Chiesa and Castrovilli'

Fiorentina director Giancarlo Antognoni admits Federico Chiesa and Gaetano Castrovilli have received “many offers, but Rocco Commisso won’t sell.”
The Italian talents are hot property on the transfer market, with clubs such as Juventus, Inter, Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester United ready to engage in bidding wars.
“There may well be many offers for Castrovilli and Chiesa, but President Commisso has already clarified that he wants to maintain a competitive squad, so he won’t sell,” Antognoni told Sky Sport Italia.
“This was a transitional season, while the next will be at the vanguard and must improve our position in the table. Therefore, the best players need to be kept.
“Castrovilli is a modern midfielder who can do well both attacking and defending, while Chiesa is already more experienced and proved himself valid in all areas.”

Dybala 'was on the verge' for Man Utd

Romelu Lukaku’s agent has revealed just how close Juventus star Paulo Dybala was to joining Manchester United. “It was on the verge of happening.”
Lukaku looked to be all set for Juventus last summer, with Dybala heading to United in a direct trade, but the deal collapsed and the Belgian hitmen ended up signing for Inter.
“It’s true, it was on the verge of happening,” Federico Pastorello confessed to Tuttosport.
“Romelu, however, had always hoped to join Inter because he was struck by the affection of the Nerazzurri fans.”
Pastorello then had his say on the transfer market in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
It comes after Beppe Marotta and Fabio Paratici both predicted there would be more swap deals going forward.
“It will certainly be a market never seen before in modern times. We’re facing a global crisis and the economic impact on the world of football depends on whether or not the season will be completed but, in any case, there will be one.
“I expect lower prices and more creativity to make up for these technical and economic shortcomings. I think we’ll also see more swap deals between the big clubs.”
Will Dybala be involved again?
“I don’t know the situation from the inside because I’m not his agent, but Dybala seems to be flourishing again to me.
“I honestly still see him at Juve. I don’t think the swap deals will affect him, Kane or the other champions.”
Finally, the representative gave his tips on who to look out for when the transfer window did eventually reopen.
“Watch out for Willan and Cavani, who will be out of contract. And pay attention to our very own Samuele Ricci from Empoli, a young lad whom all the big sides want.”

Após 15 meses e oito jogos, Luan deixa o Sport

Campeão estadual, jogador também teve passagem marcada por contusão

Sem jogar há quase um ano ponta de sucessivos problemas clínicos, Luan está de saída do Sport. Renovado automaticamente para este 2020 por ainda estar se recuperando de uma cirurgia no tendão de aquiles, o vínculo acabou na última terça-feira. A informação foi confirmada junto ao executivo de futebol, Lucas Drubscky. Via redes sociais, o jogador comunicou a saída em despedida ao clube. Com a camisa rubro-negra, foram apenas oito partidas e três gols marcados.

“Quero agradecer em vestir essa camisa gigante e também aos meus companheiros. Infelizmente já não faço mais parte do clube, nem sempre é do jeito que queremos e pensamos. Mas ficam marcadas as pessoas realmente de bem que estão nesse grupo”, iniciou Luan em publicação no Instagram.

“Obrigado aos roupeiros, as tias da cozinha, os amigos que cortam as gramas, os fisioterapeutas, os preparadores físicos, os que fazem as limpezas e a todos os jogadores. Deus abençoe vocês, Sport e essa torcida apaixonada que é fora do normal”, concluiu.

Luan chegou ao Sport no início do ano passado e virou titular do time no campeonato pernambucano, sendo peça importante no título estadual. No entanto, a finalíssima contra o Náutico, na Ilha do Retiro, no dia 21 de abril, foi a oitava e última partida do atacante pelo Leão. Ali, sofreu uma lesão no tendão de aquiles, onde o clube, inicialmente, tentou um tratamento conservador, mas em seguida foi preciso a realização de uma cirurgia, que ocorreu em setembro - na ocasião, fez também um procedimento cirúrgico no ombro.

O vínculo de Luan com o Sport iria até o fim do ano passado, mas por ainda estar em tratamento foi renovado automaticamente até março deste ano. Em recuperação, o atacante voltou a sentir dores e foi liberado pelo Sport para se consultar com seu médico particular em São Paulo, onde foi constatada a necessidade de uma nova cirurgia para retirada de uma âncora, feita em fevereiro. 

