sexta-feira, 12 de maio de 2017

Neymar threatens to leave Barcelona if one thing happens

There are reports that Neymar had a bust-up in Barcelona training with Luis Enrique’s assistant, Juan Carlos Unzue, last week.
Undue is said to have criticised Neymar for his attitude, something that didn’t sit too well with the Brazilian.
"If you continue like this, you're going to end up like Ronaldinho," Unzue told Neymar, according to Sport.
Unzue is viewed as a potential replacement to the outgoing Enrique but it is thought his chances are fading, what with his recent dispute with one of Barca’s key players.
Sport also report that some members of Barca’s squad aren’t pleased with the tactical changes that Unzue has enforced this season.

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