Edno Melo detalha abatimento de valores relacionados à venda de Thiago para Flamengo

Segundo o presidente do Náutico, além de pendências pela transferência do meia Vinícius Pacheco, também foram destinados valores para pagar dívidas

Em balanço divulgado nesta quarta-feira, o Flamengo detalhou suas finanças no ano de 2019, incluindo neste documento os valores da compra do atacante Thiago por poucos mais de R$ 4,9 milhões, valor abaixo dos R$ 7 milhões que foram especulados na época do fechamento do negócio. Procurado pela reportagem do Diario de Pernambuco, o presidente do Náutico, Edno Melo, revelou quais as circunstâncias que influenciaram para a diminuição do valor recebido pelo Alvirrubro. 

De acordo com o mandatário, o negócio foi feito em Euro e devido a desvalorização do real em relação da moeda da comunidade européia, o valor acabou sendo achatado. Além disso, parte do valor também foi destinado para pagar dívidas. A primeira foi o abatimento de débito que o Náutico possuía com o clube carioca pelo meia Vinicius Pacheco, que passou pelo clube pernambucano em 2013. A segunda questão que foi resolvida foi o pagamento de causa à Agência 90 minutos, que representava o meia Daniel “Chuck” González, que atuou pelo Timbu em 2019. O mandatário Timbu não entrou em detalhes sobre o valor de cada dívida.

“Não foi só por isso (débito por Vinícius Pacheco). Na época que vendemos Thiago, o Euro era mais barato que agora, quase um real mais barato. Além disso, parte do valor foi destinado para o pagamento de uma causa com a Agência 90 minutos (que agenciava o meia Daniel “Chuck” González”, explicou.

Mesmo com a redução do valor, a transação segue sendo a maior da história do Náutico, pois supera os R$ 4,5 milhões pagos pelo Granada-ESP para a contratação do lateral Douglas Santos. Thiago foi a terceira venda milionária do Náutico na temporada 2019, sendo todos oriundas da sua base. Antes dele, houveram as saídas do volante Luiz Henrique, para o Moreirense, de Portugal, por R$ 1.024.284, e do atacante Robinho, para o Bragantino, por R$ 1 mi. O presidente ainda informa que o clube ainda detém 20% dos direitos econômicos do atacante Thiago.

Thiago teve uma ascensão meteórica no Náutico durante a temporada 2019. Em dezembro de 2018, entrou para a história do clube ao marcar o gol no retorno aos Aflitos, na vitória por 1 a 0 sobre o Newell’s Old Boys. Seguiu como aposta para o início do ano e rapidamente ganhou a vaga de titular no time, sendo o principal destaque do Timbu na temporada, sendo peça fundamental no primeiro título nacional da história alvirrubra, a Série C. No total, realizou 36 partidas e marcou oito gols.

Presidente do Santa Cruz comenta ajuda da FPF aos clubes do estado: 'Poderia ter sido maior'

Entidade destinou R$ 10 mil aos dez clubes que disputam o Campeonato Pernambucano, suspendo por conta da pandemia do novo coronavírus

Um valor de bom grado, mas que poderia ter sido maior. Foi desta forma que o presidente do Santa Cruz, Constantino Júnior, tratou da ajuda financeira oferecida pela Federação Pernambucana de Futebol (FPF), de R$10 mil aos clubes que disputam a Série A1 do Campeonato Pernambucano deste ano. Medida emergencial adotada na tentativa de diminuir o prejuízo financeiro das equipes, uma vez que os campeonatos de futebol de todo o país estão paralisados em virtude da pandemia do coronavírus.

Em entrevista à Rádio Jornal, apesar de pontuar que toda ajuda seria “bem-vinda” em um momento de crise, o mandatário da Cobra Coral ressaltou que os clubes do Trio de Ferro (Santa Cruz, Náutico e Sport) têm gastos muito altos. Diferentemente, por exemplo, do cenário enfrentado pelas demais equipes que disputam o Campeonato Pernambucano.

“O Santa Cruz tem mais de 200 colaboradores e um estádio para mais de 60 mil pessoas. É um custo muito alto. Para equipes do interior a gente sabe que isso ajuda, porque eles estão em situação calamitosa, com muita dificuldade. Claro que esse valor é uma boa ajuda, de bom grado”, disse.

“Não sei da condição financeira da Federação, mas pelo que o presidente fala, poderia sair alguma coisa a mais. Mas ele está se esforçando, está buscando da melhor forma agradar as equipes. Então, acho que o que puder ser feito ele vai fazer em prol de fortalecer o futebol”, minimizou Constantino Júnior.

Opinion: Rush to finish the season is farcical and dangerous

A look at why there needs to be caution from those that are proposing a speedy return to footballing normality. 

Day by day, the United Kingdom is hit with more people testing positive for Coronavirus and, consequently, more people dying. Pubs, restaurants and any place of leisurely activity has been closed. We are living in unprecedented times. It seems crazy that people are talking about finishing the Premier League in the next few months but here we are! 
Football is secondary right now. Of course, millions and millions of fans are desperate for their beautiful game to return. All across England, from the Premier League to the grassroots, football is at the heart of this nation. Still, while a quickfire football return might seem like a good idea on the surface, very quickly, everything could unravel. 
The fact that football was suspended tells you everything about the severity of this virus. Football is not only huge for the common fan, it is a massive source of income for big businesses like Sky and BT. It is these big businesses that refuse to lose out on income, demanding a solution to their current troubles. 

Financial obligation

While some sources have suggested that the Premier League are looking to continue the campaign in June, Mail Sport has reported that there is a plan for the current season to resume in May. It is noted that broadcasters have a "watertight" £3-billion-a-year deal that ends at the end of July. 
Sky and BT will come under scrutiny for putting finances before health, and rightly so, but it will be interesting just how "watertight" the Premier League want to be with these deals. With the government imposing more socialist economic policies in this time of need, it would make sense for some kind of compromise to be reached. Nonetheless, broadcasters will see this as an opportunity of economic gain as opposed to capitulation. 
People that have been cooped up in their homes for a long time may be struggling to cope. The opportunity to be blessed with non-stop football for a month would be a dream come true. Yet, it just doesn't seem right. 


A festival of football sounds incredible. A whole month to finish the season with a match being broadcast every day. But it isn't sensible. Football players are people too. It may seem like they live in a bubble but they are not gladiators. Their mental and physical well-being is very important. It's unlikely that they would feel comfortable playing games in the middle of this pandemic.
The Coronavirus could easily spread between games or training sessions; by playing, they could be putting their families at risk. The United Kingdom are playing catch-up with other countries. The Government were late to put these lockdown measures in place so it's unlikely that they will be coming to an end in the not too distant future. 
Seeing football played behind closed doors is the real giveaway. This simply isn't right and the only people this is really for is the television broadcasters. It certainly isn't for the fans. Sure, they will lap it up because, by that point, they will have watched every Netflix series at least twice! If it was safe to play sports in the summer then why postpone the European Championships and the Olympics
Of course, big world sporting events will attract masses from all over the globe. That is the major argument against the events taking place. They could put the event behind closed doors but that wouldn't be a good look. It won't be for the Premier League, either, with vessels of atmosphere replaced by deafening silences. 

My opinion

My proposal would be to finish the season between September and November before starting the "2020-21" season in January. Allow the following season to be finished in the calendar year, start the "2021-22" season in January 2022, and finish a month or so before the Qatar World Cup
The idea that Britain will be primed and ready for the 2020-21 season to kick off in August is wishful thinking. Things come before football. Lockdown may have been lifted at that point but that doesn't mean normality can simply resume. People need to find their feet. Families and friends need to socialise. Football teams need to their return to normal training schedules. 
Finishing the season before the end of the year is, at least, a safe and realistic way of wrapping up any loose ends. Beginning the new season in January creates an alignment with the 2022 winter World Cup tournament. The "2021-2022" season could be finished in October or November, meaning that the tournament would not disrupt the English domestic season. Whether or not common sense will prevail is another matter entirely! 
It may well be that the remainder of the season is crammed into the next few months. It may well be that the new season begins in August. Sadly, money will win against almost any ethical argument. What a wonderful world we live in! 

Norwich furlough staff over coronavirus financial concerns

Norwich became on Tuesday the latest Premier League club to furlough non-playing staff in response to financial concerns caused by the coronavirus.
The top division's bottom club will utilise the British Government's coronavirus job retention scheme, which allows staff to claim 80 percent of their wages, to a maximum of £2,500 ($3,100) per month.
"Owing to the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Norwich City Football Club will begin the process of furloughing members of its staff who are unable to work at this time," Norwich said in a statement.
"The club will top up the money received from the scheme to ensure that all furloughed staff receive their usual salary in full."
With the Premier League postponed until at least April 30 due to the spread of the deadly virus, Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur had already begun the process of furloughing non-playing staff.
As fears grow about the potential financial damage from the sporting lockdown, the Professional Footballers' Association are in talks with the Premier League and Football League over possible wage cuts or deferrals for players in England's top four divisions.

Could coronavirus kill off German football fan power?

German football is famed for its vibrant fan culture and member-owned clubs, but as the Bundesliga braces itself for a major financial hit in the coming months, could the coronavirus put an end to fan power?
Many clubs are fearing for their financial futures in the crisis, prompting fresh calls to reform the long disputed "50+1" rule, which guarantees supporter influence and limits the power of wealthy investors.
"Other leagues are more flexible because they are more open to investors...which could put German football at a disadvantage," sports economist Christoph Breuer told DPA news agency.
The "50+1" rule is fiercely defended by German football fans, who see it as a bulwark against the commercialisation of football.
The rule ensures that a club's members -- usually its supporters -- hold majority voting rights, meaning that no individual person or company can gain full control.
Its detractors claim that it scares away potential investors, whose spending power would provide a lifeline for clubs starved of matchday and TV revenues in the current crisis.
"Of course I can look for investors even with the 50+1 rule...but there would be many more possibilities without it," said Breuer.
As iconic clubs such as Schalke and Werder Bremen warn of an "existential" threat to their financial security, calls for reform are growing louder.
"I think it's sensible to learn and to question the entire system in a crisis like this," Cologne sporting director Horst Heldt told Sport1.
Hanover president Martin Kind, who has long campaigned for the rule to be revoked, took a similar view in a talk show last Sunday.
"Football will change dramatically. It is always important to see a crisis as an opportunity and develop structures which facilitate sporting success with economic stability," he said.
Clubs like Wolfsburg, Bayer Leverkusen, Hoffenheim and RB Leipzig would emerge unscathed from the crisis due to their major financial backers, he argued.
Unlike Kind, who has repeatedly failed in his attempts to gain full control of Hanover, those clubs have managed to circumvent the 50+1 rule.
Red Bull-backed Leipzig have bent the rule by admitting only 17 club members since their founding a decade ago, while the other three have been granted an exception due to the longstanding involvement of a single, local investor.
All four clubs are widely despised by other German fans, and ultra groups across the country hold regular protests against both Red Bull and Hoffenheim investor Dietmar Hopp.
For most fans, the 50+1 rule remains an unassailable doctrine, to be defended at all costs.
In a statement on the coronavirus crisis last week, supporter advocacy group "Unsere Kurve" warned against "kneejerk" and "populist" demands to overturn the rule.
"Collectively built foundations such as the 50+1 rule will bring advantages in the crisis, not disadvantages," said the group.
They added that "long-term solutions" were called for, and pointed out that they had for years campaigned for "sustainable economic policies in the clubs and a more fair distribution of TV income".
Yet with the league suspended until the end of April, many clubs are facing short-term cash-flow problems which could prove decisive.
If the season is ultimately cancelled, clubs would lose a signficant chunk of their TV rights revenues, against which the league as a whole has no insurance.
In that case, opening the doors to investors may prove the "only chance of survival", as one player agent put it, speaking anonymously to Sport1.
Most clubs, he claimed, would not be able to survive more than four to five weeks under the current circumstances.
"In the end, the 50+1 rule will fall as a result of the coronavirus."

Ex-Asian champions Western Sydney lay off squad, staff: reports

Former Asian football champions Western Sydney Wanderers have joined other A-League clubs by temporarily laying off their squad and staff, reports said on Wednesday, as the coronavirus shutdown takes a heavy toll on sport.
The Wanderers, who won the AFC Champions League in 2014, follow the lead of fellow top-flight clubs Perth Glory and Central Coast Mariners, with Brisbane Roar expected to follow suit, Australian media said.
Fairfax and News Corp newspapers both said the Wanderers had put their entire squad and staff on unpaid leave until April 22, when the A-League is to examine when or if the season can continue.
The 11-team A-League was one of the last football competitions still standing worldwide until it was finally suspended last week as Australia tightened its measures against the coronavirus.
On Friday, Football Federation Australia sent home 70 percent of its staff as it wrestles with the sudden loss of income.
And on Saturday, Australia's footballers' union threatened legal action against Perth Glory after their players' pay was stopped.
The Wanderers and the A-League were not immediately available to comment.

La Liga concert raises more than a million euros

La Liga's online music festival on Saturday raised more than a million euros that will be used to buy medical equipment for the fight against coronavirus, the Spanish football league said on Wednesday.
The funds will be put towards ventilators, protective suits, gloves and masks as Spain continues to battle against the virus that has caused more than 9,000 deaths in the country, according to Wednesday's latest figures.
La Liga said the concert, which was broadcast on more than 100 platforms simultaneously, commanded an audience from 182 different countries and connected more than 50 million people online.
The 1,003,532 euros ($1.1 million) raised from donations will be used to buy 1,115 non-invasive ventilators, 1,435,000 high-risk masks, 12,595 protective suits and 500,000 protective gloves.
Sergio Ramos, Gerard Pique and Rafael Nadal were among the athletes taking part while the festival included performances from a number of international artists, including Alejandro Sanz, Juanes, Luis Fonsi, Morat and Manuel Carrasco.

Tributes paid to ex-Olympique Marseille president Diouf

Tributes poured in Wednesday for former Marseille president Pape Diouf, who has died aged 68 after contracting the coronavirus.
Diouf, who became the first ever black president of a top European football club, died on Tuesday in Dakar, his family told AFP.
The former journalist and football agent led the club between 2005-2009 and helped build the side that lifted the Ligue 1 title in 2010.
"He was a man of conviction, a man of wit and passion for the game and all those involved in it," said French World Cup-winning national coach Didier Deschamps, who was recruited as Marseille coach by Diouf in 2009. "His sudden and brutal passing saddens me deeply."
Diouf was hospitalised in Senegal after contracting the virus there and became the country's first COVID-19 fatality.
He had been due to leave for Nice earlier on Tuesday to be treated in France, but a sharp deterioration in his health -- which saw him placed on a respirator -- prevented him from boarding the plane.
Moving to Marseille from Senegal aged 18, he was set to follow in the footsteps of his father, a World War II veteran, by embarking on a career in the military. But he soon switched paths.
After dropping out of university he worked at the La Marseillaise newspaper before changing careers to become a football agent, handling some of Africa's top talent including Didier Drogba, who enthralled Marseille's Stade Velodrome in 2003-04.
He was brought on to the club's payroll as general manager in 2004 and a year later rose to become president, "a difficult post, where there were very few men from diverse backgrounds," said Jacques-Henri Eyraud, the club's current president.
"But he fought tooth and nail, and won the hearts of thousands of supporters."
Diouf was acutely aware of the lack of diversity in the boardrooms of European clubs, telling an interviewer in 2008 that it was painful to him that he was the only black president of a European club.
"I am the only black president of a European club. It's a painful observation" but one that "fits the image of a European society, especially French society, that excludes ethnic minorities," he said.
Nevertheless fans at the Velodrome embraced the ever popular figure who was eventually forced out by internal differences in the boardroom in 2009.
"Pape will remain in the hearts of the Marseillais forever, as one of the great architects in the club's history," Marseille said in a statement.
Senegal President Macky Sall also paid tribute to "a great figure of sport" on Twitter.
"To his family, I offer, on behalf of the nation, my deepest condolences."
In Ligue 1, his most bitter rival was always Lyon chief Jean-Michel Aulas. The pair traded barbs over the years but the bitter jibes veiled his respect for a "great president" said Aulas.
"I had profound respect for him," Aulas said. "He was a great president and very successful one."
"He knew football, the media, the agents and the players," said Louis Acaries, adviser to Marseille's then owner Robert Louis-Dreyfus.
"But above all he was a man. And a good man."